Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3638: The means of embracing people!

“Does Cheng really say that?” someone asked.

"That is also used to say that this family is not afraid of the four major sects. And when the first-time family did not tell us clearly? As long as there is a jade in the waist, we can always seek the shelter of the Cheng family.

Besides, we are standing on the side of the Cheng family this time. How can Cheng Jia leave us? The man said very convinced.

"It is also said that every time I think of the Cheng family to destroy Kunlun, now I feel that Cheng Jia is too domineering. Cheng Jialian Kunlun is not afraid, how can he be afraid of the four major sects?

Besides, if the four major sects really want to target Cheng Jia, we will certainly support Cheng Jia. Cheng Jia is good for us, and has prepared so many precious resources for us. If the four major sects really want to slash the Cheng family, it is equivalent to destroying our future! Someone said.

"Yes, we must not let Chengjia cancel the task outside the family, so we must stand on the side of Chengjia. This is the only way we can change from Chengjia to the resources we need!" Nod.

I have to say that Cheng Yu’s move is indeed a good way to draw people’s hearts.

Especially after this time the task contributed to the redemption order, I wonder how many people are excited.

I didn't have this exchange order before, and everyone still had some bottoms. I always felt that Cheng Jia might be cheating on them, or I would just take something to fool them.

But now it is different. They have already seen the redemption resource list announced by Chengjia. This is the real thing written on it.

Only need to have enough contributions, you can exchange resources on the redemption slip.

They feel that the future is a bright future. If Cheng Jia cancels the extra-ethnic mission, it will be!

So in this matter, they will definitely insist on standing on the side of Cheng Yu!


At this time, Cheng Jia’s extra-cluster missions have been for several months, and it’s time to harvest results.

Listening to the report of the people under the five elements, Cheng Yu's heart is also very happy.

Wuxing Stone is the general name for five kinds of attribute stones of Jinmushuihuo.

Nowadays, the extra-ethnic mission of Cheng Jia to collect the Five Elements of Stone is more and more widely distributed, and more and more people are collecting the Five Elements.

Looking at the various attributes of the five elements of stone collection back, Cheng Yu is also getting more and more excited. Because the creation of the five elements of Lingfeng is definitely not that simple.

For his plan, it is natural to collect as many stones as possible. After all, if you want to create a spiritual peak, the required attribute stone is absolutely massive.

Fortunately, so many people are now involved in the collection of Cheng Jia, he believes that the creation of Ling Feng is getting closer.

Of course, time is so day-to-day, so many people have turned in the Five Elements, and many people have exchanged a lot of resources from Cheng Jia.

Of course, these resources are also quite a lot, but fortunately Cheng Yu still left a hand.

Although Cheng Jia’s exchange list does have a lot of precious resources, these resources are very precious to others. For Cheng Jia, this is not the case.

Because Cheng Yu provides the best quality resources for Chengjia, for example, if you break through Dan, the Chengjia disciples can use the best products to break through Dan.

However, in the off-campus task list on the mountain, those breakthroughs are not the best medicine, the best is just the top grade.

Of course, even if it is a top grade breakthrough, it is definitely a very precious resource in the market. It’s just that this Shangpin Dan medicine is too much in Chengjia.

More importantly, Cheng Jia simply did not have the poor quality of the drug, the worst is the Chinese product.

However, in the exchange of Dan, the contribution required for Zhongpin Dan Medicine and Shangpin Dan Medicine is definitely different.

For example, the case of Huashen Dan, 300,000 contributions in exchange for a grain of Shen Dan, it is definitely a Chinese medicine. But if they say that they want to change the top-grade medicinal herbs, then it is not as simple as 300,000, let alone add the granules to the gods.

Because even if it is two Chinese products, it is impossible to compare with a top-grade Shen Dan.

The probability of successful breakthrough of Zhongpin Huadan is 60%, while the chance of success in Shangpin Huadan is 80%. The best of the gods is more than 90%.

Therefore, it can be seen that the gap between these three different grades of medicinal herbs is large.

In particular, the difference between the top-grade medicinal herbs and the best medicinal herbs does not seem to increase the success rate by 10%. Shangpin Dan medicine also has a 20% success rate than Zhongpin Dan medicine.

But in fact, at this stage of the Shangpin Dan medicine, it is very difficult to improve the success rate.

Moreover, a success rate of 80% of the drug and a success rate of 90% of the drug, the gap can be large.

In addition, it is useless to break through Dan's eating. Even if there are two top-grade Shen Dan, there is no meaning. It is not as good as a top-grade Shen Dan.

Therefore, a Chinese product needs a contribution of 300,000 yuan, and a top-grade Shen Dan needs a million contribution.

Although this contribution seems to be a lot, it is compared with the market price. For these people, it is already very cost-effective.

Because in the market, you simply can't change to the best breakthrough Dan, such medicinal drugs will not be sold out.

However, in order to prevent some people from taking these medicinal herbs on the market, Cheng Jia has already had regulations for them.

For example, these breakthroughs Dan, anyone can only exchange for the breakthrough Dan required by their realm. And the number of these remedies will be recorded in their jade.

In other words, a monk in the Yuan Ying period, he can only be exchanged for a Hua Shen Dan. And once someone who has already purchased it, it is not allowed to buy it again.

After all, these medicinal drugs are too tight in the market~www.ltnovel.com~ Even if they call out higher prices, I believe there will be bids in the market.

If this is the case, are they not going to the market with the resources given by Cheng Jia?

In this case, why do they have to do such a good thing, and they can take these resources to the market in exchange for a lot of resources. Isn’t that good?

Of course, if there is such a need, Cheng Yu will naturally take some to the market to change.

Just Cheng Yu, what they need, many of them are not available in the market. Therefore, it is most appropriate to issue extra-ethnic tasks outside the family.

It is most fair to exchange the resources that others need in exchange for the resources they need.

However, the contribution of one million is indeed too high for these people, and this is the price of the god. If the higher level of the best breakthrough Dan, then the price is definitely higher.

Generally speaking, they feel that it is not bad to switch to a Chinese product to break through Dan. After all, 60% of the success rate is not low.

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