Godly Student

Chapter 3999: Don't trust the dynasty!

"Although I really ca n’t do this, it ’s not a big deal for the dynasty. As the deacon of Bai Yang's foreign dynasty, as long as I say something to the foreign king, there can be no change in this matter, so you Xuan Tianzong can rest assured. "Mr. Song laughed.

"Mr. Song, I'm afraid it's too simple for you to say things. You once said that the Baiyang dynasty was only in charge of the cities here, but there are millions of cities in the realm of cultivation. If I guessed right In this case, the scope of these cities should be under the control of other foreign lands.

In this case, the entire cultivation world is actually not just a Baiyang dynasty, but a lot of dynasties toward you.

Even if you Baiyang foreign dynasty is willing to give up the practice world, I am afraid that other foreign dynasties will not be able to agree, Mr. Song, should I be right? "Yong Ningzi asked back.

"..." Asked by Yong Ningzi, Mr. Song whispered for a moment.

This is indeed the case. The cultivation world is extremely wide, but these cities do not just belong to the Baiyang dynasty.

So don't say that he is just a great deacon of Bai Yang's foreign dynasty. Even if Bai Yang's foreign dynasty, he has no right to give the entire cultivation world to Xuan Tianzong.

"It is naturally impossible for us from the Baiyang dynasty to give you the entire cultivation world to Xuan Tianzong, but we said before that I said that part of the cultivation world and the worldliness that Cheng Yu now controls are all given to you Xuan Tianzong. Tianzong. "Mr. Song said.

I have to say that Mr. Song's response was very fast.

Knowing that I'm exaggerating the facts, but fortunately I can justify it.

The entire monastic world, even their princes in the Baiyang dynasty, has no power to give it to others, but if they are within the scope of the Baiyang dynasty, they would have said it in the past.

But will the realm of the cultivation world really be in the hands of Xuan Tianzong?

Obviously impossible.

Now he just wants to use Xuan Tianzong to release all the ancient monsters, and then solve the trouble of Cheng Yu.

As long as Cheng Yu is killed, and Yongningzi said, they can't control the ancient monsters.

At that time, Cheng Yu also died, and Xuan Tianzong did not have the help of the ancient monsters. That was not all they had to say.

So now it is mainly to be able to let Yongningzi support them.

"Moreover, with your Xuantianzong's strength, even if you really hand over the entire cultivation world to you, you have no ability to control it.

Therefore, it is arguably the most appropriate to present to you the cultivation circles and worldliness within our Baiyang outer dynasty.

At least better than making you Xuan Tianzong a vassal of the Cheng family? Mr. Song said with a smile.

"Brother, Mr. Song also makes some sense. If we can hold this part of the cultivation world and worldliness in our hands, such a sphere of influence is far larger than our present Xuan Tianzong.

Moreover, Cheng Yu is too strong. If we belong to Cheng Yu, Xuan Tianzong is afraid that it will never be his first day. "Yonghezi said softly to Yongningzi.

Although he did not like Mr. Song, what he said this time really made him feel a little moved.

They don't know about Cheng Yu, and working with Cheng Yu is more like making a hide with Tiger.

Although they did not know much about the dynasty, at least they had cooperated with the dynasty, and they felt that they might be more reliable.

"That's what it says, but it's hard to tell if it's true or not." Yong Ningzi was also hesitant.

Although Mr Song's words are indeed tempting, who can guarantee that what he said is true or false?

As soon as Cheng Yu dies, the dynasty will never have such a powerful opponent, will the dynasty still honor their promise?

This is something he cannot be sure of.

"So what do we do now? Should we rely on Cheng Yu or the dynasty?" Yonghezi said.

"I don't really believe in the dynasty!" Yongningzi said to Yonghezi.

"I don't really believe in the dynasty, but we haven't had contact with Cheng Yu and we don't know what kind of person he really is. Just afraid that we want to reconcile with Cheng Yu, he may not agree!" Yonghezi said.

"If we negotiate the conditions with Cheng Yu with the remaining six ancient monsters, we may be able to keep us and Xuan Tianzong!"

"Does the brother intend to give the six wild monsters to Cheng Yu? What then?" Yonghezi said in surprise.

These six wild beasts are their last killers. If this is lost, then Xuantianzong really has no magic weapon to take.

"Of course not. We have lost six wild ancient monsters. How can we give them away? I just want to use these six wild ancient monsters to talk to Cheng Yu about the conditions.

Although Cheng Yu has suppressed two wild ancient monsters now, there are still four wild ancient monsters that have not been suppressed by him.

If we release the six wild ancient monsters now, then Cheng Yu will definitely die.

Therefore, as long as Cheng Yu is willing to let us go, we will not do everything. Presumably Cheng Yu came to life, and should agree to reconcile with us! "Yong Ningzi said.

The dynasty was so overbearing, and the power gap between them and the dynasty was so huge.

It can be said that in front of the dynasty, Xuan Tianzong was just an ant.

Even if it is now said that he will give him the practice world and the world, it is only Mr. Song's words.

What Baiwai dynasty did not agree with the lord of the dynasty, in this case, it is really difficult for him to believe that Mr. Song's words could be honored.

Rather than cooperate with the dynasty, it is better to leave a powerful enemy to the dynasty.

As long as Cheng Yu is still alive, even if Xuan Tianzong is swallowed up by the dynasty, Xuan Tianzong will always have a comeback.

But Cheng Yu died, and no one can compete with the dynasty anymore. The dynasty is really the only one. Who is eligible to discuss cooperation or conditions with the dynasty?

So ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ he hopes to take a gamble by himself and put all his hopes on Cheng Yu.

As long as Cheng Yu is willing to leave Xuan Tianzong, all problems will be solved.

"But what if we fail?" Yonghezi worried.

"If Cheng Yu really disagrees, then I can only release six wild beasts. Even if I become a vassal of the dynasty in the future, it is better than the death of Xuan Tianzong!" Yongningzi said.

He naturally did not want to come to this step, but everything depends on Cheng Yu's attitude.

If Cheng Yu agrees, everything will be the best. If Cheng Yu disagrees, the fish will die, at least his life will be saved.

"But these people in the dynasty are afraid they won't let us do this!" Yonghezi said.

"So we have to get out of here now, or the dynasty will definitely stop us! I'll count one or two now, and we'll leave here together!" Yongningzi said.

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