Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3625: A luxury home!

All the way to the Cheng family, watching all the way to the stunning Chengjia scene, the mood of everyone is very complicated.

Although the time of the establishment of this process is not long, but from this style, it gives people the feeling that this is a very grand and magnificent martial art.

Especially at first glance, I saw the giant peaks one after another towering into the clouds. The shocking scene is simply too grand.

On the top of Yunshou Peak, pavilions and pavilions, small bridges and flowing water, birds and flowers, the Chengjia disciples who come and go are full of spirits, laughter and everywhere, giving people a feeling of fullness.

Especially in the distant square, there is also a towering tower, which is curious.

"Xu elder, don't know where the giant tower is?" Xuan Zhendao asked curiously.

"Oh? It is just a place for my disciples to clean up, because there are ways to separate them, so if the disciples need to retreat, they like to go to the tower!" Xu Changla said with a smile.

The cultivation tower is the secret of Chengjia. Anyone who enters Chengjia first needs to remember where it is confidential content. If someone asks questions, how should they answer them? These are all early words.

It can be said that even if they just ask a Cheng disciple to ask, it will be the same answer.

"It turned out to be like this!" Several people nodded and saw that there were indeed disciples coming in and out, and there was no doubt.

In fact, in their martial art, there are similar places, because many disciples are particularly worried about being disturbed at the critical moment of breakthrough.

Therefore, they often have a similar place, specifically to provide spiritual practice or breakthrough for the disciples.

However, such a place is not a disciple who can go in casually. Since the martial art provides such a good environment for the disciples, it must also pay a price, such as Lingshi.

"Here is the meeting room of our Chengjia family. Let's wait here first. I will report to you about the situation of the family!" Master Xu Chang led the four people to the living room, let the next person give tea to the four people, and then face the four people. Said.

"Xu Jiazhu please!" The four nodded.


Inside the backyard!

Here is the exclusive courtyard of the owner.

"Homeowner, I am Xu Changsong, Tianshan School, Cangling School, Lushan School and Zixia School. I came to see the owner. Now I am waiting in the living room. I wonder if the owner is willing to meet?" Xu said that he stood outside the house of the owner.

Cheng Yu was a little worried because of the snow, just heard the voice of Xu Changsong!

"It seems that they are coming back from the Promise Palace!" Cheng Yu said in the heart.

"I know, what is the situation at the exit of Yungui? Have you encountered any trouble?" Cheng Yu asked.

"Since the family has released the extra-ethnic mission, there is no trouble, and those people can basically accept our rules.

Just when the four heads came in, they caused some sensation. Several of the heads were reluctant to buy Peiyu. I am afraid that the continued stalemate will allow more people to take this opportunity to fight against us, so I decided to take them up the mountain. Also ask the owner to punish! "Xu Changchang said halfway outside the house."

"Well, the special circumstances are specially handled. As long as you can guarantee the safety and stability of the Yunnan-Guizhou entrance and exit, it is very good. You have not done anything wrong with this. You should go back to the Yunnan-Guizhou entrance and exit, and I will deal with several heads!" Cheng Yu said.

"Thank you, my home, I am going down now!" Xu Changsong breathed a sigh of relief and quickly withdrew from the yard.


Will be in the living room!

"This journey is really not simple. From the aura of this tea, this should be regarded as Sanpinling Tea. It is really extravagant!" The spirits of the Taoist people drank the spirit tea and said with emotion.

According to the amount of aura contained in the tea, Lingcha is also graded, with a maximum of five.

Although the three-character tea is not the top, but the use of Sanpinling tea to meet guests, has shown that the heritage of this family is quite simple.

What's more, the top spirit teas like the five products, even if they are themselves, have not drunk.

Even Sanpinling Tea, they will be the same treasure collection, but not as luxurious as Cheng Jia, even a guest will have to send such a high-grade tea.

"The more you can, the more unusual the Cheng family is. Several brothers, do you say that Cheng Yu will promise to give up control of the world?" asked Ling Feizi, who was drinking the fragrant tea.

"Since the moment we entered the world, I feel that this will not be so simple. I estimate that today's wish is to be defeated." Xuan Zhendao said.

In the beginning, he was not very recommended to come to the world, but there was no way. When they thought of their responsibility as the nine sects, they would have to go to this.

After all, so many people from the martial arts have already made trouble to the Tianshan faction, and they are all there at the time. If they already know about it, but it doesn't matter, it is not just a matter of the Tianshan faction.

I believe that everyone will be disappointed with these sects, and their status in the realm of cultivation will be greatly reduced.

Thinking of this, although I was not happy to deal with Cheng Yu, I had to come to it.

In fact, when so many people ran to Tianshan to send, and Tianshan sent the head to be willing to come forward, so for the next period of time, everyone has been paying attention to this matter, want to know when everyone can get a satisfactory result. .

Especially the heads of today's four major sects have appeared in the world, and some people have already guessed some of them.

Therefore, just after the heads of the four major sects followed the elder Xu to Cheng Jia, the news spread all of a sudden. Whether it is secular or comprehension, many people know that the heads of the four major sects have come to Cheng.

Many people are very much looking forward to ~www.ltnovel.com~ They know the purpose of these four heads to go to Chengjia. With the status and face of the four heads, perhaps this event will soon have a satisfactory result!

Although it is said that Cheng Jia’s control of the secular does not have much influence on them, if they do not have the various entrances and exits of the Cheng family, they will be more convenient, not like this.

Every time I enter the world, I have to be checked by Cheng’s disciples. This feels that I am inferior and feels very bad.

And in this case, everyone will be more convenient to pick up the extra-ethnic tasks released by Cheng Jia.

You know, if they don't have Peiyu, they don't even have the qualification to enter the world. How can they know what tasks are on the extra-ethnic task list?

Of course, now is because there is a special five-line stone mission, as long as you get the five elements of stone, then it is okay to buy Peiyu.

However, other tasks are limited in quantity and realm. You can't complete the task and then pick up the task.

So if you don't have the control of Cheng Jia, then it is more convenient for everyone to do the task!

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