Godly Student

Chapter 4016: World now!

"Going to the world by yourself?" Everyone froze, apparently did not respond.

"We are not planning to leave for the time being, but you have also seen that there were four wild monsters from Xuantianzong before. If we are right, these four wild monsters will return soon.

At that time, we can't take care of you either, so if you really want to take refuge in the Cheng family, then go back to the world yourself.

Of course, if you have the courage, you can stay! "Situ Dehai said.

这 "This ... then, shall we just leave like this?" After hearing Situ Dehai's words, everyone immediately understood what was going on.

No one is a fool, especially when I heard that the four ancient monsters are about to return soon, and suddenly changed his face, who dares to stay, isn't that looking for death?

"That's natural, but the two ancestors of the Demon Sect mentioned by my master, but they must stay, everyone else can go!" Situ Dehai said, looking at Xueyanzi and Xuehuazi.

At first, everyone in Tiantian Mozong was excited, but suddenly he sank again.

I thought they were doing this to restore freedom to everyone, but they still didn't forget the two ancestors of the Demon Sect, and named them to stay.

"Old ancestors!" Qi Tian was so angry that they were not willing to let the two ancestors stay like this.

And now knowing that the ancient monsters may return, they are even more worried.

让 Let the ancestor stay when he was here, wouldn't that mean the ancestor was waiting to die here?

"Let's go, remember what we said, don't let us down, Tianzongzong must rise in your hands!" Xue Yanzi was also helpless, and did not expect that the Cheng family still had no intention to let them go.

In the face of so many masters of the Cheng family, he dare not mess around.

Even if the two of them can escape from the Cheng family, others cannot escape, that is the real damage to the Demon Sect.

"Old ancestor!" The crowd was very reluctant.

"Let's go! Don't delay anymore, when the ancient monsters return, everyone can't go!" Xue Yanzi waved and said.

People of other forces looked at the people of Tian Mo Zong, and many people were even more happy.

They also lost a lot of power. Now they see that the Cheng family must leave the two ancestors of Tian Mo Zong. They are actually very happy.

After all, the loss of two such important characters in Tianzongzong will inevitably reduce the strength of the entire Tianzongzong.

Whether it's none of their business, they don't want to trouble themselves. Since these people from the Cheng family let them leave, leave!

Just, they wondered, weren't these people the Chen family? Why do they say that Cheng Yu is their young master?

Is Cheng Yu also the Chen family?

With countless doubts, everyone left from the periphery.

Although the other people in Tiantian Mozong were unbearable and unwilling, but there was no other way. With the wishes and expectations of the two ancestors, they could only leave honestly.

"Once, we will not disappoint you, we will carry forward the Demon Sect!" This is the biggest determination in everyone's heart when they leave.

"What's your name?" Situ Dehai saw that the two were a little cramped, and he had a few thoughts in his heart, and asked lightly.

"Old rotten blood inflammation son, this is my teacher's blood son!" Xue Yanzi answered truthfully.

Although everyone looks old, he knows that these people are much stronger than them.

This is what they have seen when they attacked the Xuan Tianzong battle. Even if they have not played against each other, it is already an obvious fact.

What's more, they are still Cheng Yu's, and they naturally dare not offend.

"You two follow me first!" Situ Dehai turned and walked.

"Excuse me, are you Chen's family from the Nine Great Family?" Xue Yanzi asked boldly.

This has always been a big question in his mind. He doesn't know how Cheng Yu can bring so many masters with him.

If Cheng Yu has such power besides himself, even if he doesn't do it himself, it is enough for these people to destroy Xuan Tianzong.

After all, at that time, no one could have thought that Xuan Tianzong would have an ancient monster.

If these wild ancient monsters are not taken into account, there is no problem that these people destroy Xuantianzong.

But strangely, Cheng Yu had not fought with Xuan Tianzong before.

Did he already know that Xuan Tianzong had ancient monsters?

Moreover, how could there be so many masters around Cheng Yu?

He knew that the mask master of Xuan Tianzong had gone to the Chen family of the Nine Great Family, and it was reported that he was beheaded and killed by Cheng Yu at the Chen family.

Therefore, he speculated that these masters should be masters of the Chen family, not belong to Cheng Yu.

"No!" But to the two Xue Yanzi unexpectedly, Situ Dehai shook his head and denied it.

"No?" The two stunned, apparently more incomprehensible.

"Shouldn't ask, don't ask indiscriminately!" Situ Dehai looked cold and left.

I was so nervous that I didn't dare to ask one more question.

I just have deeper doubts in my heart. These people are not the Chen family. Who would they be?

"Brother, it seems that Cheng Yu is really not easy. This time we are going to the world, I'm afraid it will be more formidable!" Xuehuazi whispered.

"Take a step and look at it! Maybe they will not be so bad when they see Zhixuanzi!" Xue Yanzi didn't know what his future would look like.

However, although the Promise of the Promise has already been handed over to Cheng Yu, the wise ancestors of the Promise of the Promise are still there.

Maybe they will read about their past friendships, and they won't embarrass them too much, or even hurt their lives.

"But we did not have a deep friendship with some of the Promise Palace. In the past, Xuan Tianzong was in chaos, and we could also cooperate with them.

But now the Promise of the Promise Palace, even Xuan Tianzong is not their opponent, they may not remember that friendship! "Huahuazi said.

At the time, the three main gates proposed cooperation to drive the masked man out, because the three main gates had common interests.

But now the balance of the three major gates has been broken.

Now Xuan Tianzong also lost, it can be said that the Promise Palace has mastered most of the monk resources in the entire world of cultivation.

Apart from the dynasty, no other forces can threaten their Promise Palace. Will their Promise Palace give them face?

If it was their Heavenly Demon Sect, such a thing of letting the tiger go to the mountain would not be done.

So even if I met the ancestors of the Wuji Palace, their ending may not change much.

In this way, such a large number of people were divided into three groups.

However, Xinhe and Situ Dehai both believed that the people they let go could not return to the world.

At least those people in the Devil Sect will definitely not go.

The fact is the same. After leaving the scope of Xuan Tianzong, all the people in Tian Mo Zong went in the direction of Tian Mo Zong, not in the worldly direction.

But the remaining people are a little hesitant. Now Cheng Yu's people are not there. Do they want to return to the world to rely on Cheng Yu honestly?

"Are we really going to be secular? I don't think we have a small influence, but we don't have to rely on others.

Moreover, even if we trust Cheng Yu, they may not get their attention. "Someone said uncertainly.

Cheng Yu is now the largest and most influential force in the entire field of cultivation, but it is also because the forces are too large that they are actually dispensable for Cheng Yu.

Therefore, even if they trust Cheng Yu, they may not give them much benefit, and they will have to be restricted by the Cheng family everywhere.

Think of it this way, many people don't want to be so secular.

"Yeah, look at them, they already have the domineering of the three hidden Sejong gates, but they still want to revive them.

Otherwise, we have to go back, even if the strength of Zongmen is greatly damaged, but Anyway is also his own, and he will not be rejected by others. "

"This is the case, but everyone does not know how difficult it is for a small gate to develop. If it wasn't because we couldn't get into the gate, who would choose it?

Speaking of restrictions, don't we have the original Xiaozongmen like this? Moreover, the original Zongmen could not even guarantee our daily practice resources.

But I heard that after joining the Cheng family, those people have never had to worry about practice resources.

So speaking, I think Cheng Yu's willingness to accept us is actually our blessing.

Of course, people have their own aspirations. If you do n’t want to go to the world, I wo n’t force it. Anyway, I won't go back to the original Zongmen. Instead of trying to be so obscure in my life, I might as well try it in the world.

Moreover, who is not proud of being a disciple of the Cheng family in the entire world of self-cultivation. Especially from now on, the cultivation world is all Cheng family, where the disciples of Cheng family go is not high.

At that time, when we small families met the Cheng family, it was even inferior. Some people do n’t do it, why should I do it? "Some people have long talked about ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ That's right, some people do n’t do it, so why do they do it? Now it is indeed the Cheng family. If we can become Cheng family members, it ’s hard to get Attention, at least don't worry about being bullied.

Think about it, the strength of all parties in the entire cultivation community is greatly diminished, and most of them have turned to the Cheng family. In the future, we will meet Cheng family everywhere we go. Who else will bully us in this world, is n’t it Cheng family?

So, I would rather be the Cheng family to bully others than the Cheng family! "Others came forward and said.

In the realm of cultivation, every monk has a difficult time living, especially the disciples of these small sects and small forces, and they live among the major forces.

既然 Now that there is an opportunity to become a powerful person, many people are unwilling to miss this opportunity.

"Everyone think about it carefully. If it wasn't for us because we were small, how could we fall into this field now? And if there is no big force behind us in the field of cultivation in the future, we will be more difficult to survive!" People continue to say!

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