Godly Student

Chapter 4018: Fortunate in misfortune!

"If you don't want to, I don't force it. You decide it yourself. Or you go to the world to see, maybe you want to join these gates!" Cheng Yu saw these people a little interested, and then said .

"Thank you, Mr. Cheng, is the owner now planning to go to Xuan Tianzong again?" Everyone was helpless, knowing that it seemed impossible to directly enter the Cheng family.

"This does not need you to control, everyone's fate is in their own hands, I hope to see you in the world, you will have a period later!" Cheng Yu left immediately after speaking, no longer say anything to them .

"It seems that we are wishful thinking, the owner of Cheng Cheng did not mean to accept us at all!" Someone said helplessly.

When everyone had disagreements before, he especially looked forward to going to the world, and even they already regarded themselves as a member of the Cheng family.

I met Cheng Yu now, only to realize that in fact, everything is too good for them to think, and people have no such meaning at all.

"Should we go to the world now?" Someone asked uncertainly.

"Since Cheng Yu will not let us enter the Cheng family, what's the point of our going to the world again?"

"You can't say that, we just can't enter the Cheng family's sect. Didn't Cheng Yu say just now? If we want, we can join the Cheng family's subsidiary forces.

Speaking of them, joining these affiliate forces can also be regarded as joining the Cheng family? "Someone said.

"But these are two different things at all. How can the subsidiary forces be compared with the Cheng family's ancestors!" But some people still find it unacceptable.

"What can I do? Cheng Yu has already made it clear that it is not easy to join the Cheng family. I don't think it is possible to join the Cheng family, even if it is able to join the Cheng family's subsidiary forces.

At least these forces can also ensure that we are not bullied, and the results have not changed. "Someone said.

"I think we should go to the world first to take a look. Anyway, the chaos in the cultivation world is not as safe as the world. Besides, even if we go to the world, it does not mean we must join these forces.

As Cheng Yu said just now, after we go to the world, we may not want to join these forces. "Someone explained.

"Yes, anyway, I have decided to go to the secular world, what hesitation is hesitant. And I heard that the secular world is now particularly prosperous, and a large number of monks are gathered every day, so there are also a lot of resources to trade there.

If we do n’t want to join the Cheng family, it ’s okay to take a look. It may be nice to meet some suitable resources. "

"Okay! With so many of us, let's just go for fun!" When all of you put it together, you feel that there is no loss in a trip to the world, it's all a training experience.

As a result, nearly 100,000 people set off again for the mundane.

Cheng Yu naturally does not care whether these people have gone to the world, for Cheng family today, there is no shortage of people.

I want to join the Cheng family, unless it is the genius or master that he particularly likes.

Moreover, it is absolutely impossible to have only one Cheng family in this world. Even if the Cheng family is the largest force in the field of cultivation, he should encourage the development of forces outside the Cheng family.

As long as these forces do not threaten the safety of the Cheng family.

It took those people a day to come to this place from Xuan Tianzong, and Cheng Yu was only one person, plus his speed was much faster than these people, and it took only half a day to return again. To the periphery of Xuan Tianzong.

However, before he had reached the periphery, he already knew Xinhe's existence, so he ran directly towards them.

"Brother Yu! Why are you here?" Everyone found Cheng Yu with surprise.

To be honest, although they came to investigate the situation of the ancient monsters, they were still very worried.

After all, the ancient monsters are too scary. Without Cheng Yu, no one can really resist.

I now see that it is not the ancient monsters but Cheng Yu. Everyone is naturally rejoicing and the hanging heart is relieved.

"Of course I'm here to keep you safe!" Cheng Yu laughed.

"I think you are here to pick up some siblings!" Ji Yun laughed.

"Haha, they are all! Are you all right?" Cheng Yu said looking at a few women.

There was no way. At the time, four wild monsters were chasing behind him, and he had no more time to take away a few women.

And Xuan Tianzong left so many people here, even if he took away a few women, others could not take away.

Otherwise, who will guard Xuan Tianzong!

"We are all right, are you all right? What about the four wild beasts?" Xin Yao asked curiously.

"I don't know, these four guys chased me for a few days, and after a big battle, these four guys ran away. I worry that they will return to Xuan Tianzong, which will be bad for you at that time.

Now it seems that they have not returned! Cheng Yu simply explained.

In fact, when he met the 100,000 people, he already knew that the four wild ancient monsters did not come in the direction of Xuan Tianzong.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to let so many people go by the fierceness of those wild beasts?

"It turned out to be this way, but since they were not suppressed by you, why didn't they come back? Is it because Xuan Tianzong lost control of them?" Everyone wondered ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ maybe, it may be because of these Only the ancient monsters chased too far, so Xuan Tianzong had no way to control them! "Cheng Yu said.

如果 "If this is the case, then these four ancient beasts are completely free, willn't they hurt people everywhere in the cultivation world?" Dongfang Feibai said.

"That's not necessarily the case, maybe they will hide." Cheng Yu said.

"They have such terrible power, why hide it?" Xinluo wondered.

"Why not? They stayed in Xuan Tianzong for so many years, and as soon as they came out, they were almost suppressed by me, maybe they were frightened. Now I am hiding, and then I am going to sneak attack!"

Maybe, they don't want to be caught by human beings anymore. Now they have finally obtained their freedom, and it's normal to hide them so that people don't find them! "Cheng Yu laughed.

In fact, he doesn't know if these guys will run into the world of the cultivation world to hurt people.

But they may also hide. After all, they have been trapped by Xuan Tianzong for so long, and as a result they have been out of sleep and played enough 一, presumably they will be afraid!

"Haha, what is said is that any one of these guys ran to the cultivation world. Presumably no one can stop it. Unfortunately, their luck is really bad. Once they came out, they encountered such evil spirits as Yu Shidi. It is their good luck not to suppress them all! "Xinhai laughed.

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