Godly Student

Chapter 4071: Endless means!

After the roar uttered this roar, he felt that all the power in his body had been emptied.

He knew that his decision would completely change his status in the Baiyang dynasty. From then on, maybe even he himself must be restricted by others or even controlled by others.

It was just that he saw the situation in front of him, and he couldn't bear it!

"Why? You promised to lend Bai Yang to the foreign dynasty?" Cheng Yu Yijian beheaded Leng Yi and looked at the Wang Wang with a smile.

"I ... I ..." Really at this time, the words came to the lips, but the foreign king could not open the mouth again.

"Foreign king, no, we must not lend the foreign dynasty to him, then our foreign dynasty will be completely over!" Leng Yi saw that the foreign king actually had the intention to promise Cheng Yu, and he was shocked and stopped quickly.

The foreign king was also very distressed at this time. Would he make such a decision?

It's just that Cheng Yu is too scary. The people around him are just average, and even worse than those who protect the law.

However, this time, where did the cold elders think that the matter was so serious, and they had not convened enough masters, they brought people here.

Therefore, where he brought the Fa-protection and elders to deal with the people of the Ninth Family, there was already a lot of effort to deal with Cheng Yu alone.

But even more hateful, even so, Cheng Yu's strength is too much higher than everyone, no one can defend him.

Therefore, in this case, sometimes the people of the Nine Great Family are in danger, and Cheng Yu still has the ability to rescue them.

As a result, a battle was fought. Although a few of the nine family members suffered some injuries, they were only minor injuries, not to mention death.

For the people of the Baiyang dynasty, this kind of battle is simply one-sided. They are only killed and there is no possibility of overturning.

In addition, Cheng Yu's magic weapon trapped some law-protection and elders, which brought a serious blow to Bai Yang's foreign dynasty.

Some people are trapped in the magic weapon and cannot come out. People outside of them cannot even guarantee their own safety. Even if they try to rescue them, they do not have this ability.

Because the foreign king himself saw this, he is still being chased and killed by Jin Hu, but now he has no way to change all of this, so he wants to compromise with Cheng Yu.

It's just that when he really wants to say such words again, his words are stuck in his throat, but it is difficult to say them again.

Especially when looking at Leng Yi, even when they were seriously injured, they were unwilling to give up blocking the enemy for him, his heart hardened again.

So many people gave their lives for this, and so many people use their lives to defend the honor of the foreign dynasty, and use their lives to fight for more opportunities for him to escape. If he chooses to compromise now, he is right Are these dead people right for those who are protecting his loyalty with his life?

"Foreign king, we must not give in to them, even if we all die here, we must help the foreign king escape from this place!"

"Master, we can't give up!"

"I ... I ..." Seeing so many people encouraging him, the foreign king couldn't even open the mouth.

"Mr. Wang, the elders of the Seven Major Principals will soon bring people to support us. As long as we persist for a while, we can rush out." Leng Yi reminded.

"Everyone insists. When the elders of the seven principals come, we all kill them together! Even if we kill our lives, we will never let the enemy leave the foreign dynasty alive!" Wang Wang was so hard-hearted that he had such a loyal person. To be afraid?

Even if he chooses to compromise with Cheng Yu, Cheng Yu may not let them go.

Since he is dead horizontally, why should he confess at this time!

"Kill!" The people in the entire palace suddenly burst into blood, roaring with all their strength.

At this moment, everyone seems to have forgotten the fear even when facing the fierce enemy just now. No one will back away, but instead attacked the people of the Nine Great Family.

However, although the foreign king has strengthened the courage of everyone and inspired everyone's blood. However, war is always war, and war cannot defeat everything because you have the courage and blood.

In the face of absolute strength, everything else is false.


I saw the giant thunder under the fairy tower falling down one by one, but there are fewer and fewer people living under the fairy tower. All the blood has just been cut by this thunder all at once, only the rest One scream after another!

The same is true of Cheng Yu. Since the foreign king is unwilling to agree to his conditions, there is no need for him to be polite.

He can't really wait until the elders of the seven major leaders bring people to save people. When there are more people, he will only reveal himself more.

Since they are unwilling to compromise, it is better to kill them.

"Stop him!" Seeing Cheng Yu trying to avoid them to find a foreign king, Leng Yi led someone to stop Cheng Yu again.

The foreign king is the hope of the entire Baiyang foreign dynasty. If this guy really hurts or even kills the foreign king, it will definitely be the biggest blow to the entire foreign dynasty.

Moreover, if something happened to the foreign king, then no one can lead the entire foreign dynasty.

Although there are seven principal elders in addition to the foreign king, none of these elders has been able to achieve the prestige of the foreign king in the entire foreign dynasty.

More importantly, the foreign king is the most powerful being in the entire foreign dynasty. If even a foreign king is in trouble, even the elders of the seven major principals have the idea of ​​controlling foreign affairs, but they do not have this ability.

Therefore, now that the elders of the seven major deputies have not come to support them, they must ensure the safety of the foreign kings anyway.

Although the power of the strange beast is terrifying, it is not easy to catch or kill the foreign king.

But if Cheng Yu also rushes forward to join forces, then the situation of the foreign king is the worst time, and it must be difficult to escape.

"Kill!" Leng Yi's strength is also very strong. With one sword coming down, he is magnificent. Although not as scary as the foreign king, he has at least reached 80% of the foreign king's strength.

In fact, even if such strength is faced with any one of the seven principal elders, it will not be worse, or even comparable to them.

This is why the foreign kings have to hand over all the affairs of their line to perseverance.

However, in front of Cheng Yu, such strength is still weaker after all.

But at least he did achieve the goal of blocking Cheng Yu, especially he brought some elders and guardians beside him. Although the strength of these people was much worse, but Sheng really helped the cold and diverted a lot of attention.

Every time Cheng Yu wanted to rush past, Leng Yi and these people would go around and not let him pass.

But when Cheng Yu launched his attack, these guys all dispersed again, which also caused Cheng Yu a lot of trouble, and even made Cheng Yu angry.

These guys really hold back his time, but this is definitely not what he wants to see.

"Huh! Since you are so loyal, I'll send you on the road first!" Cheng Yu watched the time passing by bit by bit. If this goes on, sooner or later, the reinforcements of the seven principal elders will be brought in.

At this time, he had to make a quick decision. Now that he can't catch the foreign king, he must first resolve these obstacles.

In the eyes of Cheng Yu, there were no longer only foreign kings, but these people who blocked themselves. When they saw several elders rushing up again, Cheng Yu rushed towards them.

Cheng Yu's body was blurred, and suddenly he became a few ghosts.

Bang Bang!

The strength of several elders is far from the strength of Cheng Yu. When they saw Cheng Yu's speed so fast, they simply reacted and wanted to return immediately.

But too late, speed is strength. Cheng Yu shot too fast, coupled with his powerful strength, where did these people resist.

A few swords were quickly cut out, and there was no response at all in these afterimages, as if many people were attacking at the same time.

At this time, even with three heads and six arms, it was difficult to resist, and several elders were instantly hit by Cheng Yu.

More importantly, these elders were directly out of the game with serious injuries, and were immediately abolished by Cheng Yu.

However, this is not over yet, Cheng Yu's body appeared, and a few more women suddenly appeared around him.

Yes, these women are Cheng Yu's women.

At this time, the palaces had been blocked by Cheng Yu. As long as the reinforcements of the elders of the seven principals had not arrived yet, there would be no climate for the people inside.

But there are too few people on their side. A few women have consumed countless rare resources these years, and their strength is no longer weaker than that of the nine great families.

It is just that Cheng Yu loves them too much. Although they are very strong, they never let them suffer any harm.

However, it's also their time to perform at this time. Several of them cooperate with each other to at least ensure their safety without any problems.

Moreover, they were able to help him at this critical moment to interfere with these obstacles.

Especially Yao Na and Lan Ya ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ The ivy and earthen wall that just wrapped the palace just now is Cheng Yu's ability.

However, now the master of these abilities appears, and the two women can even help him strengthen the ivy and the earthen wall again.

In this case, even if the reinforcements of the seven principal elders come, they may not be able to break through these things immediately.

At least a few other women are not vegetarians.

They are immortal bodies and possess powerful immortal mirrors. Their lethality is more neat than that of the nine families.

Lin Yuquan's water and air mirror, Han Xue's fire air mirror, Yang Ruoxue's golden air mirror, and the heart Yaoyin air mirror, any fairy mirror is very powerful.

It is a pity that they haven't found the shadow mirror now. If they can make the seven mirrors merge into the sky mirror, the power is even more dare not to imagine that even the fairy can be killed, let alone a foreign king.

"What is this again?" The foreign king and Leng Yi felt that they were really going crazy, and Cheng Yu's methods were really endless!

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