Godly Student

Chapter 3993: Fight hard!

"Impossible, we cannot release the remaining ancient monsters. Even if you kill us, it is impossible, you will die this heart!" Yong Ningzi refused loudly.

"I tell you, no one except us should want to open this institution. If you dare to kill us, you will either be trapped here forever or wait for Cheng Yu to kill you together!" Yonghezi angered and yelled .

Although Mr. Song had watched them open the organs with their own eyes, if they did n’t have them, they would n’t be able to open even if they knew those organs, which would involve Xuan Tianzong ’s secret.

So if these people really dare to kill them, they will never die, and they will never leave alive.

I saw the man behind Mr. Song step forward, angry, it seemed that he really wanted to take a shot, but was stopped by Mr. Song's hand.

"Since you can't bear these wild ancient beasts, let's wait and see. All of these wild ancient beasts you released will be conquered by Cheng Yu. I see how you survive!" Mr. Song said lightly .

He believes that the two brothers did not lie to them because he saw that Yong Ningzi did some small moves when he opened the institution.

He knew that these little moves were not so simple.

If they kill these two people, and they really can't open this institution, it won't be worth it.

Rather than bear with it.

Anyway, he believes that even if the brothers Yongzi Zishi are reluctant to bear this ancient monster, but they also hope that they can survive.

If there is no other way, he doesn't believe these guys dare to keep these ancient monsters.

Although he is extremely dissatisfied with the two brothers now, he has no better way.

Cheng Yu's strength is so horrible that even if he wants to leave Xuan Tianzong, it is impossible.

They are now a grasshopper on a boat. As long as Yongningzi still want to survive, and they want Xuan Tianzong to survive, they have a chance to leave Xuan Tianzong.

However, just now he has released a wild ancient monster, and now Cheng Yu is facing five wild ancient monsters.

Maybe this is Cheng Yu's limit. Five wild beasts are enough to kill Cheng Yu. That is naturally the best thing.

As long as they are alive and returned to the Baiyang dynasty, they will have the opportunity to teach Xuan Tianzong again, and they will even be able to take away the remaining monsters.


A loud noise from Xuan Tianzong newly, another giant ancient ancestor giant bird soared into the sky and flew towards Cheng Yu.

"This is really troublesome!" Cheng Yu was shocked when he saw this ancestor giant bird.

It is precisely that the more he is worried, the more things come, this is not the first time he came to Xuan Tianzong, he also came to Xuan Tianzong to save Xiner.

At that time he noticed that there was a huge beast image on each peak of Xuan Tianzong.

However, he didn't think much at that time, and now he knows clearly that Xuan Tianzong has twelve main peaks.

And these twelve main peaks all have such a huge beast image, and it can be seen that this Xuantianzong has at least twelve wild ancient monsters.

Therefore, Cheng Yu has always been worried that Xuan Tianzong suddenly released all twelve wild ancient beasts.

Although they have not released all the ancient monsters, they have also appeared five ancient monsters at the same time.

The only thing that made Cheng Yuqing happy was that fortunately Zhenzhen woke up at this time, and helped him share a wild monster.

Now, if he hopes that his pressure will continue to decrease, he can only hope that the soul can suppress the wild ancient bird earlier, so that the soul can help him share a wild ancient monster.

It's just obvious that the soul repression is not so fast. It will take at least some time to suppress the wild monster.

However, this wild ancient ancestor giant bird has a flying advantage over those three giant beasts.

Even if there was a dragonfly, it was not afraid, and it flew directly over the dragonfly.

However, its target is obviously not Cheng Yu, but directly the fairy magic tower.

This time is the crucial moment for the soul to suppress the ancient giant birds. How can he let this ancestor giant bird destroy their plans?

Therefore, Cheng Yu quickly lifted the dragon owl, and a fire wall appeared directly in front of the ancestral giant bird, and even led a fire dragon to burn toward the ancestor giant bird.


However, what shocked Cheng Yu was that the ancestral giant bird suddenly opened his mouth and burst out flames.

The difference is that this guy spewed a purple bird-shaped flame.

"Tangible fire?" Cheng Yu couldn't believe it.

This giant ancient ancestor giant bird spewed out a tangible fire, which is incredible.

Although he knows that this situation is not impossible, the beasts that can actually possess tangible fire are really rare.

It turned out that this bird-shaped purple fire had blocked his dragonfly.

If you do n’t see it, Yu can also see that the purple flame is still a little weaker than his dragons, and the purple flame is slowly shrinking.


This ancestral giant bird obviously did not expect that the human's Danhuo will be so powerful, after all, it is even more powerful than its Danhuo.

So it flickered away, and Long Ling rushed directly to where it was just now.

But at this time, the ancestral giant bird had already flown in another direction, and once again sprayed purple flames toward the fairy tower.

When Cheng Yu saw this, he dared to despise the enemy, and rose to the wall of fire again to block the purple fire.

However, the ancestral giant bird did not intend to give up, shifted its position again, and attacked the fairy tower.

Although Cheng Yu was somewhat passive, he also blocked the Archaeopteryx's attack, and safely protected the fairy tower.


But this is just the beginning. It did n’t work to see the Archaeopteryx. The original three ancient monsters moved again ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ While Cheng Yu was fighting with Archaeopteryx, three The ancient beasts also cooperated again and flung towards Cheng Yu during the fierce battle.

"Huofeng, Huoyu, help me!" Cheng Yu knew that he might not be able to take care of so much, and quickly released Fire Phoenix and Huoyu.

Although their strength is not yet comparable to the ancient monsters, it should be no problem to help him share the attack at this critical moment.

In addition, they are also flying beasts, and they still have some advantages in front of these three land beasts.


Huo Yu can be said to have done his true biography, because it is the only person who can spray Cheng Yu's dragon.

What's even more amazing is that before the fire feather sprayed Cheng Yu's Feng Yan, now Cheng Yu's Feng Yan is upgraded to Long Ling, and the fire feather is actually also Long Ling.

Although Cheng Yu didn't figure out what was going on, Bu Chengyu was happy to see such a thing.

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