Godly Student

Chapter 3995: Press it down!

Although it was only a secondary peak that was penetrated by the flame of the fire phoenix, which could not be compared with the huge main peak on Xuan Tianzong, it was definitely not a simple matter to want to penetrate such a peak.

In Cheng Yu's view, it is not easy for his dragonfly to penetrate a peak.

It can be seen that to a certain extent or in some aspects, the flame power of the fire phoenix is ​​not weaker than that of the dragon, and even more powerful.

However, the difference is that Cheng Yu's dragonfly is more of a range attack and can be manipulated freely.

Just like now, he can use the dragon to protect the fairy tower.

Even if these wild monsters are very strong, they dare not touch the dragons with their own bodies.

This also left Cheng Yu with a lot of breathing opportunities, but the release of Long Mao in such a large scale also consumed Cheng Yu's spirit tremendously.

However, the benefits of this dragonfly are also obvious. Although it is not as straightforward as the flame of the phoenix, it is more defensive.

However, Fire Phoenix is ​​also a **** beast who is very unconvinced.

Seeing the fire feathers are so powerful, how can it lose to the fire feathers as a **** beast?

Puff puff!

The huge flames one after another rushed towards several ancient monsters like dragons. As a result, these ancient monsters were forced to dodge around.

The horrible existence of several wild beasts was just ashamed by Cheng Yu's embarrassment caused by one person and two beasts.

However, these wild ancient beasts seem to be wolverine, but Cheng Yu and they did not cause much damage to them, but they did hold back time, leaving them unable to disturb the soul and suppress the wild ancient birds for a while.

Seeing that the other three wild ancient monsters were all led away by Huoyu and Huofeng, Cheng Yu was relieved, and now there is only one ancestor giant bird, which is much easier.

"Zhenhun, hurry up!" Cheng Yu sent a message.

However, the reconciliation did not give him a reply. It turned out that it was definitely not easy for the reconciliation to forcibly suppress a wild monster.

Cheng Yu didn't receive a reply and was a little worried. He wasn't sure if the soul could suppress this wild ancient bird.

It is just that he is helpless now, because there is another ancestor giant bird haunting him. It is not easy to deal with this big bird. Where can he still help the soul to suppress the wild giant bird? ?

"Zhenhun, are you okay?" Cheng Yu said again worried.

Reconciliation finally woke up, but don't let him fall asleep again.

After all, the soul reunion is a good helper. If the soul reunion is always there, many things will become much simpler.

And regarding the reconstruction of the holy city, he also needs to discuss with the soul.

Until now, the holy city has been a secret that cannot be told, so even this woman can't say anything about it, let alone those brothers and sisters.

Therefore, the only thing he can discuss is reconciliation.

If there is really no way to suppress these wild ancient monsters, he would rather give up the suppression, so that he will suppress them next time.

But the value of Zhenzhen is far different. Once he is let to sleep again, I don't know when he will wake up next time.

"I'm okay, give me some time!" While Cheng Yu was anxiously waiting for Zhenhui's reply, Cheng Yu's brain suddenly heard the voice of Zhenwu.

"Zhenhun, you are all right, rest assured, no one will bother you!" Cheng Yu rejoiced, solemnly assured.

As long as the soul is okay, there is nothing more enjoyable than that.

Moreover, since Zhenhun opened this mouth, I believe he will be able to suppress this wild ancient monster.

And what he has to do at this time is to prevent any situation that interferes with the repression of the ancient monsters.


Seeing the ancestral giant bird flying towards the fairy demon tower again, without the pressure to withstand the other three ancient monsters, Cheng Yu's pressure was released.

With a change of heart, he controlled the dragonfly to take the initiative to fly out, and the dragonfly flew towards the ancestor giant bird like a giant sea wave.

The dragon swelled the huge waves constantly, and then rolled up again after taking the air, and rushed to the ancestral giant bird again.

Cheng Yu does not expect to capture or kill the ancestral giant bird in this way, but he is confident that he will not let the ancestor giant bird approach the fairy tower for half a minute.

adhere to!

As long as you persist, believe that the soul can suppress that wild ancient bird.

At this time, Cheng Yu also noticed that the magic tower was constantly pushing down.

However, the wild bird's crazy counterattack in the fairy tower may have brought a lot of pressure to the town soul. The sinking fairy tower once again floated up, showing that this wild bird is still very strong, and Never give up to break the dilemma.

"The town's soul needs to be cheered!" Cheng Yu watched the fairy devil tower suddenly went down a bit, and then was bombed up again, and his heart was anxious.

In order to suppress this wild monster, he has used a lot of power.

If you can't figure it out, you can only use the magic tree. However, once the **** tree appears, then these people on Xuan Tianzong must not leave a living.

Although Cheng Yu knows that no one can stop the power of the God Tree, but he will inevitably worry about a fish that leaks the net.

So if it is not a last resort, he doesn't want to do it.

Look at the fire feathers and fire phoenixes at this time, although they also have their own means, they let them shine in a moment.

However, after these three ancient monsters became familiar with their methods, their methods would be difficult to threaten the three ancient monsters.

Fortunately, both of them are flying beasts. Although these three wild beasts cannot be injured, in turn, the three wild beasts have no way of taking them for the time being.

But Yu Yu is a bit worried, after all, the strength of Huoyu and Fengfeng is somewhat larger than the three ancient monsters, plus two to three, they are even more difficult to reflect their advantages.

If time goes by, maybe they will turn into danger.

But now the main force is Zhenwu instead of him, so Cheng Yu is very anxious, he can only help Zhenhun hold a ancestor giant bird.

Whether you can change the current situation depends on how long it takes for the soul to suppress the ancient giant birds ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Boom!

The immortal tower purple thunder rolled again and again, and kept pressing down.

"This time, we must succeed!" Cheng Yu saw that the crackdown was beginning to crack down again, and his heart was excited and anxious.

But the Fairy Tower only stopped once after sinking to half.

"It seems that I have to get on the horse!" Cheng Yu can't manage so much. Without his help, Zhenhun would be reluctant to forcibly suppress this wild ancient monster.

With two hands, many fire dragons flew out of the sea of ​​fire. Under the control of Cheng Yu, all the fire dragons rushed to the ancestor giant bird.

At the same time, Cheng Yu suddenly flew to the top of the fairy demon tower, and his hands became a formula again, and the spiritual power in his body poured into the fairy demon tower like the water of the river.

"Suppress me!" Cheng Yu roared, and the fairy magic tower hovering in the air suddenly pressed down quickly!

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