Godly Student

Chapter 4020: Cheng Yu's popularity!

Cheng Yu did not let the people of the Nine Great Family see what he did on the periphery of Xuan Tianzong, but let those who stayed in Xuan Tianzong all go with Situ Dehai.

"Brother Xinhe, do you all know what Brother Cheng is going to do?" Ji Yun asked curiously.

"I'm inconvenient to say this for the time being, if you can say that, Master Yu will tell you!" Xinhe shook her head and said.

"Brother Fei Bai, do you know what Brother Cheng has done?" At this time, Ji Yun put his eyes on Dongfang Feibai again.

"You don't even know Brother Ji Yun, how can I know?" Dongfang Fei smiled.

"Aren't you curious?"

"Of course I'm curious, but they refuse to say, what can I do!" Dongfang Fei shrugged and said helplessly.

当然 Of course he guessed what Cheng Yu was going to do, but it was not even Cheng Yu himself who wanted to say it, how could he say it!

Moreover, if he knew this, how could he explain to Ji Yun and the ancestors of the Nine Great Family!

要 Should they say that they entered the dead zone together? The ghost knows if it will cause any trouble!

Anyway, regarding Cheng Yu's entry into the dead domain, he would not say it anyway, let it rot in his stomach.

"You guys are so uninteresting!" Ji Yun said helplessly.

"Brother Ji Yun, this is no surprise to us. To blame, you blame my Master Yu, he did not let us say!" Xin Hai said with a smile.

As for the ancestors of the Nine Great Family, although they were also curious, they couldn't ask Ji Yun when they saw it. They knew that even if they asked, it was boring and embarrassing.

I'd rather pretend that I don't care, and look a bit proud!

They waited here, and saw the ancestors of other families returning one by one, but never saw Cheng Yu.

But everyone didn't wait long. After everyone got together, it wasn't half an hour, Cheng Yu followed.

这么 And such a short period of time also made the ancestors of major families more confused. What did they do this mysterious Lord at such a short time?

"Okay, now it's time for us to return to the world!" Cheng Yu came over and said to everyone with a smile.

"Master, is there really no problem with this? What will happen to this Xuantianzong?" Chen Ruiyang couldn't help but asked in confusion.

"Rest assured, I already have arrangements. As for the people of Xuan Tianzong, they will probably understand soon!" Cheng Yu smiled mysteriously but stopped talking.

He has arranged a large number of bone warriors around Xuan Tianzong. With their existence, it is more convenient than the ancestors of major families.

And they do n’t have to stay at Xuan Tianzong anymore. He has given orders to these bone warriors. As long as Xuan Tianzong has someone down the mountain, they will kill.

As for the people who go up the mountain, nothing will happen.

In other words, from now on, after Cheng Yu did not evacuate these bone-warriors, Xuan Tianzong became a place where he could only enter.

I believe that when Xuan Tianzong realizes this, they will be honest and no one will go downhill easily.

In fact, the range of Xuan Tianzong is quite large, and within such a large range, it is enough for them to survive.

As long as they all stay on the mountain honestly and become a hidden Sejong gate, I believe they will always be peaceful.

The ancestors of the twenty-nine family members naturally did not know this. Under the great doubts of their hearts, they followed Cheng Yu helplessly to the world.

With so many masters, Cheng Yu thought it was better to keep a low profile, so he didn't enter the city along the way, and sometimes had to take a detour.

Therefore, ten days later they finally arrived at the entrance of Yungui.

Although Cheng Yu secretly left the world at first, the news that Cheng Yu appeared in the practice world has already spread all over the place.

So now Cheng Yu does not need to sneak into the city anymore, everyone sees Cheng Yu returning.

Moreover, the news that Cheng Yu attacked Xuan Tianzong a few days ago has spread to many places. Especially the other day, the forces that had left from Xuan Tianzong before also came to the world.

So the story of Cheng Yu's attack on Xuan Tianzong has spread even wider.

"Master Cheng, are you back?"

"Master Cheng, did you really destroy Xuan Tianzong?"

"Master Cheng, after you attacked Xuan Tianzong, what is your next plan?"

"Master Cheng, now the Cheng family is already the most powerful force in the cultivation world. Will you take the Cheng family to the cultivation world?"

As soon as Cheng Yu returned to the small town of Yungui, many people saw Cheng Yu appear and came out to say hello.

I often know Cheng Yu in several secular towns in the world, and they also know that Cheng Yu is actually very good at talking and very friendly.

大家 In everyone's mind, Cheng Yu has never been as difficult to approach as the helm of other forces, so everyone will gladly step forward to see Cheng Yu when he appears.

Of course, Ji Yun and the ancestors of several great families were very puzzled when they saw this for the first time, how could Cheng Yu be so popular here.

This is just worldly, but to them, once they enter the world, they seem to have reached the Cheng family.

At the beginning, when I saw so many people coming around, they thought that these people were going to be bad for everyone, but they all came to say hello to Cheng Yu.

"How could these people be so close to Brother Cheng?" Ji Yun wondered.

"This is the means of Yushi brother, so many worldly cultivation towns were created by my Yushi brother.

Although these self-cultivation towns cannot be compared with the self-cultivation world, they can be considered small-scale ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ I don't know how many people have benefited from the continuous prosperity of these self-cultivation towns, especially after Brother Yushi issued foreign missions Anyone who works hard can get resources from the Cheng family.

Because of this, together with the secular forces now attached to the Cheng family. It can be said that the whole world is equivalent to a huge Cheng family.

虽 Although these people are outsiders, they are also under the care of the Cheng family and have obtained sufficient benefits and security.

Under such circumstances, how can they not thank Master Dade and love Yau Jia! "Said Xin Hai proudly.

Although they can't compare with Cheng Yu's merit, but the secular can become what it is today, they have done a lot in front and back.

Looking at this one after another the small towns of self-cultivation continue to flourish, they are still very proud.

Also, although these people did not treat them like Cheng Yu, but because they have been with Cheng Yu all the year round, these people in the cultivation town also know them.

He not only knew that they were Cheng Yu's brothers and sisters, but also that they were all Cheng's humeral ministers.

In the small town of Xiuzhen, there are many things that Cheng Yu will not show up. They all come out.

So they also have their own popularity in these self-cultivation towns, just as many people now say hello to Cheng Yu, many people greet them!

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