Godly Student

Chapter 4002: Cheng Yu is a good person?

"Master Cheng, Xuan Tianzong knows that the crimes that caused the chaos in the world are heavy, but now we are very dilapidated, Xuan Tianzong ’s foundation has been destroyed, and his disciples are dead and injured. Is this punishment not enough What? "Yong Ningzi said loudly.

"How many people in the world have lost their lives because of your Xuantianzong, and how many schools have been destroyed by you, compared to their experience, do you think that your sins have been offset by this?

Presumably even if you ask the people in the world, they will not agree? "Cheng Yu said.

This is a battle of crusade, a battle of justice, at least in terms of language and standpoint, he must be righteous.

"The Cheng master didn't intend to leave Xuan Tianzong and wanted to completely destroy Xuan Tianzong?" Yong Ningzi frowned.

Cheng Yu was so aggressive that he covered all his sins with Xuan Tianzong. From then on, Xuan Tianzong could be said to be infamous forever.

If Cheng Yu is not willing to let them go, then he can only release the other six wild monsters together.

"It is naturally impossible for you Xuan Tianzong to wash away these sins, but as far as I know, you Xuan Tianzong has annexed so many forces, and these forces do not seem to be sincere and sincere.

If you Xuan Tianzong really realized your mistake, then let all these forces be released and let them leave Xuan Tianzong. I am not asking too much, right? "Cheng Yu said.

"So, as long as we promise to let these forces leave, Master Cheng will let Xuan Tianzong go?" Yong Ningzi was a little surprised, but said with some excitement.

He thought that Cheng Yu had said so much that he wanted to put Xuan Tianzong to death. He never thought that Cheng Yu just wanted him to let go of those forces.

If that's the case, it's too easy.

In fact, with the current situation of Xuan Tianzong, it is already difficult to control so many forces.

Although so many forces have come forward before choosing to rely on Cheng Yu, but Xuan Tianzong has almost annexed more than half of the cultivation world in recent years, how can this be the only force?

Xuan Tianzong is so big, I don't know how many forces are hiding in it.

But it doesn't matter. As long as Xuan Tianzong is okay and there are still six ancient monsters in hand, the rise of Xuan Tianzong is only a matter of time.

"As long as you let them go, I will leave Xuan Tianzong." Cheng Yu laughed.

"Master Cheng's statement is true?" Yong Ningzi asked with surprise.

"Our master of the Cheng family is based on the practice of the realm of truth. He always said what he must do. Since he said that he would leave Xuan Tianzong, he would naturally leave Xuan Tianzong!" Cheng Yu said.

"Okay! I believe that peerless masters like Cheng Jiazhu are most concerned about reputation. They will not deceive me with this trick. I can now let all forces leave Xuan Tianzong!

Send the order down and let all the forces leave Xuantianzong quickly! "Yong Ningzi finished speaking to Cheng Yu, and quickly said to Yong Hezi.

Anyway, those wild monsters are not under their control. Even if all the forces are released now, it is presumed that Cheng Yu has no energy to shoot Xuan Tianzong again.

"Brother, is there any fraud? What if we let people go and he didn't leave Xuan Tianzong?" Yonghezi looked at Cheng Yu still struggling with the ancient monsters, and he felt a little uneasy.

This guy's strength is so strong, if he has no plans, then they really can't deal with him.

"Rest assured, we still have so many wild ancient monsters in hand. As long as these wild ancient monsters are still in our hands, then Cheng Yu dare not mess up.

So you quickly let all the forces of Xuan Tianzong leave Xuan Tianzong. Cheng Yu, the evil star, did n’t leave Xuan Tianzong for a moment, and I was at a loss. "Yong Ningzi said affirmatively.

Naturally, he didn't fully believe what Cheng Yu said, but he also had a killer in his hand. If there weren't these wild beasts in hand, how could Cheng Yu speak so well.

He just said so much in righteousness just now, isn't he actually afraid that he will release all the ancient monsters?

It ’s just that process Yu has to face, is it nice to say it?

But this is also good, as long as he is willing to leave, it also shows that Cheng Yu really can not deal with so many wild monsters.

"Okay! I'll do it now!" Yonghezi looked at Cheng Yu in the sky and turned to hurry to find someone.

It didn't take long for me to see many forces running out.

Looking at Cheng Yu, he was admired and grateful.

I thought Cheng Yu would kill all the people or forces on Xuan Tianzong, but I did not expect that Cheng Yu would rescue them from Xuan Tianzong.

"Can we really leave Xuan Tianzong?" Just looking at Yong Ningzi, and then looking at Cheng Yu, who is still fighting the ancient monsters in the sky, their hearts are a little scared.

Although Yongningzi is incomparable with Cheng Yu, for them, Yongningzi are still peerless masters, not that they can compete.

"Just leave Xuantianzong now!" Yong Ningzi said loudly to these people.

He didn't want to see these people for a moment now. Only these people left, and they could survive.

Although those people hesitated, some of them just heard what Cheng Yu and Yong Ningzi said.

No matter how many, rare opportunities, they rushed down the mountain.

Although their power was annexed by Xuan Tianzong, they were only Xuan Tianzong's cannon fodder. Xuan Tianzong asked them to fight, swallow up the forces of others, and put them in a deep water. They naturally wanted to leave Xuan Tianzong for a long time, but only took the power of Xuan Tianzong.

"Our ancestor, Cheng Yu is actually saving us. Should we leave now?" Qi Tian apparently did not expect Cheng Yu to do this ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Now seeing that many people have gone down the mountain, his heart also Somewhat moved.

At first they all thought they might be dead, but now there is such a turnaround, this is the best opportunity to escape from Xuan Tianzong, he naturally did not want to miss it.

"I also can't see through this kid, and I don't know if this guy intentionally led us out." The ancestor of Xueyan was also a little worried.

The main reason is that Cheng Yu's strength is too strong, so that they have no grasp at all.

Once Cheng Yu has another purpose, they are absolutely dead.

"Probably not. If Cheng Yu did this, wouldn't it have tarnished his reputation. After this battle, Cheng Yu's name will surely spread throughout the cultivation world.

What's more, Cheng Yu has always controlled so many forces in the world. He should cherish his reputation, especially if Cheng Yu's words of righteousness just now show that Cheng Yu is a person who likes fame.

I think we should take this opportunity to quickly leave the right and wrong place of Xuan Tianzong! "The **** ancestor said.

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