Godly Student

Chapter 4062: Spear and shield!

The opposite young man was able to say the word "Lord", indicating that this person knew a lot about the dynasty. It doesn't matter if he is a dynasty person, but if it is not a dynasty person, then this person knows the dynasty so much, which shows that the other party's understanding of the dynasty is not a day or two.

The problem is, he doesn't know who this person is.

The enemy is dark, they are bright, which is not good.

"It's no secret, don't I know that you are the foreign king of Bai Yang's dynasty?" Cheng Yu sneered.

"If you are a dynasty man, this is certainly not a secret, but for people outside the dynasty, these things you know are very important secrets! Obviously your hostility to the dynasty is not a day or two, just me I am curious, what are your grievances with the dynasty or with me Baiyang, why did you come to my Baiyang dynasty to make trouble? "The foreign king said looking at the young man.

"Oh, the dynasty plundered the world's resources and regarded the world as grass and mustard. Under this world, who would not want to destroy the dynasty in one fell swoop? And I am just one of the people in this world!" Cheng Yu chuckled.

"It's ridiculous. Under the dynasty, the people live and work in peace. As for resources, this is where the virtuous people live, and where the plunder comes from," said Wang Wang lightly.

"It's useless to say more. It's not the same for different ways. In fact, I came here for a simple purpose!" Cheng Yu didn't want to argue with the other party about these meaningless things.

They are already hostile, so no matter whether their dynasty is really good or bad for the people, there is actually no meaning of controversy, because they pay attention to fight for control of the world.

"Wear your ears and listen!" The foreigner was curious about what the other party wanted to do.

"Let you borrow Bai Yang from the foreign dynasty!" Cheng Yu said.

"Let Baiyang go abroad? What does this mean?" The foreigner frowned.

"It's very simple. I think Bai Yang's foreign dynasty is very useful to me. I just don't know if the foreign king can cut love and lend me this Bai Yang foreign dynasty?" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"What if the king disagrees?" The foreigner looked at Cheng Yu, and the young man really dared to think.

It sounds good to borrow, in fact, he just wants to replace him and oust his foreign king.

"Then I can only take it myself!" Cheng Yu said lightly.

"That being the case, it seems that the king can't stop you. Then you have your own skills? If you have this ability, this foreign dynasty is yours!" Said the foreign king.

The cheerfulness of the foreign king did not mean that he was a cheerful person. Because he was full of confidence when he said this sentence, obviously, he didn't believe that Cheng Yu really had the ability to defeat him.

Just to test it out, Cheng Yu did show great strength, but he didn't think that the strength of the opponent had beat him.

"That being the case, how about we make a bet?" Cheng Yu looked at the foreigner with a smile.

"What bet?" The foreigner frowned again.

"If you lose to me, then you have to listen to me? From now on, you will no longer be a dynasty prince, but my slave!" Cheng Yu said.

"Then you lost?" The foreigner asked.

"It's all up to you!" Cheng Yu also said cheerfully.

"Interesting gamble, unfortunately, I don't accept it!" Wai Wang sneered.

He is a grand foreigner, so why set up such a gamble with such an unknown man?

"I always thought that the foreign king of Baiyang's foreign dynasty should be a daring and knowledgeable peerless master. It turned out that I was wrong. I never expected that the foreign king of Baiyang's foreign dynasty was just a timid person!" Cheng Yujian The other party did not agree, and I was a little disappointed in my heart.

If the opponent can accept the gamble, then this time the task will become much easier.

In fact, Cheng Yu really wanted to surrender the foreign king. Although he has not formally contested the other party, he has been able to observe the foreign king since entering the Baiyang foreign dynasty, as well as the obstacles he encountered. It seems that this foreign king is not simple.

Although he was going to lead the Holy City against the dynasty, he really lacked such capable people in his hands.

Although the ancestors of the Nine Great Family are good in strength, there is still no way to compare with a foreign king, or even with the chief elders of Bai Yang's foreign dynasty.

Therefore, if he can directly take the foreign king into his Majesty, it will be easy for Bai Yang's so many masters to become his subordinates.

The strength of the entire Baiyang dynasty can be merged into the holy city, and the strength of the holy city is bound to grow a bit.

The holy city's growth under the continuous integration of the strength of various foreign dynasties is tantamount to weakening the strength of the dynasty.

At that time, once the two sides go to war, the dynasty is tantamount to hitting their own.

Of course, the idea is good, but it is difficult to do. After all, with so many dynasties in the dynasty, he could not reverse all the dynasties.

Moreover, not every foreign dynasty can be countered!

But Cheng Yu still wants to try it, what if it succeeds? This will save him a lot of trouble.

"You don't need to provoke me. If you are willing to tell me your true identity, I might consider setting up this gamble with you!" The foreign king looked at Cheng Yu dismissively.

If he can become a generation of foreign kings, will he be succeeded by Cheng Yu in a few words?

As for Cheng Yu's statement that he loses and leave it to disposal, this sentence seems very sincere, but in fact, this is just a nonsense.

Now that he has defeated Cheng Yu, even without this gamble, shouldn't Cheng Yu have to let him handle it?

So, how could he promise Cheng Yuli to make such a stupid gamble.

"You have to understand, I'm giving you a chance. If you didn't have this gamble, you would have paid your own life!" Cheng Yu said.

"The young man's breath is so loud! Although I don't know how you got into my Xuanlei array, it doesn't mean you can kill me!

I would like to remind you that it is easy for Bai Yang to come in, but it is not so easy to go out. "Wang Wang sneered.

"Hehe, you're right. It is really not easy to leave Baiyang's foreign dynasty without my consent!" Cheng Yu laughed.

"So you have controlled both exits of Bai Yang's foreign dynasty?" The foreigner said calmly.

Although he was surprised, he did not become angry or angry. What just puzzled him was how many people this guy brought with him, and he was able to control the two exits.

You know, although he didn't make a shot, but how many masters Bai Yang had, he was clear.

So many masters have not been able to hold these two exits. Could it be that this guy has more masters than their Bai Yang dynasty?

However, if he really has so many masters, then this person should be a giant in this world, and he has already become famous all over the world.

Strangely, he had never heard of such a figure in this world.

As for the dynasty, it should not be possible to have such a powerful force.

"Exactly!" Cheng Yu nodded with a smile.

"I'm really more and more curious about your identity, and you can control my exit from Bai Yang's foreign dynasty. You can see that you are not an unknown person." The foreigner stared at Cheng Yu.

"What about being famous? It's just a false name. The most important thing is that I win, you lose!" Cheng Yu said indifferently.

In fact, this foreign king has never guessed his identity, but it is a good thing for Cheng Yu.

This shows that Bai Yang's foreign dynasty or dynasty didn't really have much information about him, and it can be seen that his name has not yet entered their eyes.

In this way, he can also prepare more for the war before the dynasty did not really pay attention to him.

Perhaps it was at the beginning that he released 10,000 Bone Warriors and made great achievements, because they still continue to rely on panic in various foreign dynasties.

From his consciousness of communicating with Bai Li, he even got some news that the army of white bones had occupied many cities.

Although Cheng Yu couldn't guarantee whether these occupied cities would loyally loyal to him, Cheng Yu did not worry about this issue.

Because Cheng Yu never considers these people to be his own, even if this is the Baiyang dynasty.

Even if the foreign king is willing to give him the Baiyang dynasty, can he trust these people in the Baiyang dynasty?

Obviously impossible.

You do n’t care about the process, because he just wants to weaken the dynasty's power in various places. At the same time, he wants the dynasty to have civil unrest.

As long as internal disturbances and divisions are created within it, the dynasty is no longer just a dynasty, but countless separate forces.

If this Baiyang foreign dynasty enters his hands, even if Baiyang foreign dynasty cannot completely obey his orders, it will never become an obedient hand of the dynasty again.

Even if this Baiyang dynasty disintegrates itself, it is better than being a fighter of the dynasty.

"It's too early to say this now. I'd like to see how your strength really makes you have such an illusion, optimistic!" After the foreign king finished, his paws suddenly flew out.

One, two, two, four, eight ...

For a moment, countless flying claws flew in the whole secret, blocking everything around Cheng Yu.

Except for the lower part where Cheng Yu stands ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ all directions are flying claws layer by layer.


At this time, the layers of flying claws had no regularity, and several flying claws randomly flew towards Cheng Yu in different directions.

In the eyes of the foreign king, Cheng Yu was in a situation where it was difficult to fly with wings, but to his surprise, Cheng Yu did not hide at this time.

I saw Cheng Yu's hands suddenly have a little tripod, and then Xiaoding got bigger instantly, protecting Cheng Yu under the tripod.

Boom boom!

All the flying claws were all blocked by this bigger giant.

"Nice Horcrux, but I'd like to see if your tripod is harder, or the flying claws are sharper!" The foreign king knew that Cheng Yu's ability to come here should not be solved so easily .

However, the foreign king also has enough confidence in himself, and more confidence in his flying claw!

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