Godly Student

Chapter 4069: The palace is in a hurry!

Leng Yi brought people quickly, and brought many people, although for Cheng Yu, this did not have much impact, but for the people of the Nine Great Family, the pressure was still very high.

Even with the help of Cheng Yu at the beginning, their strength increased by 20% in one month, but their masters were far more than more than a hundred of them.

In this case, although Cheng Yu was able to cope, the situation of more than a hundred of them was a little embarrassed.

"Master, we can't help it a bit. It's not the way to go. We're making such a big move now. If we can't make a quick decision about them, then they will only have more and more people. Our actions The more difficult it is to succeed. "Chen Ruiyang said pantingly.

"Can you hold on?" Cheng Yu asked.

"It can support it, but I don't think everyone can support it for too long. If they wait for their reinforcements to come, we will certainly not be able to support it!" Chen Ruiyang said.

"Then you will hold on for a while, I will get the foreign king first!" As soon as Cheng Yu's words fell, the whole man rushed towards the foreign king.

Although there is a strange beast, the strength of the strange beast is really very scary. But it can't be as accurate as a human being after all.

In other words, the destructive power of this golden tiger is indeed frightening. In terms of strength, no one can compare with it.

However, it is also very difficult for an alien beast to catch a foreign king. Even if Golden Tiger wanted to hit the foreign king seriously, the foreign king could escape.

As the saying goes, ca n’t you run?

However, if Cheng Yu wasn't here, this foreign king would have escaped long ago.

Now the people of the Ninth Family are almost unable to support it. Obviously, Cheng Yu can no longer drag on.

With Cheng Yu's strength, he and the foreign king were originally blocked by foreigners, but Cheng Yu rushed out. It was really a man who blocked the killing of a man.

Just for such a small distance, dozens of ordinary guards have been beheaded by Cheng Yu during his constant wave of swords.


Everywhere Cheng Yu passed, he screamed all around, and when he saw such a fierce Cheng Yu, the rest hurried away, and no one dared to stop Cheng Yu's way.

"Damn! This guy dare to be so arrogant in my Baiyang dynasty. Is it true that I have no one in the dynasty?" The foreign king saw Cheng Yu's murder and grass mustard. I was so angry.

But now he is also lacking in skill. Although he can't fight this golden tiger, only he can barely support it, at least not let it hurt others.

If it were allowed to break into the crowd to kill, it would not even know how many people would be killed instantly.

After all, such a large body, even if it is just lying in the crowd, at least thousands of people will be crushed into meatloaf.

What's more, even if the purpose of this golden tiger is only on him now, it will kill a lot of people who are closer to him.

So now he has tried his best to steer the Golden Tiger away, but the backyard seems to be quite large, but after so many people, the backyard seems to be getting smaller and smaller.

"Everyone moves out of the palace!" The foreign king seemed to think of a way.

The palace is too small to bear the war of so many people. Moreover, a war of this scale broke out in the palace, and even if they could win, the palace would basically be razed to the ground.

"Want to withdraw? It wasn't that easy!" Cheng Yu never gave him this opportunity, and rushed to the foreign king.

For the others, it is definitely a good thing for the people of the Nine Great Family, at least it relieves their pressure.

However, this foreign king could never let him leave. If he was allowed to escape from the palace and meet with the elders of the seven principal deputies, then this would be a real world war.

When such a large-scale war broke out, although he was not afraid, he had to send out the 10,000 remaining bone warriors.

This is his secret weapon, even if it is now attacking Bai Yang's foreign dynasty, if he can, he does not want to expose this weapon too much.

After all, he had already released 10,000 bone warriors outside, especially when they appeared in the name of the Holy Dynasty. Theoretically, for such a long time, the Bone Warrior should have attracted the attention of the major foreigners.

In other words, Bai Yang's foreign dynasty even knew the existence of bone-bone warriors. Of course, they may not know the truth of the Bone Warrior, but they certainly know the existence of the Holy Dynasty.

If the bone warrior appeared, wouldn't it expose his relationship with the Holy Dynasty?

Therefore, if the Bone Warriors can't appear, then definitely don't let them appear easily.

Among these limited people, Cheng Yu wants to end the battle as soon as possible, then he must first resolve the foreign king. No matter whether it is alive or directly killed, as long as the foreign king is gone, who of the remaining people in this Baiyang dynasty dare to be the first bird?

Unless they think they have surpassed the foreign king.

"Wang Wang, you go first, I'll drag him!" Seeing Cheng Yu rushed over, Leng Yi rushed to Cheng Yu with many people and shouted at Wang Wang.

The foreign king is not a pretender. At this time, there must be no kindness of a woman. Everything must be taken into consideration.

Now there are terrifying beasts, and there is such a powerful monk as Cheng Yu. If he didn't hold time for him, he would never have the opportunity to leave here.

No longer care so much, the foreign king rushed towards the royal palace!

Although Leng Yi is definitely not as good as Cheng Yu, these people are not Cheng Yu's ability to kill in seconds, at least it can completely delay his time.

Moreover, Cheng Yu was stopped by this group of people brought by Leng Yi at this time.

"Stop him!" However, Cheng Yu himself is not without a helper, and his helper is the strange animal Golden Tiger.

He was blocked, but in the backyard of the king's palace, the golden tiger could do a rampage. With such a huge body, even the buildings in the palace are just like children's toys.

Running all the way, the original neat and beautiful building was destroyed in an instant.

At the same time, Cheng Yu avoided the cold and their attacks and tied his hands, only to see that numerous vines emerged from the ground outside the wall of the entire palace, and then quickly wrapped the palace in it.

The Ivy continued to extend and soon stopped the sky of the entire palace.

Many disciples who were preparing to come to Wangfu support were shocked when they saw this situation.

From a distance, it looks like this huge green cocoon. All the entrances and exits are completely covered by these ivy. They originally came to support the foreign king, but at this time did not know where to go in.

"Come on, break these green vines to me, we must go in to support the foreign king!" Several elders led a group of people to the palace and shouted loudly.

But they just got close to these ivy. Outside of this ivy green cocoon, another layer of earth wall appeared, and then they wrapped the whole green cocoon.

At this time, they could only see a huge cocoon outside.

If they were able to see a little bit of the situation in the gaps of the ivy before, then at this moment, they can't see anything in the palace.

The entire outer palace is like a giant dome, and no one can see what is inside.

"Elder Fang, what is going on here? What can I do?" Everyone froze.

Just now they also saw the Waiwang Mansion being wrapped by countless green vines, and now they are being wrapped by soil. Such a weird situation can't help but make people fear.

"Don't care so much, just break this cocoon to me!" Several elders didn't know what was going on.

But no matter how these things appeared, it is an indisputable fact that the foreign kings are still trapped in the palace, and their purpose is to rescue the foreign kings.

Boom boom!

Countless foreign disciples tried to attack this huge earth egg. Unfortunately, the layer of soil in front of them was abnormally tough. They attacked several waves in succession, and it was just a drop of earth and stones.


"It's so tough?" A few elders were shocked too, so they tried a few times themselves, but they just dropped a bit of earth and stone, and such a big egg could not be broken at all.

"It seems that only when a few principal elders come will there be a way to break this earth egg!" Said Elder Fang.

"But several principal elders don't know how long it will take before the foreign king and elder Leng are still trapped inside!" Said another elder Hu.

After receiving the news that someone broke into the foreign palace, Elder Leng Yi rushed to the foreign palace with a large number of people.

But not all the people belonging to their faction went to www.ltnovel.com ~ and these elders who have now rushed out of the palace are ordinary elders belonging to the cold elder family, and they only brought some of them. .

"We have to wait until the elder of the chief is afraid to wait for a while, and wait for several other elders to come over. If we all take another shot together, we should be able to break this earth egg!" Said Elder Fang.

If the other principal elders come here, it is estimated that they will bring more people, but it will definitely take time to gather so many people at one time, not to mention that the residence of these principal elders is far away from the foreign palace.

Although so many people in the foreign dynasty were divided into eight factions, there were still many masters every time.

It is just that it is impossible for everyone in each department to stay in the residences of several principal elders, just like in the palace of foreign kings. In fact, there are not many people.

After all, the outer dynasty is so large that each faction also needs to send people to station in their respective areas, so even if there are many masters in the outer dynasty, they are actually scattered.

Now that Wangfu was attacked, it was too late to gather all the masters of each faction!

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