Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3979: Terrorist killer!

"I didn't expect the strength of Yu Shidi to fight with the ancient behemoths. I just don't know if I can fight with the beasts?" Xinluo looked at Xuan Tianzong far away, and said with shock.

Although the ancient monsters can not be compared with the beasts after all, the atmosphere that it reveals is already very terrifying.

At least for them, this wild beast is as terrifying as a stranger.

When they were in the dead zone, Cheng Yu was completely unable to face the beasts. Although they are only facing the ancient behemoths, they still feel that Cheng Yu’s strength has improved a lot.

The speed of this kind of strength improvement is really terrible, and even feels more terrifying than the horrible strength of the ancient monsters.

For Cheng Yu, he seems to be able to improve the strength of each other.

Therefore, even if they are the closest people around Cheng Yu, they can not fully estimate the true strength of Cheng Yu.

"I am used to it anyway. In my opinion, there is no difference between this ancient dragon and the beast. Maybe now, even if you don't use the secret method, you can live against the beast!" The expression of the heart is dull, it seems I have been used to such things.

"If Yu's strength is really comparable to the beast, then we don't have to worry about the dynasty. This is definitely a good thing.

It’s just that this ancient dragon is not a vegetarian. I don’t know if Yu Shidi can defeat it. Said Xin Luo.

"What are you in a hurry? Anyway, the people of Xuantianzong do not dare to come out, as long as we are in the Xuantianzong, blocking them in Xuantianzong. No matter when Cheng Yu and the battle of this ancient dragon are over, it doesn't matter!" Said the sea.

"I am not in a hurry, but there is some worry. The strength of Yu Shidi is really amazing, but this ancient dragon has not shown signs of defeat. In this case, Yu Shidi is in danger.

In case the time of this ancient dragon is longer than Yu’s younger brother, it will be troublesome! "Xin Luo worried.

"Do not worry, Yu Shidi is far smarter than us. If he can't support this ancient dragon, he will definitely find a way to get out." Xinhe said.

"You, are we going to retreat a distance now? If the Cheng brothers see us not far away, so we can't get out now, then we are not hurting him?" The oriental flying white sees one person and one dragon fights, my heart Both excited and worried.

Although Cheng Yu's strength is exciting, but his opponent is a wild dragon after all, I will inevitably have some concerns.

In the case of Cheng Yudou, but this ancient dragon, they are very dangerous.

If they are far away from the battle circle, then Cheng Yu will be able to let go of the battle, so that not only is the fighting power stronger.

Even if Cheng Yu knows that he can't fight, he can withdraw from the battle in time, without worrying that the ancient dragon will threaten them and support them.

"We can't go back. Xuantianzong is too big, and our people are limited. Now it is barely enough to surround Xuantianzong."

If we expand the circle again, then even if someone really rushes out from Xuantianzong, we may not be able to control such a large area! "But I haven't waited for other people to talk, and Situ Dehai, who is on the side, spoke first.

"But in this case, the Cheng brothers are afraid that because we are too close, we can't let go and fight," said Fang Feibai.

"Should not, I see the young master's strength is stable, and in the face of this ancient dragon has not fallen into the wind, presumably the young master has enough power to stop the ancient dragon!" Situ Dehai said.

His heart has long been shocked and cannot be described in words.

Although I have already experienced the power of the Lord, I have seen that the Lord has been able to resist even the ancient behemoths. Perhaps this Lord, although young, may indeed be the first person in the world.

Even if it is the Lord of the dynasty, I am afraid that this strength may not be there?

Although the dynasty is mysterious, their Lord is certainly very strong, but he believes that the dynasty's Lord may not have the power of immortals.

Although this ancient dragon can not be compared with the immortals, but the strength is already very terrible.

If the human monk can be as good as the ancient behemoth, it must be lower than the immortal, and it should be second only to the immortal.

Such a terrible strength is really enviable.

However, this has also strengthened the way the Situ family will go.

Follow such a saint, do not suffer.

As soon as he thought of the things that Stuart had done, he thought about it now, and he squeezed a sweat for the Stuart family.

Fortunately, the Lord did not care about the whole Stuart family. All that was required was only the life of Situ Detian. Otherwise, the entire Situ family would be destroyed by him.

Although at that time the Stuart family chose to follow the Lord, they were somewhat reluctant, even forced to helpless, and there was no way to go.

But now, he is more and more convinced of how lucky he was when he had nowhere to go.

Today, he is more convinced that the Lord may defeat the dynasty.

Now what they can do with the Stuart family is to constantly make up for the mistakes made by the previous family against the Lord, only to hope that the previous Lord can reuse their Stuart family.

Otherwise, Stuart family really missed the opportunity to rise.

There is such a Lord in front, and what are they afraid of!

I was a little excited when I thought that Situ’s family might be the dominant party in the future.

In fact, the nine major comprehension families do not want to continue to expand their power like the dynasty. It’s just that they know very well that even if the nine masters of the family are united, it is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the dynasty.

Therefore, they finally chose to be forbearing, so the nine great families have hidden in the world and do not participate in the matter between the realm of cultivation.

Although the realm of comprehension is great, most of the resources in the realm of comprehension are in the hands of the dynasty.

Therefore, even if they swallowed the realm of cultivation, it was actually useless. Instead, they quickly entered the dynasty's sight.

At this time, there was no other force as a buffer between them and the dynasty. The nine great families were quite dangerous.

If the dynasty ordered the removal of the nine great families, then everything in this world really became a dynasty.

Because of this, the nine major families are forced to choose low-key.

Now the Lord appears, the Holy City returns, and such a powerful Holy Lord leads them forward, and their inner desires are once again ignited like fires.

The Holy Lord leads them and guides them. If they can solve the dynasty, then this world will be theirs.

Even though they could only be attached to the holy city at that time, but where did the Holy City care for such a big place in the whole world?

When it is time to seal up the border, even if the nine families are each party, it is very difficult.

Together with the Holy City, the world is divided into ten, even if they only have one point, the resources they have are not imaginable now.

Therefore, the Situ family can be expected in the future, and they must follow the Lord in a desperate manner.

After all, all of their current interests are tied together.

The victory of the Holy City is their victory. If the Holy City is defeated, they will not have the chance to live any longer.

So apart from supporting the Lord, they have no other way to go.

Looking at the fierce battle between the Lord and the ancient dragon, his heart is also very excited and excited.

He hopes that the strength of the Lord can be even stronger. If the wild dragons can defeat or even kill, the strength is really comparable to the immortal.

Presumably, even if the strength of the dynasty is strong, it is impossible to surpass the immortal.

The victory rate of the holy city to defeat the dynasty is basically more than nine, how can you not be excited?


However, the Lord did not let him down. After a long period of fierce battle, Cheng Yu suddenly had a lot of shadows.

“The dragons are breaking!”

Cheng Yu's magic dragon at this time can be said to be pure, although it is a dragon shadow, but everyone seems to be unable to tell whether this is the dragon shadow or the real dragon like the ancient dragon.


However, after these indiscriminate and false dragons blasted in front of the wild dragons, everyone who was clear and dark was completely scared.

The continuous explosion not only destroyed Xuantianzong more thoroughly, but even the ancient dragons issued a tragic sound of dragons.

"The ancient dragon was injured, it was terrible, and Cheng Jia mainly killed the ancient dragon!"

Under the fairy tower, countless people were shocked, but they were even more excited.

Now they are all Cheng Yu's people, and Cheng Yu's victory is naturally their victory.

As long as Cheng Yu kills this ancient dragon, then everything is over. With those who are Xuan Tianzong, there is simply no chance to turn over again.

At that time, isn’t Cheng Yu able to take the entire Xuan Tianzong easily?

But those who are hiding in the dark are frightened by the power of Cheng Yu’s terror.

"This... How is this possible? The ancient dragon has been injured?" Although the Tianzong Zong people have accepted the power of Cheng Yu, but see Cheng Yu still has such a terrible killer, even the ancient dragon They were all injured by him, which really broke the scope of their acceptance.

Cheng Yu is only a disciple of the Promise Palace. Why does he have such a terrible power?

This is really making them think of it!

For the ancestors of the blood scorpion and the blood scorpion, etc.~www.ltnovel.com~How do they hope that their sorcerer can also have such a character, then they will go to this step again? ?

"We are really finished now, Cheng Yu is so horrible, they are afraid that there is no chance to leave Xuantianzong again!" The **** ancestors were completely desperate.

"Old ancestors, or we still directly rely on Cheng Yu, go to them! Maybe Cheng Yu is willing to accept us is not necessarily." Qi Tian said.

He knew that things had developed to this point, and he had no confidence in standing on the opposite side of Cheng Yu.

He feels that if he does not choose to return in this situation, then there is really only one dead end.

"If I can, of course I am willing, I am afraid that Cheng Yu will not let us live!" Blood Yanzi sighed.

"Old ancestors, don't try to know how?"

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