Godly Student

Chapter 4040: Cheng Yu's head!

Changqiu city.

"Can Bai Yang have a stronghold in Changqiu City?" Cheng Yu asked.

"The city's main government is the base of the Baiyang foreign dynasty in Changqiu City. If we have any problems, we can go to the city's main government." Deacon Xue said.

"If something happens to the city's main government, will it spread to Baiyang?" Cheng Yu asked.

"Of course this is just Cheng ... what does Bai Xiao want to do?" Deacon Xue wondered.

"It's okay, just ask casually!" Cheng Yu said, shaking his head.

In my mind, I was thinking about another question: Do you want to control Changqiu ’s main capital first?

After all, this is a stronghold of Baiyang's foreign dynasty. In case the people in the main government of the city discover their actions in Baiyang's foreign dynasty, they will spread the news to other places of Baiyang's foreign voluntarily, and it will be trouble.

But now if you shoot at the city's main government, you're afraid of hitting the grass and scaring the snake.

"Will the people in the city's main government go to Baiyang?" Cheng Yu asked again.

"Under normal circumstances, if there is no summons from Baiyang, or if there is no major event in Changqiu City, they will not go to Baiyang.

But I do n’t dare to be 100% sure about this kind of thing. Maybe they have something to report to the king, so they may send someone to Baiyang's foreign dynasty. "Deacon Xue said.

"Huh!" Cheng Yu nodded, and didn't ask any more.

Under Deacon Xue's leadership, they all walked around Changqiu City to get a better understanding of the situation in Changqiu City.

I have to say that Changqiu City, as the gateway to Baiyang's foreign dynasty, is also quite prosperous.

Although they divided the city into three tier cities, and the tier one city is the most prosperous of all the cities, from the perspective of Changqiu City, it is obvious that the ordinary tier one city must be more prosperous.

At least they are not more prosperous in this other first-tier city than this Changqiu city.

For Cheng Yu, this is a bit like the provincial cities he saw in secular cities. Although they are all cities, provincial cities are obviously much stronger than other prefecture-level cities.

And this Changqiu City feels exactly like Cheng Yu.

After all, this Changqiu city belongs directly to the Baiyang outer dynasty. This place is also directly controlled by the people of the Baiyang outer dynasty, so the resources of this city must be comparable to other cities.

It is not unusual to think that Changqiu City will be so prosperous.

However, just when Cheng Yu and they were going out of Ximen to leave Changqiu City, they just met a group of people who were going to enter Changqiu City from Ximen.

"Do you know those people?" Cheng Yu asked with a strange expression on Deacon Xue.

"Is that a person from Baiyang's foreign dynasty? The person headed by me is Brother Du Mu, the deacon of Baiyang's foreign dynasty, like my brother Song." Deacon Xue whispered.

"Then let's find out, where is he going with so many people?" Cheng Yu said.

There were at least thousands of people on the other side, and Bai Yang sent so many people at once, obviously something big happened.

"This ..." Deacon Xue hesitated.

"Any questions?"

"This guy's relationship with Brother Song is not very good! And, I'm afraid that this guy will see something, so shall we just fight against the snake?" Deacon Xue said.

"Rest assured, don't you also see that we are fake? He is just a deacon just like you, and he certainly can't see it.

Just figure out what so many of them are going to do! "Cheng Yu said confidently.

With the improvement of his realm, the effectiveness of the Alien Pills he refined naturally increased greatly. To tell the truth, if you look at Chen Ruiyang, if you don't already know that these people are fake, you can't really tell whether they are true or false based on personal ability.

It is conceivable how realistic this alien is.

Even he couldn't see the truth, how could Du Mu see it!

"I see!" Deacon Xue nodded, then took Cheng Yu and they walked towards Du Mu and others.

"Deacon Du, you take so many people, where is this going?" Deacon Xue stepped forward and asked with a smile.

"Yo? Isn't this Deacon Xue? Why didn't you see Deacon Song? If I remember correctly, didn't you go on the mission together? Could it be that his mission failed and he couldn't come back?" Du Mu saw Xue The deacon only took more than a hundred people, but he did not see Deacon Song.

"Ahem! My brother Song and I have their own tasks, so I will return first, and he will return later!" Deacon Xue said awkwardly.

He naturally could not let the surname Du know that Brother Song had actually died in Cheng Yu's hands.

"Really? If I remember correctly, you seem to be taking on a task, right? Now that you are back, but you do n’t see Deacon Song, you will not fail the task, so you escaped, right?" Du Mu laughed. .

"How is this possible? My brother and I are two tasks." Deacon Xue laughed.

"So, is Deacon Xue's mission really completed?" Du Mu asked.

"This is nature!" Deacon Xue nodded.

"I wonder if Deacon Xue killed Cheng Yu or arrested him alive?" Du Mu looked at the people behind Deacon Xue and smiled.

"How does Deacon Du know?" Deacon Xue was shocked.

"Deacon Xue, you really can't see the coffin and can't cry. I'm not afraid to tell you that the foreigner is very dissatisfied with what you haven't done in a long time.

So I specifically sent me to the cultivation world to help you capture Cheng Yu. If you really hold or kill Cheng Yu, you're afraid to come up with evidence to verify it for me. The foreign king makes a difference! Dumu laughed.

"It's ..." Deacon Xue turned pale, and he was a little bit ruthless, but he didn't know how to answer.

"Please deacon Xue show me the evidence? Presumably the foreign king will be very happy to see the evidence. As soon as the foreign king is happy, Deacon Xue may become a deacon!" Du Mu saw Deacon Xue In embarrassment, I knew that Deacon Xue was telling lies and persecuted Tao further.

"This ... So, is Deacon Du Da looking for Cheng Yu now?" Deacon Xue asked.

"That's natural, who can't let Deacon Xue show evidence of killing or catching Cheng Yu? Otherwise, I'll save a trip and go directly with you to see the foreign king!" Du Mu laughed.

It can be seen from the sentence of Deacon Xue that Deacon Xue did not kill Cheng Yu, otherwise why would he ask?

"..." Deacon Xue's face was ugly. He did not expect that the foreign king sent so many people to arrest Cheng Yu.

But now Cheng Yu is by his side, and if they are sent to the world, they discover that Cheng Yu is not worldly at all, and even find that they have come to Baiyang's foreign dynasty.

This is not good, and once it is leaked, he will be dead.

"In this case, Deacon Du can only follow us back to meet foreign kings. Because Deacon Xue already had Cheng Yu's head already!" Deacon Xue stood behind when he didn't know how to answer. Say it alone.

"What is your identity, how can you speak here? Also, you said that you got Cheng Yu's head and you got Cheng Yu's head. If you really got Cheng Yu's head, take it out now "A deacon on Du Mu stood up and yelled at Bai Xiao.

"Deacon Xue, did you really get Cheng Yu's head?" Du Mu glanced at Bai Xiao, then asked Deacon Xue.

"This ... this ... yes!" Deacon Xue did not know why Cheng Yu said so.

Did he get Cheng Yu's head? Isn't he himself the clearest?

But since Cheng Yu said so, he must have his own intentions. He can only follow along, but he is not so confident.

Because he couldn't even get Cheng Yu's head!

"Deacon Xue, concealing the task is a crime, but you have to think clearly. And since you got Cheng Yu's head, shouldn't you show it to me? Do you want me to run for nothing?" Du Mu said.

Looking at Deacon Xue, he couldn't believe how this guy really got Cheng Yu's head.

"This ..." Deacon Xue hesitated.

"Cheng Yu is now a well-known figure in the Xiuzhen world. If Cheng Yu's head is taken out under this large court, wouldn't the Xiuzhen world become a **** storm again, and what we ultimately lose is our Baiyang dynasty.

So I asked Deacon Du to leave Changqiu with us first. It ’s not too late for us to take out Cheng Yu ’s head on the way back to the foreign court. Dearest Du, what do you say? Bai Xiao said again.

"Miscellaneous account, why should our deacon listen to you!" The deacon yelled at Bai Xiao again.

"I'm just telling a fact. I think Deacon Du also wants to know this fact, isn't it?" Bai Xiao said humblely.

"Deacon Xue ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ What do you think?" Du Mu glanced at Bai Xiao a few more times, then set his eyes on Deacon Xue's face again.

"He's right, we leave here first, and it's not too late for us to watch on the way back!" Deacon Xue now affirmed that Cheng Yu must have any thoughts.

Although he is not clear, this is not important, as long as he follows Cheng Yu's words, there will be no mistakes.

Whether or not Cheng Yu's head will come out at that time, he will certainly have his own way.

"Okay! I hope Deacon Xue can really take out Cheng Yu's head. Otherwise, I will report it honestly in front of the foreign king!" Du Mu looked at Deacon Xue and then turned around and walked out of Ximen. .

"What should I do?" Deacon Xue asked in a low voice.

"Everything is arranged by me!" Bai Xiao said softly.

"I see!" Deacon Xue nodded softly, a lot of relief in his heart, and then led everyone out of Ximen!

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