Godly Student

Chapter 4078: Are you the Lord of the Holy Dynasty?


Cheng Yu's speed is really too fast, even the foreign king dare not fight against Cheng Yu anymore.

However, this is obviously not the way to go. After all, Cheng Yu's speed has not obviously slowed down. If he were to continue to kill in this way, not only would more and more offerings be killed by him, it would even affect everyone's mood.

This is a life-threatening thing. He sought these offerings, and the result was to die. Everyone would definitely resist, and even fear and shrink back.

In this case, the foreign king must disrupt Cheng Yu's madness, otherwise everything will end as a result.

No matter how much, the foreign king felt Cheng Yu's approach and did not retreat, and the first one greeted Cheng Yu.


The moment the foreign king sensed Cheng Yu, he cut off with a sword to Cheng Yu at his fastest speed.

Although he's not sure if he can attack Cheng Yu, this is already the fastest way he can fight back.


However, when his sword fell, Cheng Yu had already passed through his attack and rushed to several of them.

With only a few terrifying screams, these dedications are gone.

"Everyone is all apart!" The grandfather shouted.

This guy is too fast. It is too difficult to block Cheng Yu at such a short distance.

There were too many people gathered and all of a sudden they were attacked by this guy.

These offerings thought that everyone would be more resistant to get together, so that they had a better chance of living.

However, although those who were attacked by Cheng Yu were not killed, the possibility of being killed was also extremely great.

So when he heard the cry of the foreign king, everyone immediately dispersed.

Even so, everyone was very nervous, after all, after the people dispersed, Cheng Yu would inevitably attack one of them.

But which unlucky egg will be attacked by Cheng Yu, it is really a matter of luck, so everyone is very vigilant.

"He's here!" One offering suddenly changed, shouting at the others.


Sure enough, the offering felt that Cheng Yu was approaching him.

I saw him a little flustered, and the sword in his hand kept beheading Cheng Yu, but even the speed of the foreign king was not as fast as Cheng Yu. His strength was not as good as that of the foreign king. He attacked suddenly and suddenly his eyes widened.


The crowd saw a sword shadow descend from the sky.

And when Cheng Yu was about to attack another dedication, it was even more destructive.

I saw that the dedication felt that when Cheng Yu was approaching him, he didn't have any resistance, but he knelt on the ground for the first time.

"Let me go! Let me go! I beg you! I don't want to die!" The shout shouted, kneeling on the ground with his eyes closed.

He didn't know if Cheng Yu would let him go. He only knew that resistance and non-resistance were both dead. Maybe he asked Cheng Yu for mercy and still had a chance.

He didn't dare to open his eyes at this moment, but he hoped that he would still have the opportunity to open his eyes and that he would be safe at that time.

This act of enshrinement surprised everyone, and some even felt that they should probably save their lives like this.

However, the next moment, Cheng Yu's behavior was to let everyone dispel this idea.


Cheng Yu didn't have any hesitation. This offering ended his life in begging for mercy and extreme expectations and fear, not even leaving the whole body.

"It's too scary! It's too scary! Let's run away, otherwise we will all die!" Some people can't bear this kind of fear, but actually fled in the direction of Wujinyuan.

There is no way, they are just offerings from the foreign king.

Difficulties abroad, they can come forward to help, but this is obviously a death, no one wants to do it.

Even though the foreign kings have indeed provided them with many resources and suitable environments to practice in recent years, they have no regard for any kindness.

In the face of life and death, no kindness can be compared with his own life.

"I'm sorry for the foreign king, we don't want to die, this time, we can't help it!" Some offerings are kind and righteous, at least when explaining, they will explain to the king, although such an explanation is so pale.

"These ungrateful people once again fled in battle!" Seeing all the offerings that had been scattered once again fled, the foreign king was furious.

But at this time, even if he wanted to stop all these guys, it was no longer possible.

More importantly, Cheng Yu was already approaching him.

After all, Cheng Yu's ultimate purpose is to deal with foreign kings, and these offerings are only a hindrance to Cheng Yu. Now that he had scared away all these obstacles, this was the result he wanted most. How could he stop these offerings from escaping?

Without these obstructions, it is much easier to deal with foreign kings.

"That being the case, come on, even without them, I would not compromise with you!" The foreign king was angry, Cheng Yu is now really pushing him step by step.

He managed to find these offerings again, but now he was scared away by Cheng Yu.

Now he can no longer find a suitable helper. He originally wanted to delay time and wait for the elders of the seven principal affairs to come to the rescue.

But who thought, they didn't delay this time. What is even more hateful is that the elders of the seven principals have not yet arrived. Do they really want to kill themselves?

"Hum!" Cheng Yu sneered, he didn't need the foreign king to compromise with him anymore.

Because he knew that it was even more impossible for the foreign king to take the initiative to confess and rely on him, not to mention that he also injured a few of his women.

Although he would not kill him immediately, he did not intend to use any conditions to induce the other party to surrender.

Moreover, he can no longer delay time. He doesn't know when the elders of the seven principal affairs will come.

If they all come, the battle will not only grow bigger, but the sacrifices will also grow bigger.

Now the entire palace is under his blockade, and everything is still under his control. But when the elders of the Seven Major Principals bring so many reinforcements, it will be difficult to say everything.

Without any hesitation, Cheng Yu attacked the foreign king.

The same extreme speed, the same no trace can be found, even the foreign king, when facing such a Cheng Yu, feels very pressure.


However, compared with those offerings, the strength of the foreign king is indeed admirable.

Even those offerings that are not weaker than the elders of the seven major deputies are afraid to take a sword in front of Cheng Yu. Not to mention those ordinary offerings that were beheaded by Cheng Yu.

But this foreign king, although knowing that Cheng Yu is coming, is threatening, but the same sword cut down, but he also barely blocked Cheng Yu.


However, he just barely blocked it. The powerful impact force knocked him out, and the blood in his mouth sprayed out.

"What is the origin of this guy? It's so young, it seems obviously younger than me, but this strength is so deep. Could it be that his strength has really reached the level of the Lord? When did the Dynasty have To such an enemy? "The foreign king's sword held the ground, the blood in his mouth dripped, and fell to the ground.

At this moment, countless thoughts flashed in the mind of the foreign king, but it was always difficult to understand Cheng Yu's so horrible strength.

After all, in the eyes of these foreign kings, if anyone in this world can defeat them so easily, there is no one else in the world except the Lord.

But now, I don't know where a person came from, and he is still so young, which is really incredible.

"You are the master of the dynasty?" Suddenly, the foreigner shouted at Cheng Yu.

"What pilgrimage is not pilgrimage, I only know that you have borrowed this Baiyang foreign dynasty!" Cheng Yu naturally will not answer any questions about his identity.

What's more, everything in the palace is now under his control, why should he answer the other party's question!

Only by hurrying to hold this guy in his hands can the entire outward dynasty be controlled by him as soon as possible.


The long sword swiftly swept, the sword qi was vertical and horizontal, Cheng Yu's figure flashed again, came to the foreign king, and the sword was cut off.

"I fight with you!" The foreigner was also anxious. If Cheng Yu's blow didn't follow, he would be abolished even if he didn't die.

Although Cheng Yu did not answer his question directly, he already believed that Cheng Yu was the master of the dynasty.

This dynasty can now be said to be a heart disease among the major dynasties of the dynasty. The sudden appearance of this force has brought a lot of blows to many foreign dynasties.

For a few foreign dynasties, these blows were even more devastating.

Now in many foreign dynasties, many cities have announced their departure from their foreign dynasties and declared themselves under the Holy Dynasty.

The dynasty also issued orders to each outer dynasty, so that each outer dynasty was careful of the dynasty and carefully investigated the people behind the dynasty.

Unfortunately, this pilgrimage is too mysterious. Every appearance of them seemed to be premeditated. When they appeared, no one could resist their offensive.

Therefore, the major cities were attacked one after another, and they finally announced their departure.

And when they rushed to these foreign dynasties again, even when they reclaimed these cities ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ they could not find those mysterious black robes of the Holy Dynasty.

It can be said that the current dynasty did bring pressure and panic to the dynasty and various foreign dynasties.

However, no city in Baiyang's outer lands was captured and annexed by the Holy Dynasty, so they never thought that the Holy Dynasty would attack them and still be the headquarters.

Now Cheng Yu's sudden appearance, or strong appearance, has caused him to have great doubts about Cheng Yu's identity.

The black robes of the dynasty are so mysterious and their strength is very amazing, which shows that the strength of the people behind the dynasty is even more terrifying.

Now thinking about it, perhaps Cheng Yu's strength fits this point.

I have never heard of such a figure as Cheng Yu, but now he suddenly appears, and his strength surpasses the foreign king, and he may even reach the master level.

Judging from this, the probability that Cheng Yu is the master of the sacred dynasty is very high, even if Cheng Yu himself is not willing to admit it, but he has reasons to think so.

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