Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3602: Advantages and disadvantages!

Although the strength of the Tianshan faction is the strongest among the nine sects, some things are not so simple.

It is not that the Tianshan faction is the strongest force, so they can not interfere with this matter. As Yu Lingzi said, if other sects do not participate in this incident, then the Tianshan faction can not only intervene, but can even turn the pot and turn all the problems to their martial art.

If thousands of forces in the realm of comprehension know that Lushan is not willing to deal with this issue with the sects, then the Lushan faction is afraid of a little status in the realm of comprehension.

Although the Lushan faction has strength, there are other eight sects such as the Tianshan faction. Others do not agree with the Lushan faction, and the Lushan faction will also be greatly affected.

Even if their strength is beyond the Tianshan faction and the Cangling faction, the forces in the world will not agree with them, but they will lose a lot.

Therefore, he decided to go with everyone.

If the Promise Palace really wants to cover Cheng Yu, or if it is difficult for them, it’s not just that they have troubles in Lushan, and there is something to fight against!

"Xuanzhen’s head is really profound. Since everyone has no opinions, do you want to call other martial arts as well?" The eyes of the sorrowful Taoist people admire the Xuanzhen Taoist people, but their hearts are Despise.

"I don't think it's necessary. The other five factions have no strongholds in the world. Even if they are invited, they may not come." Ling Feizi said.

There are ten major sects in the right path, namely Kunlun School, Lushan School, Tianshan School, Cangling School, Huaxian Valley, Foguang Temple, Tianyin School, Instrument Lingzong, Dan Yuanzong, Zixia School.

But now Kunlun is no longer there, and naturally there are only nine sects left. Both Foguang Temple and Tianyin School are Buddhism Schools. Huaxian Valley is full of women, Lingzong and Dan Yuanzong, one is the refining martial art, and the other is the alchemy martial art. They are not involved in secular affairs.

This time, Cheng’s business is obviously an annoyance. Some of their sects have no interest in this matter. Why should they drown?

"Let's go and let's go! Just as Xuan really said, it makes sense. If there are too many people, there is a taste of forcing the palace. The more people are not, the more they say that the matter is not as big as it is. If the nine major factions are gathered together, this is definitely a kind of deterrent to the Promise Palace. The Promise Palace certainly does not want to see this scene!" Yu Lingzi thought about it.

The remaining sects have always been less involved in these mundane things because of the particularity of the martial art. If they have nothing to do with them, they may not necessarily come to the Promise Palace with them, but they will waste time.

"In this case, let's set off today! It takes at least four or five days from here to the Promise, and don't waste too much time!" Xuan Zhendao said.

Anyway, this thing can't be avoided, so solve it soon!

If he does not intervene in this matter, if Cheng Yu is going to make something happen again, they are afraid that they will not find a like-minded partner.

The deliberation of the heads of the four sects is naturally unknown, but for those small forces, it is obviously not satisfied with the results of today, but they have no better way, they can only wait for the Tianshan faction. Are there any news from several big sects?

And Yu Lingzi also told them, maybe it won't take long for Cheng Yu to come out with a compromise message.

Time has passed day by day. For those who want to enter the secular, everyone is a little annoyed.

Many people have been to the world before, and some have been in the world before, but they did not buy Peiyu and were forced to leave the world.

Although the secular is not like the realm of comprehension, there is aura everywhere, and there are not so many monks. However, the secular technology life has also brought great changes to them. Many people are even accustomed to the secular and convenient life, and then they are not used to returning to the realm of cultivation.

For many monks, if they don't need to practice, or do not need to break through, they will choose to come to the world to enjoy life.

However, now Cheng Yu has closed the passage to the world, which has caused many monks to be kept out of the world, which makes everyone naturally very dissatisfied.

Although they do not have jade, they can still enter the enchantment and then enter the secular end, but they will not be able to truly enter the secular world within the process of the world at the end of the secular.

It is precisely this situation that almost every day a large number of monks will enter the law to express dissatisfaction with the Cheng family, and even insult.

It is a pity that Cheng Jia did not pay attention to them. Nowadays, the monks who have already been in the world seem to have discovered a serious problem. Once they leave the world, they will have a hard time returning to the world, even if they have Peiyu in their hands.

Because the secular is only allowed to enter so many monks, once the upper limit is reached, even if there is a jade, it will not enter.

In this way, the monks who are now in the world are killed and are not willing to leave the world, so the monks in the comprehension world can almost never enter the world, which makes the monks in the comprehension world even more angry.

Cheng Jiayuan's first peak!

"Homeowners, since we controlled the secular entrances and exits, the secular monks have basically become a lot of rules, but there are also some testers, but they have also been punished by our Chengjia law enforcement team. The secular has indeed become much settled!" Hu Sihai reported on Cheng Yujun's secular situation during this time.

"Well, sometimes it is necessary to kill chickens and monkeys~www.ltnovel.com~ There are a few typical ones, I believe those monks will be honest!" Cheng Yu nodded.

In the past, various entrances and exits were not regulated. No matter what kind of people, as long as they are willing, they can easily enter the secular.

Therefore, it will lead to the chaos becoming so chaotic. In the face of ordinary people, these monks will not be put in the eyes, even the secular officials will not look in the eyes, which will always cause a lot of trouble.

Of course, no matter how much trouble, the nature that ultimately suffers is also a secular person.

After all, the monks' worldviews are not so constrained. In front of them, troubles are always solved by force. This is absolutely a disaster for the secular people.

Now with the control and restraint of Cheng Jia, if these people commit crimes in the world, it is not so simple to be able to leave the worldly.

Therefore, this is enough to make them have to be careful in the world.

"Homeowners, but now there are a lot of problems!" Hu Sihai said with some hesitation.

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