Godly Student

Chapter 4022: Hostage only!

"Master, is this a strange beast in the legend?" Dongfang Heyan looked at the huge stone wolf and said unbelievably.

This time, with Cheng Yu's coming out of the mountain, it was really a long experience. Not only did he see the terror strength of the new saint lord, but he also saw the ancient monster that had disappeared.

如今 Now, they even see the strange beast that only exists in the legend, which is simply incredible.

"Yes, it is a strange beast!" Cheng Yu nodded.

For these people, there is nothing to hide, they will know sooner or later.

As for the two ancestors of the Demon Sect, although they knew the secret, he believed that the two would never pass it on.

Of course, the premise is that these two people still have a chance to leave the Cheng family.

"Master, but I heard that things like alien beasts have only appeared in legends. No one in this world seems to have confirmed that there are really alien beasts. How could you have such an alien beast?" Dongfang Heyan asked Road.

I was confirmed by Cheng Yu, but he was more puzzled.

Compared with the ancient monsters, the strange animals are more mysterious.

The ancient monsters in the wild are recorded in this world, but they are now extinct, so everyone can no longer see them.

But the horrible beast of the strange beast, although it is more terrifying than the ancient monster, but it does not seem to exist in this world.

Therefore, in everyone's mind, the strange beast is only a horrible beast that exists in the legend, but the ancient monsters are real.

"Maybe my benevolence touched God, so God gave it to me!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

But anyone knows that such an explanation is clearly nonsense.

But Cheng Yu is the Lord. Since the Lord is unwilling to say, they naturally have no choice.

I was just curious in my heart. Could it be said that those records are false, in fact, there are really strange animals in this world?

Or is this big guy a strange beast at all? Just a wasteland giant?

But it doesn't look very much!

Moreover, they heard that this horrible thing of the alien beast is more cruel than the ancient beast. But this stone wolf is so well-behaved in the presence of the Lord, it is really incredible.

"Since it has come to the world, here will be your home in the future. You will also be the humeral ministers of my Cheng family. From now on, you are the elders of my Cheng family and enjoy all the benefits of the Cheng family." Yu would not explain too much to them, allowing them to know the existence of the alien beast, but he would never tell them where the alien beast came from.

I didn't want to talk too much with them on the topic of strange animals, Cheng Yu directly introduced the topic.

"Thank you, Master!" Although they knew that they might be confined here from now on, Cheng Yu was able to make them the elders of the Cheng family, and they were a little more happy.

They are not fools. Today, Cheng's family is powerful, even larger than the nine families.

Of course, they know more clearly that this so-called Cheng family is actually the new holy city in their eyes.

If the holy city grows, if the dynasty is really destroyed, how glorious they are as the elders of the holy city.

But if they want to keep this honor, it means that the holy city must not be lost to the dynasty, otherwise everything is just in vain.

Seeing this, Xueyanzi and Xuehuazi were both envious and confused.

Cheng Yu now named them Elder Supreme, which means that they were not Cheng family before.

If they are not Cheng family, who are they?

Moreover, they also said before that they are not the Chen family!

"Master, you are finally back!" Hu Sihai ran over and said happily.

"Sihai, these two are the blood ancestors of the Demon Sect, you take them to see the ancestors of Zhixuan!" Seeing Hu Sihai running over, Cheng Yu pointed at the two Xue Yanzi, facing Hu Sihai Said.

"Yes! Owner! Come with me, the two seniors!" Hu Sihai nodded, leading the two of them to leave.

Although the Tian Mo Zong can no longer get into the eyes of the Cheng family, Hu Sihai is still very polite to the two ancestors, which makes them feel more comfortable.

I was at least better than they thought. They thought that when they came to Cheng Yu, they were no different from being a slave or a prisoner.

Although they may really be a prisoner in the Cheng family, fortunately, the Cheng family did not trample on their dignity.

Moreover, Cheng Yu really asked them to meet the three wise ancestors of Wuji Palace, and not to imprison them. This also relieved the two of them, and they also had a good impression on Cheng Yu.

At this moment, they seem to understand why Cheng Yu is so loved and supported by everyone in the world. All this is not unreasonable.

"Master, what are you going to do with these two people? In fact, with the current strength of the Cheng family, if you want to annex the Demon Sect, it is only a matter of words!" Chen Ruiyang looked at the back of the two and said to Cheng Yu.

"No need, just a Demon Sect. And even if we want to dominate the world, we can't make all the martial arts extinct or surrender!" Cheng Yu shook his head.

The former holy city is the co-owner of the powers of the world. Although it seems domineering, it also has huge disadvantages.

Although all the forces in the world have reverted, it does not mean that their hearts have also reverted.

Xuantian Mozong was once one of the three hidden Sejong gates. Whether they were annexed by Xuan Tianzong or their Cheng family, although the results were successful, he knew that these people would not return to the Cheng family in any way.

What's more ~ ​​www.ltnovel.com ~ The secular world today has gathered so many forces, and it is not so keen on foreign forces.

And now for the Cheng family, the most important thing is to constantly strengthen the personal strength of the disciples and the strength of the next generation of forces, not to continuously expand the number of people.

Although the number of dynasties is large and strong, it is because the dynasty has accumulated for so many years.

However, the Cheng family is different. Although there are so many forces converging, in fact, the Cheng family is just an emerging force.

No matter in number or personal strength, it is far worse than the dynasty.

If you just want the number of people, he believes that with only one sentence from the Cheng family, the total number of Cheng families can be expanded several times or even dozens of times.

But he knew it didn't do much.

Only by increasing the strength of all the Cheng families now can we have real influence and combat effectiveness.

Only everyone's strength has been improved, and it is not too late for them to expand enough people.

Therefore, Cheng Yu doesn't have much interest in Tenmon Sect.

As for the two ancestors of Demon Sect, they are actually equivalent to two hostages.

Hetian Mozong can not join the Cheng family, but don't embarrass the Cheng family behind his back, especially don't cooperate with the dynasty, otherwise their two ancestors will not be better off.

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