Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3955: 姬 家!

When Situ Yongwen and Situ Yongkang came out from the Anhe Temple, they still did not understand why they had to respect Cheng Yu.

Just listening to the father's meaning, this Cheng Yu strength is terrible.

But where can they imagine that the strength of a person will be strong enough to scare the entire Stuart family?

"Big brother, I am sorry, I blame me, I almost hurt you!" Situ Yongkang said apologetically.

"This matter has nothing to do with you, but what is the sacredness of Cheng Yu, and the whole Situ family is now frightened!" Situ Yongwen felt that he was awkward.

"I have already said that this Cheng Yu is not easy! Now it seems that we are still underestimating him." Situ Yongkang's emotions are more and more low.

Originally thought that Situ Yongwen could help him solve his happy knot, now it is better, Cheng Yu has become so unattainable.

Even his father was so whispered in front of Cheng Yu, be careful, not to mention him.

It seems that Cheng Yu will always be his shadow.

"Are you sure he is a disciple of the Promise Palace?" Situ Yongwen wondered.

"I have inquired that Chen Hong's Chen Hongyuan has a good relationship with this Cheng Yu. He is indeed a disciple of the Promise Palace. It is really a singular reason why he will become the young master of the three families now.

However, I have already warned us that this incident must not be passed on, otherwise the Situ family will be killed.

Big Brother, I see this thing, let's forget it! Let's not say what happened to Cheng Yu, but we obviously can't afford him. Said Situ Yongkang.

"I didn't say what to do, I was just curious. You said that you said that Cheng Yu and Cheng Yu in Qingpingyuan would not be the same person?" Situ Yongwen also knew that he could not go to Cheng Yu again.

But this thing he thinks is a bit too ridiculous.

If Cheng Yu is really a disciple of the Promise, he can't be the young master of the three families anyway.

"This... it should be impossible. Unfortunately, I didn't see the appearance of Cheng Yu, or I will definitely know." Situ Yongkang said.

"Oh! Well, we will always know later. But regardless of whether Cheng Yu and you are the same person, but listening to this person's voice, is also a young man, but his father said that his strength is extremely terrifying.

This makes me understand what is called someone outside, and there is heaven outside. Maybe I should go to practice again.

Kang Di, your heart knot, I can't help you solve it, you can find a way! "As soon as he thought of his father's appearance in Qingpingyuan, his heart would be saddened from the heart."

He knows that after all, he is too weak. If he has enough strength, how can the Situ family become so low!

The father said that no one in the Situ family is Cheng Yu's opponent, which makes him understand that strength has no end.

However, he also believes that as long as he works hard, he will become as powerful and even stronger as Cheng Yu.

Because he did not believe that a common monk could reach the strength of his ancestor level.

But since he got the resources from the dead domain, his strength has grown by leaps and bounds, and his strength is comparable to his ancestors.

However, he believes that this is by no means his strongest strength. As long as he works hard enough to find some natural treasures, his strength will be stronger. He may be able to surpass the ancestors of the Stuart family and become the first in the Situ family. people.

With this dream, his heart has become extremely bloody, and there is still a long way to wait for him in the future.

Looking at the fighting spirit that Situ Yongwen left when he left, Situ Yongkang was envious.

This may be the difference between himself and him!

Situ Yongwen has always been strong and strong, so he will become the first of their generation, and his strength is comparable to his ancestor.

But he! However, it was because Cheng Yu was scared, and his fighting spirit had already disappeared. Even the repairs were still stagnant.

"My Situ Yongkang can't fall here, my prospects are vast and the future is waiting for me."

At this moment, Situ Yongkang’s eyes also became very firm.

Perhaps Cheng Yu would not have thought that although he did not appear, he made the two brothers of the Situ family become highly motivated.

The next day, Cheng Yu left with the ancestors of the four families.

As soon as the people of Situ Shijia joined, Cheng Yu’s high-level team doubled.

Before the Chen family, the Feng family and the Eastern family, the three ancestors added up to thirty-five people. Now there are thirty-one people in the Situ family, and they have become sixty-six.

You know, these sixty-six people are not simple. Although their generation is the highest in their respective families, it does not mean that the strength is the highest, but their strength is definitely the upper class in the whole family.

More importantly, the generation represents the authority and prestige of the family.

As long as Cheng Yu controls these people, it naturally means that he has mastered each family. This is unquestionable and has nothing to do with strength.

Compared with the ancestors of the other three families, the thirty-six ancestors of the Stuart family are obviously more cautious, for fear of accidentally offending the Lord.

But for the three families, they seem to be slowly getting used to the days of Cheng Yu, and they also found that the Lord is not so bad to speak.

Of course, more importantly, they saw the power of the Lord in the Stuart family. For any of the three of them, the Stuart family is very powerful, at least they do not have a family to dare to challenge the authority of the Stuart family.

But the Lord!

It’s just a person who easily took down the entire ancestor’s ancestors.

The gap in this strength is simply unimaginable.

The stronger the Lord's strength, the more secure they are.

Especially in dealing with this issue of the dynasty, they are more confident in their hearts.

Now they are following the Lord well, and that is a greater contribution to their own family. After the Holy City returned to the vision of everyone, and even re-entered the peak of the world, they are the greatest hero.

What they got, that is absolutely unimaginable.

The Situ family has just received the forgiveness of the Lord, and naturally they are afraid of angering the Lord, so they are always careful around the Lord.

It took half a month and they finally came to the area of ​​Jijia.

Ji Yun once invited the process to the Ji family, but for so many years, Cheng Yu either practiced outside or was in the world.

There has been no chance to travel to Jijia.

However, Cheng Yu did not think that he came to the Ji family for the first time to conquer the Ji family.

I don't know if Ji Yun knows this, what would it be!

Like other families, after the guardian disciples of the mountain gate reported, Ji Ji’s master Ji Xian took the elders down the mountain.

The same is true, and the ancestors of several families came out, Cheng Yu just followed.

"These seniors suddenly visited, I don't know what's going on?" When Yin Ji heard that the four ancestors gathered in the mountains, they were shocked. They thought that the four major families would attack Jijia. It is.

"Hui Jiazhu, let's go up the mountain and say it, it's not very convenient!" Chen Tianxing said.

"Okay! Please, please!" Ji Xian looked at the ancestors of several families and nodded.

It was only when he saw that Cheng Yu was there, and like Situ Yuanxiong at the time, there were some accidents.

However, at this time, he did not think much, and did not ask much, and invited him to the mountain.

Although Chen Tianxing is no longer the owner of the Chen family, but after all, he is the same generation as Ji Xian, and they have also dealt with it before, so it is more appropriate for him to talk to Ji Xian.

Chen Tianxing knew that Cheng Yu was anxious to do this, so in his conversation with Ji Xian, he directly proposed to go to Houshan.

Ji Xian saw that the ancestors of these four families could be the ancestors of the highest generations of their respective families. They also knew that there might be important things, and that he could not understand one of his heads.

However, it is not appropriate for so many ancestors to enter the back mountain.

After all, he doesn't know the meaning of these people now. What if these people have a bad heart?

"Several predecessors, you are looking for our Ji family ancestors to discuss matters, naturally there is no problem. It is just that you so many people enter the back hills like this, which seems to be unreasonable.

Why not? How do you ask a few representatives to go in? Ji Xian said.

However, at this time, the people of the four great families looked at Cheng Yu behind them, which made the Ji family very confused, especially Ji Xian.

After all, he knows Cheng Yu, but they have never had a positive contact.

In particular, Cheng Yu’s identity is somewhat special, which makes people feel more confused.

"Since the family of Ji said this, then let's go a few. In addition, Mr. Cheng has to go together, Ji family has no opinion?" Chen Ruiyang pointed to the East and the words, the wind and the Situ Dehai three, Cheng Yu said.

"Mr. Cheng?" Ji Xian's heart is even more screaming ~www.ltnovel.com~ Could it be for that matter?

"Yes, I will wait until you see your ancestors!" Chen Ruiyang did not explain too much.

"Okay, please come with me, and the elders will bring other people to the Sword Soul Temple!" Ji Xian nodded.

Thus, the soldiers were divided into two ways, and the people were divided into two groups, and they went to two places.

It’s just that Ji Xian has become very worried and wants to stop. His mind has been thinking about all possible ideas, and his mind has become particularly confused.

"Several people wait here first, I will report to the old ancestors!" Like the Situ family, Ji Xian took a few people to the rest of the back mountain, and left alone.

"This kind of scene is very familiar. I don't know if this Ji family will also come out from the surroundings to kill us?" After Ji Xian left, Dongfang and laughed.

When this is said, it is to make Situ Dehai's face red, very embarrassing!

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