Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3383: It seems like a fork!

"Accordingly, everyone who is sitting is my predecessor. You and my father are old friends. It is understandable that you have such a request. But I am sorry, the owner is not convenient now, so I may not be able to come with you. Meet up!" Chen Hongyuan is a bit strange, these people are gathered together to see his father?

In his impression, apart from the Eastern family, it seems that the relationship with other families is not very good.

Now these people seem to care about their father one by one, but he knows that these people are afraid that they are not so kind, and they don’t know what to do.

"Chen Jia, don't know what is inconvenient for Ling Zun? If he is really inconvenient, it is okay for us to visit ourselves. We will not take up much of his time. Just meet one face!" He said.

However, Chen Hongyuan’s words clearly made everyone doubt.

Yesterday evening, Jiang Wuya said that he did not see Chen Tianxing. Now that I have found Chen Hongyuan, I still can't see it. Is there something really happening inside?

"This is really no way, now even if it is me, it is difficult to see him!" Chen Hongyuan shook his head, sorry to say.


"Because he has been closed, so before he goes out, he will not see anyone, and please ask several homeowners for forgiveness!" Chen Hongyuan said.

"Retreat? But yesterday, did he not give you the owner's token?" This is not even believed.

Chen Tianxing also had exchanges with them yesterday, but they didn't talk about it at that time. It is too sudden to see him again today. This is too sudden.

"My father gave me all the things yesterday, so when the handover ceremony of the homeowner ended, he began to retreat, so there is really no way to see you again!" Chen Hongyuan said.

Several homeowners looked at each other, but they didn't know what to do.

However, they had thought before that Chen Hongyuan would find these excuses to evade, but now he said that Chen Tianxing is in retreat, they are always embarrassed to bother?

"Since my father is in a retreat, we really don't bother to disturb again. Otherwise, we have been in the Chen family for a few days. Thanks to the Chen family, we always have to express our gratitude to Chen. Let us go. Let Chen Jiahong sing the ancestors alone!" Ji Xian stood up and said.

If Chen Jia really has something wrong and has been controlled by the people, then Chen’s ancestors must know it.

Now I can't see Chen Tianxing, and I can only retreat to the next level. It is the same to find Chen's ancestor Chen Hongshi.

"This" Chen Hongyuan hesitated again.

"How? Could it be that the ancestors of the ancestors were also closed?" Jiang said with no dissatisfaction.

In fact, he felt that even if he found the Chen family ancestors, it might not be useful. Since Chen’s ancestors are willing to come out to host the ceremony for Chen Hongyuan and attend the wedding of Chen Xinran, maybe this ancestor has already been with Chen Hongyuan.

However, now that Chen Hongyuan is so hesitant, he feels that perhaps this ancestor did not have a group with Chen Hongyuan, but really knows something.

"That's not there, but Hong Xing's ancestors have been working for me for these trivial things these days. I just went back to the back of the mountain after I was happy to host the big marriage, so we are going to bother him now, I am afraid it is not too good. Ok!" Chen Hongyuan said in a dilemma.

"This" Chen Hongyuan said that it is equivalent to rejecting them.

They don't really believe Chen Hongyuan's words now, but after all, it is Chen's territory. After all, people say that there is no time. Can they still be strong enough to find someone?

"Hongyuan Yinxian, you tell me the truth, Chen family is not something?" But Dongfanghong could not help it.

He also felt that the current situation was a bit wrong. The people they wanted to see could not be seen at all, which is obviously not reasonable.

Others have a tight heart, and Dongfang Hong is so anxious. Now it is so straightforward to say, what if Chen Hongyuan has killed them?

Of course, they don't think that Chen Hongyuan can kill them, but they worry that Chen Hongyuan will start with them afterwards. That would be a bad thing.

After all, a force that even Chen’s family can control is definitely not something that they can stop.

Although they go out to prevent accidents, they also have some precautions, but now in the Chen family, these defenses may not be able to work.

"What is the meaning of Shi Shu? Is my Chen family looking very bad now?" Chen Hongyuan asked with a puzzled look.

In the eyes of everyone, Chen Hongyuan’s expression is clearly installed, but for Chen Hongyuan, there are some real doubts.

Did they think that Chen’s family had an accident this time?

However, now that the outside of the hall is full of enthusiasm, joy, and excitement, there is nowhere to see Chen’s accident. Where do they see Chen’s accident?

"If Chen has nothing to do, then you will be called out, I don't believe he has been closed!" Dongfang Hong can ignore so much.

I have been dealing with Chen for so many years, and I know that Chen Tianxing is definitely not such a strange person. Yesterday was still good, but today I am closed, and the homes of their eight families are here, so the sudden retreat seems not very suitable~ Www.ltnovel.com~ Even if he has already retired, it is impossible to retreat so soon!

"Hong Shu, I don't talk to a few seniors as the head of the family. I will tell the truth as a younger person. I am really retreating. Now I really can't see you!" Chen Hongyuan said helplessly.

He is both laughing and helpless. He really doesn't know where these people are from their family.

"Then I ask you, is Cheng Yu of the Promise Palace in Chen's family?" Dongfanghong didn't want to sell any more.

If Chen Jiazhen is in trouble, it is impossible for Chen Hongyuan to tell the truth himself. Even if he tears his face, he must know the truth!

"Cheng Yu? That's right!" Dongfanghong looked at Situ Xiong, then nodded.

He didn't understand how Dongfanghong suddenly turned Cheng Yu into it, but he was very surprised. How did Dongfanghong know Cheng Yu, is Dongfang Feibai said?

"Is he controlling Chen's family?" Dongfanghong once again asked a question that made Chen Hongyuan stunned.

"Hung Shu, who are you listening to?" Chen Hongyuan once again saw Situ Xiong.

He now knows that Cheng Yu and Situ family have hatreds. Is this the plan of Situ Xiong, who wants to let the eight great families and even the nine great families come together to deal with Cheng Yu?

Judging from the expressions and attitudes of these people, there is really this possibility!

Cheng Yu controlled Chen Jia? However, this Situ Xiong really lost his thoughts!

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