Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3607: 5 lines of Lingfeng!

Originally, everyone was not willing to leave the world, because everyone was waiting for the extra-ethnic tasks released by Cheng Jia. Now that the extra-ethnic missions are released, everyone has left the secular, which makes the monks waiting outside are inexplicable.

However, although I don't know what happened, what makes them happy is that someone finally came out, so they can finally get in.

After a series of processes to purchase Peiyu, they finally realized why there are so many people leaving the world today.

It turned out that Cheng Jia released an extra-ethnic mission today.

However, the first task is too difficult, the second task is gone, and the remaining third task has no restrictions. Anyone can pick it up. Most of them have no more worldly stays, and they have got Peiyu and left. The secular.

For these monks, they originally came to enjoy the life of the world, or compensated for their hard work for a while, and deliberately came to the worldly enjoyment.

It is a pity that Cheng Jia controlled the secular and restricted the number of people entering the secular, so they waited for nearly a month and could not enter.

Although I came in today, I found that there are still such good things. They naturally do not want to enjoy any enjoyment.

If you can get back some of the five elements of stone, and put some resources needed in Chengjia, your strength can be further advanced, which is obviously more attractive than enjoying life.

And with resources, it’s not too late to enjoy life again.

Most of the secular monks went out to do the task, which made the secular people obviously able to feel that the god-like characters were gone.

However, because Cheng Jia is bound by these monks, these monks are in the world, but they are also a lot more honest.

Of course, the secular people don't know all that Cheng has done. They just wonder why the monks are a lot more honest, even when they are facing ordinary people.

Even in the case of secular consumption, you will never give up money, and sometimes even more.

In general, the life of secular people is better.

Cheng Jiayun's first peak!

"Homeowners, now more than 90% of the secular monks in the world have left the world, all go to the task!" Hu Sihai got the latest situation, the first time to report to Cheng Yu.

"It's very good. Doesn't this solve the problem of the monks on both sides of the comprehension and the world not flowing?" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

The reason why everyone would rely on the world to refuse to leave, is that the interests are not big enough. Now that the extra-ethnic missions are released, even if they feel that it is difficult to come back, they will not consider this issue again, because they have big deals in their hands.

Since those who stayed in the world left, it would be difficult for this secular to reach the upper limit at the same time. In the past, everyone always felt that after leaving the world, others took up his quota and it was hard to come back.

But now, the secular does not have such a great pressure. The monks between the comprehension and the secular are so mobile that there will be no more secular fullness. These people will naturally not stay in the world and refuse to leave.

"The owner is high!" Hu Sihai said with a smile.

I have to say that this method of the homeowner has solved this problem at once.

If they follow the previous situation, they can only increase the upper limit of the secular monk. However, there are tens of thousands of people waiting to enter the world. If the ceiling is increased, the pressure on the world will be greater.

Especially for their Cheng family, this is too unsafe.

After adding so many places, the number of secular monks in the world will be even more than that of Cheng’s disciples, which makes Cheng Jia feel insecure.

If this is the case, what is the significance of Chengjia’s control of each entrance and exit?

"It seems that they are still very satisfied with our first release of the extra-ethnic mission, or else there will not be so many people to do the task!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"Yes, after the first two missions were released, there are still many people dissatisfied. But the threshold of the third mission is too low, almost everyone can do it, so everyone has no complaints anymore. Really left the world to do the task.

However, I am somewhat worried. If these tasks are completed, we will not release new tasks in time. Will it be like the previous ones, after the secular monks reach the upper limit, they will not leave? Hu Sihai said with concern.

"For the time being, there should be no such problems. Other tasks will not be mentioned first. It is enough that this third task is enough for them to do long.

And for so long, some people are back, but some people may not come back. This time difference should be enough to ensure the normal flow of the secular monks!

If it doesn't work, we can only find ways to release some tasks that are easier and longer. Cheng Yu thought about it.

"Homeowners, in fact, I have never understood, our third task is whether the homeowner really needs the Five Elements, or is it to ease the upper limit pressure of the secular monks, the task of the family deliberately set up?" Hu Sihai's question has actually been smashed. It has been a long time.

Originally, Cheng Yu had only discussed the first two tasks when he discussed with him. This third task was temporarily added on the day of the release of the task, so he did not come and asked so much.

"Of course, we need the Five Elements to publish such a task, or else you will feel that I am so kind? To be honest, the secular is now under our control.

Even if these people really stay in the world for a lifetime, don’t leave and have anything to do with me. Anyway, the entrances and exits are under control. Without our release~www.ltnovel.com~ those who are in the realm of the real world can't think about it, and why wouldn't they have any influence on us? Why should I please them? Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"But these five elements are not good things. What do we have to do so?" Hu Sihai continued to ask.

"Of course, there is a big use, although the five elements of stone and the five elements of Lingshi and the five elements of Lingjing compared to all aspects of the attributes are worse. But it is much cheaper than the five elements of stone and five elements of Lingshi.

If I directly post a mission of the Five Elements or the Five Elements, then the cost is too great. Cheng Yu smiled.

"I wonder if the owner can talk about the use of these five elements of stone?" Hu Sihai is really curious.

"Of course, it is for our disciples to cultivate. I am going to choose five peaks among the thirty-six peaks and turn them into five elements!"

In this way, the disciples of the future five elements of the property can get the best cultivation place among the five elements of the spiritual peak! Cheng Yu explained.

"Five elements of Lingfeng? But this is the case, is it necessary to have a huge amount of five elements of stone?" Hu Sihai shocked.

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