Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3604: The hand is fast, the hand is slow!

Secular various entrances and exits, just today, Cheng Jia released the first extra-ethnic mission on each task list.

The number of extra-ethnic tasks is not much. There are only three tasks in total. One is to collect the venom of the squama, the task requirements, and when the task is handed, the venom should not be less than ten drops.

The task must be a team of more than five people, and the minimum repair of the team can not be lower than the initial stage of the fit, and up to ten teams can pick up at the same time.

The second task is to collect the arm and arm bones. The iron arm is a low-level World of Warcraft, equivalent to the human infant's Yuan Ying period. However, it can be seen from the name of the iron armor. Its arm is very hard and is a good material for weapon weapon.

Compared with the task of the Biliscale Snake, this task is much simpler. It can be single or team, as long as the strength is not lower than the Yuan Ying period, the number of tasks is also ten.

As for the third task, it is to collect the five elements of stone. This task is not limited, and there is no limit to the number of people and the realm.

This task seems to be simple, just need to collect some stones, but in fact it is not as simple as imagined.

The five elements of stone are the five attributes of Jinmushuihuo. From the mission of Chengjia, Chengjia needs a large number of five elements.

Of course, from the point of view of the task, because this task seems to be nothing, if there is a five-line stone in hand, you can now hand in the task, even if there is only one.

However, the more the number of five elements of the five-way stone handed over, the more the task contribution will be added, which means that Cheng Jia encourages everyone to collect more five elements of stone back.

For example, if you submit a five-line stone, the resulting extra-ethnic contribution is five contributions, but if you pay more than one hundred and one thousand or less at a time, then the contribution of each five-line stone is ten contributions.

Therefore, it is also a thousand five-line stone. If it is handed over in a hundred or less way, only five thousand contributions can be obtained. But if at least one hundred pieces are handed together, you can get 10,000 contributions. This difference is not that big.

In addition, the standard of the Five Elements is as large as a palm. The bigger the contribution, the more contributions will be.

In this way, everyone will try their best to collect more five elements. But where to collect so many such five elements of stone?

That is naturally the five elements of the top ten dangerous places, where only the repair of the base period can be reached, but since it is called a dangerous land, it is naturally a dangerous place, it depends on the personal creation. .

In the first three days of the release of the extra-ethnic mission, Cheng Jia has already notified the whole world. Now, unlike the past, the various entrances and exits are the favorite places for secular monks, because the news from Cheng Jia can be heard as soon as possible. .

Everyone is looking forward to the release of extra-ethnic missions, so these people will come here often to have a look.

So three days ago, Cheng Jia posted the upcoming release of the extra-ethnic mission, the news spread all over the world, three days, I believe that few monks do not know the news.

As a result, the mission deacon of Cheng Jia has not arrived yet, and it has already been filled with people. Just when I heard that Cheng Jia said that there were only three tasks, everyone was obviously disappointed.

After all, waiting for so long, I hope that Cheng Jia will release a large number of extra-ethnic tasks, so that they can continue to earn a lot of contributions.

There is only no way, the power of the task release is in the hands of Cheng, so the three tasks are three tasks, better than nothing.

However, when everyone saw the first task released by Cheng Jia, everyone changed their face.

This task is extremely difficult, and it limits the realm of the task taker. This is a shackle for many monks.

After all, the monks above the fit period are 2,350 people in the whole world.

In other words, only the 2,350 people in this first task have such qualifications. However, these masters above the fit period are worthy of high strength, and even the experience is much richer. Anyway, there are fewer people qualified to do this task, and they are not in a hurry.

Although only ten teams can pick up, but also look at other tasks first. Of course, there are also two teams that have taken this task first. After all, the number of people who are qualified to take the task is far more than the ten teams of the task.

When we saw the second task, everyone was relieved, and the irons and bones were only needed for the monks above the Yuan Ying period.

Especially when I saw that the number of this task was only ten, several teams and individuals rushed to pick up the task.

After all, the task of this task is much lower than the first task. The number of monks who arrived at the combined period was relatively small, but there were too many monks who arrived in the Yuan Ying period. After all, Cheng Yu was not as strict as the regulations.

As for those individuals who took on the task, especially those who just happened to be in the Yuan Ying period, they are still very smart.

Because this task can be single, so the first time they take the task is to find players. After all, my own strength is limited, and it is obviously very difficult to accomplish this task with the strength of one person.

So this second task can be said to be released, and it will be picked up immediately. Some people who do not receive this task are still very sorry.

After all, the requirements of this task are not very high, and it can be said that most of them can be completed.

In particular, I saw some of the hands and feet of the monks in the Yuan Ying period so fast. After picking up the task, they were recruiting the players, and they were full of all of them. My heart regretted it.

Because some people are in the process of recruiting players after the release of the mission ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ results, after they find the players, the task is gone, this will not be angry?

Now, watching someone pick up the task first, then finding the team member is quick and easy.

This is a routine!

"These people are really quick to start. The first task is so difficult, only the two teams have picked up. But this second task has not been come and considered, it has already been picked up, it is really mad!" Very angry said.

"Who said that it is not? The task of the Biliscale snake is so difficult, and there are restrictions on the realm. I don't even have the ability to pick it up. But this second task is suitable, but the number of tasks is too small. It’s too unfair for us to have at least 90% of them, so it’s too unfair!”

"That is, like a task with low difficulty, the number must be more than a few. If most of us can't get it, then Cheng Jia is not fooling us?"

"Yes, we spent so expensive prices to buy your jade, but in the end we can't get the job. What is the difference between you and fraud?" After seeing the situation of these two tasks, many people have begun to complain loudly. Now!

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