Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3620: Constantly breaking the record!

Twenty days!

Tian Xue and Tian Chen actually persisted in the cultivation tower for 20 days, and this matter was spread in Cheng Jia.

Many people saw Cheng Yu personally sent two Tianshan disciples into the cultivation tower. Many people counted the time, and many people began to pay attention to it when they insisted on it for ten days.

And every day, the influence of this thing in Chengjia is greater.

Now these two people have been insisting on it for 20 days, which is definitely the strongest record for Cheng Yu.

"It’s incredible. The two Tianshan factions of the family owner have persisted in the cultivation tower for 20 days. This is simply unheard of!"

"I have heard from my family before that if the cultivation tower has such a creation and can persist in it, the realm will continue to improve.

We generally can maintain a realm within five or six days, and now they have persisted for twenty days in it. If they count, do they raise three or four realms? Someone said with shock.

"Improve three or four realms at a time? This is unlikely. We haven't even seen a person who has continuously raised two realms for so many years. How can these two people raise three or four realms at once?"

"That is, I want to say that they may not have an accident inside. The owner also said that there are many things to be aware of in the cultivation tower. If something goes wrong, it will happen!" Someone said.

"The family has indeed said this, but we have so many people in Chengjia, and you see who has gone wrong?"

"Yeah! Don't forget, I heard that these two people are the old people of the family. Since it is the old man of the family, it means that these two people are definitely not simple. Otherwise, there are several people who are the masters of the family. Can you be his old man?

Therefore, these two people must also be genius figures, and it is not a rare thing for them to persist in it for twenty days! ”

"Listen to what you mean, the time the homeowner will practice in it will be longer than them?" someone asked curiously.

"Is this still used? What kind of characters are our heads, but it can kill the top masters of the robbery period. In this world, the highest level of cultivation is just a period of robbery, but the family is connected with such people. They are all able to kill. Do you think that our family is mainly in this cultivation tower, will it last for twenty days?" Someone said with confidence.

"It is also said that with the talent of our family, there is really nothing impossible. It is a pity that the owner seems to have never been in. If he is willing to go in, he may insist on holding it for a few months. Maybe it may fly directly!"

"How do you know that the owner has not been in, maybe the owner has already gone in? Or how could he have such a strong strength when he is so young?"

"But I heard the disciples who first entered Chengjia. They said that they saw the cultivation tower built and did not see the homeowners go in and practice." Someone said.

"What is unusual about this? I also heard that this cultivation tower was built by the owner himself. He can build such a magical land. Do you think he will not build one for himself? Maybe the owner has long been I have practiced in such a place, but we don’t know it!"

"It makes sense to say this, but it is a pity. If you can see for yourself how long the homeowner can persist!" Some people are very much looking forward to it.

"Who said it is not? But the homeowner will definitely not let us know!" Someone regretted.

"How many days the family can stick to it, we certainly can't know it, but the two old people are really amazing. I don't know how many days they can last." Someone looked at the cultivation tower and showed all the envious eyes. .

Twenty-one days!

In this way, another day!

Every day, the people under the cultivation tower are full of people. They just want to know how many days the two Tianshan disciples of the family can persist.

"Yu Shidi, you two brothers and sisters can really be awful, so go on, will not really fly directly?" Xinhai said with exclamation.

To be honest, this time he is really envious.

Although he is already a master of the Mahayana period, who does not want his cultivation to be more refined?

His training opportunity in the late Mahayana was not used, just because the location of the Mahayana was somewhat special, so he did not know when he should be the best time to use this opportunity.

If he can also persist in such a long time in the cultivation tower like the two younger brothers and sisters of Cheng Yu, it may be possible to fly up the fairy world.

"If we calculate according to our normal time, that is, it can raise a realm in about six days, they are now insisting on twenty-one days. If they say this, they should almost upgrade three realms. Now it should be in the fourth stage. A realm!" said Xinhe.

"Not so!" Cheng Yu shook his head and said.


"We must know that we let people go into cultivation because everyone's cultivation stage has reached the bottleneck of this realm. So it takes only about six days to break through to the next realm.

However, if we continue to cultivate like them, it means that they have to continue to cultivate from the beginning of the next realm, and it is not known how long it will take to cultivate the bottleneck of this realm.

From the bottleneck of the next realm to the next realm, it takes about six days. So in my opinion, they have at least broken through a realm, but no more than three realms.

Maybe they just broke through the second realm ~www.ltnovel.com~ Now it has just entered the third realm of cultivation! Cheng Yu explained.

"Really, I have neglected the time from the beginning of the new realm to the bottleneck. The cultivation time during this period may be more than the time of breakthrough.

If this is the case, the breakthrough in the two realms is twelve days, and the time they have cultivated to the bottleneck during this period is ten days.

In this way, they really should not have broken through to the third realm! Heart River nodded in agreement.

"But even if there is no breakthrough to the third realm, it is already very remarkable. The two of them are in the middle of the fit, and the other is the beginning of the fit. Even if only two realms are broken, at least there is already a great Mahayana!" Cheng Yu said. .

For such a result, he did not expect anything, but they were able to get such a big chance in this cultivation tower, and he was happy for both of them from the heart.

If possible, he hopes that the two will continue to persist, and it will be a good thing to be able to improve several realms!

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