Godly Student

Chapter 4036: Bottom line!

Latest website: In a month's time, Cheng Yu can be regarded as a vacation.

I took a few women through each of the small towns for cultivation, and at the same time I went to see if there were any problems in these towns.

After a round of inspections, although there were some minor problems, Cheng Yuxin was relieved that there were no serious problems.

At least these disciples of the Cheng family did not disappoint him after all.

It seems that Hu Sihai, as the elder, arranged these people to believe it.

This also makes Cheng Yu feel relieved. Now that the external problems are getting stronger and stronger, it would be awful if internal problems occur again.

There are a total of 52 small towns in the world, and almost all the small towns have been visited in a month.

When I returned to Cheng's house again, it was a month later.

"Homeowner, several elders from the Nine Great Family want to see you!" As soon as Cheng Yu returned to Yunshoufeng, Han Xunwu rushed to meet him.

"Let them come to Yunhai Garden!" Cheng Yu nodded.

After a month of inspections, internal worries are gone.

Now is the time for the Cheng family to take the initiative.

"Yes!" Han Xunwu quickly left.

Yunhai Garden is the courtyard where Cheng Yu lives, which is very spacious and private. Without Cheng Yu's permission, no one dared to enter casually.

"Cheng Yu, do you really want to go to that Baiyang dynasty?" Xin Yao said looking at Cheng Yu.

During this time, Cheng Yu had already told a few women about this, so they were particularly worried.

After all, Baiyang's foreign dynasty is already a dynasty's power. If this matter is not handled properly, it is equivalent to officially fighting the dynasty.

"This is something that must be done. Otherwise, we will always be passive. According to this situation, the dynasty will sooner or later send a powerful army to the world.

By that time, it will not only be the Cheng family, but the whole worldly society will be affected. I don't think you want this to happen! "Cheng Yu said.

"Then how confident are you that you can swallow this Baiyang foreign dynasty?" Xinyao asked.

"Although I got some information about Bai Yang's foreign dynasty from that surname Xue, but before I saw the situation of Bai Yang's foreign dynasty, I said that I had a certain degree of certainty that would not make any sense!" Cheng Yu shook his head Said.

"But you worry us so much. In case this thing leaks out, do you know how serious the consequences are?" Xin Yao frowned.

"I naturally know, so I must not let this operation fail!" Cheng Yu nodded.

"You haven't even seen Bai Yang now, how can you be sure of it?" Xin Yao said.

"Although I haven't been to the Baiyang dynasty, it doesn't mean that I don't have any preparations. Also, don't you believe my strength?

Just like Xuan Tianzong, I can make Xuan Tianzong not escape by himself, and there will be a way to make Bai Yang not escape to one person! "Cheng Yu said.

"Can it be the same? Although I don't know about this Baiyang foreign dynasty, but I believe that even a hundred Xuantian sects may not have a terrible Baiyang foreign dynasty!

Although you have your own hole cards, how do you know that Bai Yang doesn't have his own hole cards? Xinyao asked.

"Relax, do you still not believe me? Although there are such plans and actions this time, they may not actually be implemented. I will naturally make a decision after seeing the situation of Bai Yang's foreign dynasty. Go for it! "Cheng Yu said.

He knows that Xin Yao is also worried about him and everyone, but he is not the kind of reckless person.

Now he is only a rough plan in his mind. If he goes to the place where Deacon Xue said, and finds that the situation of Bai Yang's foreign dynasty is not as he knows, he will definitely re-plan or decide whether to cancel the plan.

However, he could not stop doing it because of the risks involved.

After all, being passive like this is not the way to go. The people sent by the dynasty are more than once and stronger than once.

One day, forces will be sent that threaten the whole world.

So before that, he must have some countermeasures. As long as he annexed the Baiyang dynasty, he could not only use the identity of the Baiyang dynasty to confuse the dynasty, but even use the Baiyang dynasty to attack the dynasty.

In this way, Cheng Yu and even the world may use Baiyang's foreign dynasty to divert their eyes.

And Cheng Yu can also have more time to lay out and win more time for the holy city.

"Then we must go with you!" Yang Ruoxue said.

"Yes, we have to go with you too!" Said several women.

"Now that you have decided to do so, we will naturally accompany you. No matter what happens, we want to be able to face you together. This is also the bottom line of our sisters!" Xin Yao looked at Cheng Yu and said.

"Yes, this is our bottom line, you can't refuse us!" Han Xue said.

"Okay, you can go as you want. But you can only stay in the mountains and rivers map, this is too dangerous. After entering the Baiyang dynasty, anything can happen, and I may not be able to take care of it then. you guys.

This is my bottom line. If you are willing to stay in the mountains and rivers map, then I agree to you! Cheng Yu thought for a while and said.

In fact, the reason why he said this is that he didn't want to take these women to Bai Yang's foreign dynasty.

After all, this incident is really too dangerous, and if something goes wrong, everyone will have an accident.

"Yes, we are willing to accept, as long as you are willing to take us!" Several women discussed and then returned.

"That's it!" Cheng Yu nodded.

"Homeowner, the elders of the Ninth Family are here!" Han Yiwu said.

"You avoid it first, let me talk to them!" Cheng Yu said.

"Okay!" A few women understood it, and they didn't tangle any more. Several people entered the garden!

"Master!" More than a hundred people came to Yunhaiyuan, respectfully saluting Cheng Yuxing.

Although there are no outsiders here, they still dare not reveal Cheng Yu's identity, for fear of having ears in the wall.

"How? A month has passed. Have you completed the tasks I entrusted to you?" Cheng Yu looked at these people.

In particular, the people headed by the Nine Great Family members have indeed enhanced their breath, but how much strength they have gained in this month, it is impossible to see, only to try it out.

"Master, please try it for yourself!" Chen Ruiyang said.

It seems that he is very confident, and he must have benefited a lot from this month.

This is indeed the case. Today, Chen Ruiyang is indeed more confident than a month.

Although Cheng Yu didn't give them any other exercises that day, when he returned with the storage bag that Cheng Yu gave, he was shocked when he saw the contents inside.

Anything in it is definitely a treasure for him.

With so much elixir, this is simply unbelievable.

If he looks like this, then the bags of other eight families must also contain such things.

But their Chen family has only a dozen people, and the Ji family Situ Shijia has more than thirty people, so the resources in their hands are likely to be about three times that in his bag.

How many precious resources do the nine families count?

At this moment, he really understood the power of the Holy City.

This may be that a thin dead camel is larger than a horse!

Even if the holy city has been destroyed for so long, the wealth left by the holy city is absolutely unthinkable.

And undoubtedly, all this wealth is now in the hands of the Lord.

If you think about it, the Lord is only able to take out a little something now, which will allow them to increase their strength by about 20% within a month.

If the Lord give them a little more, to what extent will their strength increase?

This is the gap!

At their level, to be honest, ordinary resources are actually very difficult for them to make a big breakthrough. So over the years, their strength has been improving very slowly.

Not to mention stagnation, but growth is indeed unsatisfactory.

But elixir is almost impossible to obtain. Even if there is such a treasure in some dangerous places, the risk is too great.

They dare not take the risk. After all, their weight in the family is too heavy and it means too much.

If something happens to them, it will be a more irreparable loss for the family, and it may also bring disaster to the family.

Therefore, even if their strength improves slowly, they can only accept the fact.

Now that the Lord has given them so many treasures, their strength is almost like a dream, and they are rising upward.

But the Lord seems to have been counted for a long time, and there will be no surplus of resources given to them.

After this month, I believe no family will still have resources left ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ must have been exhausted.

Such consumption, to be honest, is the ability of the Lord to provide. And if the Lord is not forcing them to increase their strength by 20% within a month, they would definitely not be so luxurious.

Now that resources are used up, the results are naturally exciting, and people have become more confident.

"What about you?" Cheng Yu looked at Chen Ruiyang, then looked at the others and asked.

He wants progress for everyone, not someone. Given so many best-in-class resources, if an individual has improved his strength, wouldn't he have spent too much of these resources?

"Holy Lord, please verify it for yourself!" The others said confidently.

"Very well, it seems that you have all made great progress. However, I told you that in a month, at least 20% of the strength should be improved for you. Are you sure you have improved so much?" Everyone said.

"This ... should it be there?" Some people were not sure when Cheng Yu was so serious!

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