Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3376: Ginger home is generous!

When Situ Xiong came to Lingyun Xiaozhu, it was true that the families of other families had arrived.

"Welcome the arrival of Situ's family!" Ji Xian saw the coming person and said with a smile.

"I don't know if Ji Jiazhu called me so late, is there anything?" Situ Xiong looked at the crowd and asked.

"Since the Situ owner has come, then the people of our eight great families will be together, and the time is not too early. I will not turn around. The Jiang family also told the Chen family about it, so today we That is to say, Chen’s business.

It’s too sudden that Chen’s sudden change of homeowner this time, and when sending us an invitation, the words are ambiguous and inexplicable.

The **** family thinks that Chen’s family is embarrassing, so I have invited everyone to talk about it. Just talk about it. What do you think of this? Ji Xian said to several owners.

"I think the Jiang family has some thoughts. Before, the **** family told me about it, but I think the Jiang family suspected that the Chen family was under control. This is simply not possible!" Dongfang Hong's first station Come out and say.

Although the news of the owner of Jiang made him feel very surprised, especially after learning that Chen Hongxing took the elixir and went to the devil to kill the Chen family who had escaped from Chen.

Moreover, Jiang’s worries are that several disciples of the Promise Palace control Chen’s family, but he feels that this is simply nonsense.

He was seen by these few Promise Gong disciples. After the end of the Nine Nationalities, their Eastern family left with Chen.

At that time, several disciples of the Promise Palace had been with them. At that time, Chen Hongyuan and his son, Oriental Feibai, also had a lot of conversations with several Promise Palaces. It seems that everyone's relationship is not bad.

Now Jiang is suspected that these people have controlled Chen, and it is obviously too unreasonable.

He even thinks that the news of Jiang Wuya is true. After all, Jiang Wuya said that Cheng Yu was too horrible.

He may not know which of those few people is Cheng Yu, but he knows that no one of them can have such a terrible strength.

"I don't think so. The worry of Jiang's family is not unreasonable. After all, this is really too sudden. Besides, especially the Promise of the Promise, if there is such a big style, even Chen Tianxing must He squats, the things inside will never be so simple!" The wind opened and stood up and said.

"I think the Oriental family is more reasonable. What Chen said is such a big family. If it is really controlled, it has already asked us for help, so I think the Jiang family really has some concerns." Shangguan He said.

"I would like to know more about where the Jiang family came from, and whether the news is true." Nangong Chengye said.

"This news is absolutely reliable, I dare to use personality guarantee!" Jiang said firmly.

"Ginger Lord, it is not that we don't believe you, but it is really too ridiculous. I think Jiang Jiazhu told us the person who disclosed the news, so it is easier for us to judge the authenticity of this matter.

If you just find a piece of news that Chen’s family got, even if we believe in you, we will not believe the Chen family! "Gong Sun Mingde said.

"Yes, the Jiang family will not be obscured again. Who told you this news. As long as his identity is confirmed, we have a bottom in my heart. Otherwise, it is really difficult for me to rely on your rhetoric. Believe it all!" Shangguan also said.

"This..." Jiang has no hesitation, but this is the news that he took a lot of money to get it. If he told other people, he would be unwilling in his heart.

However, he feels that his fears are not unreasonable. If this time there is really a big force behind the scenes to deal with the Nine Majors, he will not know if he knows the news.

Chen’s status in the Nine Majors is not high. He can only say that he is medium-backed, and Jiang’s family is not as strong as Chen’s.

Perhaps the next time the black hand is behind the Jiang family, he does not dare to take the risk, because he knows that a Jiang family must not be able to deal with this behind-the-scenes force.

Therefore, he will pull in the Ji family, and let all the families participate in it. In this case, he will feel at ease.

This kind of thing he did not dare to be lucky, even if this time is not their Jiang family, maybe next time or next time will always turn to Jiang's.

But at that time, even if I told you this news, it might not be useful.

So he hopes that this time the three great families, as well as several families, can figure this out together.

If Chen Jia is really fine, then they can all be more at ease.

"Ginger owner, I think a few people in the Nangong family said it is right. I can't verify whether this news is true or not. If you can tell us who the news was revealed to you, we have a judgment. We can't always Listen to your words and make all kinds of countermeasures.

If it is not true, does it mean that we are doing this now? Ji Xian said.

"Well, I can tell you who revealed it to me, but I don't want this secret to be sent out!" Jiang Wuya thought about it~www.ltnovel.com~ This is natural! "The people nodded. They were not fools. They just wanted to know who Jiang bought the Chen family. They got such important news."

"It is Chen Jia Erye!" Jiang Wuya hesitated for a while.

“The **** family said Chen Chen’s second son Chen Tianyun?” everyone was shocked.

"Yes, it is him!" Jiang Wuya nodded and said.

He knew that after the news came out, other homeowners were afraid to find him to inquire about Chen’s news.

But it doesn't matter, Chen Tianyun's appetite is not small, they know, and let them try to taste the taste of Chen Tianyun.

"It seems that Jiang’s owner has really spent a lot of money on this news from Chen Tianyun?" Nangong’s owner smiled.

Chen Tianyun, this person, he knows a little. He once sent people to think about buying him, but this guy’s appetite is not small.

I didn't think that Jiang had nowhere but actually bought Chen Tianyun. It can be seen that the Jiang family also spent a lot of money.

"A little bit of money, not worth mentioning!" Jiang Wuya's face is light and light, but his heart is a bitter smile.

Buying such a thing is not a big deal. Sometimes, in order to get some news, how can it be done without paying a price?

"The Jiang family is really generous. I don't know if it is so generous to our Nangong family?" Nangong’s owner said with a smile.

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