Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3965: Fierce and extreme?

Cheng Yu and his sword broke out. His people were killed by several people in an instant. This sudden change was too fast, and people were caught off guard and even reacted.

"Is this Cheng Yu really so terrible?" Yonghezi looked at the moment with a glimpse.

These people of Mr. Song are even more powerful than him.

However, this Cheng Yu is so young that he can fight so many masters, and these masters are being killed by Cheng Yu. The strength of Cheng Yu can already be described as terror.

"It seems that I really underestimated him." Mr. Song sighed.

At this time, his heart was also a little overwhelmed.

Although he had heard of the power of the process before, but did not see his strength, it is really difficult to understand his power.

Now he has sent more than 70 masters who can't get Cheng Yu, and more and more people have been killed by Cheng Yu. How can he not be nervous?

"Mr. Song, do you want these people to kill too? If you don't take the rescue again, those people are afraid that they will not be guaranteed!" Yonghezi proposed.

No way, he did not know the true strength of Cheng Yu before, but he already knew that Xuan Tianzong could not stop Cheng Yu.

If there were no masters of the dynasty, they would have to escape.

So now the only hope of Xuan Tianzong is in the dynasty.

If the dynasty is defeated, then Xuan Tianzong can only let Cheng Yu arbitrarily slaughter.

"This..." But Mr. Song was a little hesitant.

You know, there is no news from his younger brother.

And it is unlikely that he wants to call him back to rescue now.

It is obviously impossible for this big battle to support such a long time.

So the eighty people he left can be said to be his last card.

If they can take Cheng Yu down, then everything is perfect.

But if the seventy people he sent out died in Cheng Yu’s hands, their situation would be quite dangerous.

These eighty people are the only means by which he can save his life.

Just to let him hope that if you send these more than 80 people to go out, can you kill Cheng Yu?

After all, Cheng Yu's strength is strong, but in the face of more than one hundred of these levels of masters, this is even if they can not do outside the king.

This Cheng Yu should not be able to do it?

If Cheng Yu is killed, then all the crises will be solved.

Just, can you really kill Cheng Yu like this?

He is not fully grasped, but once he fails, he will be miserable, and there is no more power to protect him.

Maybe even the chance to escape is gone.

"Mr. Song, look!" At this moment, Yongningzi, who was supporting the entrance and exit of the big array, shouted.

When Mr. Song saw it, he was shocked and saw that Cheng Yu had rushed into the crowd alone.

More importantly, so many people simply can't resist Cheng Yu, and Cheng Yu is killing people in the crowd. This is terrible.

"Everyone hastened back!" Mr. Song shouted loudly around Yongning.

Seeing this situation, he has completely hesitated without any.

Cheng Yu is invincible, and no one will call back. Those people must all die in Cheng Yu’s hands.

When I heard Mr. Song’s order, everyone was ashamed, and the rest of them were receding like tides.

Seventy people have lost nearly half of them for only a quarter of an hour, and the loss is too great.

Even in the dynasty, these masters can be carefully cultivated, which can make Cheng Yu kill like this.

However, since Cheng Yu has already shot, he will let them escape.

A sword slammed into the direction of Yongningzi, Yongningzi was shocked, and Mr. Song quickly rushed to the side.


When Yongningzi left the big wall, the entrance and exit of the big array had already been sealed, and the huge sword shadow was directly bombarded in the big array.

However, even so, Cheng Yu’s sword shadow still rushed in at the moment when the entrance and exit of the array was closed.

Fortunately, Yongningzi and Mr. Song flashed fast, and the sword shadow that rushed in fell in the middle of the two.

A large, deep ditch stayed on the ground, and even the boulder behind them was crushed.

"Too horror, but fortunately did not hit us." Yong Ningzi squeezed himself for himself.

Even so, his forehead is full of sweat, and his heart is rushing.

It can be seen how terrible Cheng Yu’s attack is.


However, although Yongningzi and Mr. Song are lucky, the 30 people outside the big array are not so lucky.

Without returning to the big battle, these people are like grass mustard in front of Cheng Yu.

Looking at the original companions who fell one by one outside the big array, the people in the big array were all angry, but they were scared and pale, afraid.

"It’s terrible, it’s too horrible. The outside king asked us to take Cheng Yu back, but this Cheng Yu is so terrible, we are dead this time.” Somebody trembled and said.

"Do not worry, as long as we don't go out, there will be nothing."

"Is it okay to not go out? You haven't seen so many people there." This array of methods will not last long, and it will be broken sooner or later.

Once the big battle is broken, we will die. "One person pointed to the thirty-six Stuart family above the big array."

"What can I do? I don't want to die!" As a result, more and more people are beginning to feel uneasy.

No way, blame only Cheng Yu is too horrible.

They used to think that so many people came to the world to catch Cheng Yu but it was only a small matter.

But now they finally understand that the foreign king is not sending more people, but less people.

Their former arrogance was completely crushed by Cheng Yu at this moment.

They thought they were masters in the dynasty, so it was enough to crush any forces outside the dynasty.

But they finally understood what it is called heaven and earth, and there are people outside.

In front of Cheng Yu, they really are nothing.

What they are now dealing with is not to kill or bring back Cheng Yu, but they are now trapped in Xuantianzong, how can they escape from here and return to where they belong.

"Don't panic, do you notice that this Cheng Yu is fierce, but there are not many people who are actually killed by him, and most of them are killed or seriously injured by him.

So even if they break the big line, they may not kill us. Someone reminded.

"He really didn't kill everyone, but I don't want to become disabled. If we become disabled, what is the difference with death?

Moreover, even if Cheng Yu did not kill them, he would not let them and us easily. "But the words of the man did not calm down everyone's panic."

At this moment, everyone is very nervous and scared.

With their current high status, if they are really disabled by Cheng Yu, it is more painful than killing them.

"Yeah, maybe this Cheng Yu is going to torture us like this. Although we don't kill us, we don't let us go, or torture us to death!"

Too cruel, this Cheng Yu is simply a demon, it is not a person! "The more people think about the more horrible, the more they want to be more afraid.

"What are you panicking? If the enemy has not scored, you will be self-defeating. Do you really want to die here?" Mr. Song saw the rest of the people began to be restless and suddenly angered.

He did not think that things would become like this. He was also very angry in the face of such a situation, and even had a lot of tension and fear in his heart.

But he knows that as the head of these people, he must hold on anyway, otherwise these people will be like headless flies.

Although this time caused him to suffer heavy losses, but they still have more than 80 masters here.

Moreover, although the masters of Xuan Tianzong are not many, but the ancestors of the robbery period are more or less able to resist Cheng Yu for them.

Therefore, if the big array is really broken, they still have a great chance to escape.

However, he will not say to these people, especially Yongningzi, they are also here.

Moreover, when it is absolutely necessary, as long as you can live your own life, even if you want to sacrifice these more than 80 people.

After being drunk by Mr. Song, everyone suddenly became chilly and suddenly quieted down.

But looking at the look of these people, it is clear that their hearts are still afraid and shaking.

"Help!" At this time, the last thirty people were basically dead and disabled.

However, seeing Cheng Yu suddenly took out a golden tower-shaped magic weapon, directly sucking those who were seriously injured or disabled by Cheng Yu into the golden pagoda.

"What is he doing? Did he even take those people out of the pagoda?" everyone wondered.

"I am right. ~www.ltnovel.com~ This guy is really uneasy, he wants to torture us. Let us be imprisoned in the magic weapon, let us never have a day, torture to death!" The panic said incessantly.

"What to do? What can I do?" Everyone just quieted down, but when they saw Cheng Yu's move, everyone moved again.

"Everyone is now going up the mountain!" Mr. Song saw this situation and quickly shouted.

He naturally does not understand what kind of ghost Cheng Yu is doing. So many people can obviously kill him, but the one who is really killed by him is one of the two.

Is it true that everyone is saying that Cheng Yu is very ferocious, just tormenting them into the magic weapon?

However, he has no mood and energy to entangle this problem.

At this time, no one can save them except the big ones that have not been broken.

If you stay here again, once the big battle is broken, the first one will die.

If they still want to live, they can only go up the mountain at this time.

If a big battle is broken, it should be resisted by the Xuantian sect, and he can only find a way to escape from Xuantianzong.

Everyone has long wanted to go up the mountain. Cheng Yu is so terrible that it is really insecure here.

"Senior brother, this time we were miserable by the dynasty. We should have escaped from Xuantianzong." Seeing Mr. Song took the man to the mountain, Yonghezi said to Yongningzi in the back.

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