Godly Student

Chapter 4087: One wave is not flat, another wave is up!


After hearing the screams behind, many of the evacuated people looked back, and suddenly a cold sweat came out.

I saw the huge attacking spirit shadows on Gaofu's formation, and those slow moments were overwhelmed by these spirit shadow attacks.

"Run away!" Seeing that so many people are in danger, some people are directly killed, but at this moment, no one wants to return to save people.

In the face of such a powerful attack formation, several people were able to resist, and even the seven principal elders did not dare to resist.

Even if they resist, it is impossible to do so.

In fact, Gaofu's defensive formations and attacks are no longer the power of the original Gaofu formations.

The immortal tower blessed the formation on the basis of the original large formation, which is why everyone thought that the large formation was about to break, but the formation quickly became stable.

The same is true of this attacking array. The original attacking array of Gaofu was not so horrible at all. It was only after being blessed by the fairy tower that this array of formations became so horrible.

And the seven principal elders did not dare to resist because they sensed the dangerous breath from the large array.

After all, the defensive formation method is already the best example. Coupled with the reminder of high distance, everyone dare to resist, and retreat is the best decision.

"Elder Gao, when did your attack on Gaofu become so horrible?" Looking at the situation near Gaofu was like a purgatory on earth, the elders of the principals were startled.

"I think this should also be the effect of the magic weapon after the blessing!" Rocoya said.

"Fortunately, we are retreating fast. If we still want to break the battle, the situation may be really bad!" Although Gao Fu's attacking array is powerful, the attack range is limited.

Because this attack was originally to protect Gaofu, even if there is a magic weapon to bless it, the scope of the attack has not changed, but the power has become horrible.

Although the large array also caused some casualties, the situation is still under control. After all, most people have evacuated in a timely manner. Only those who have not exited in a timely manner will be attacked by the large array.

But even so, everyone looked back at this terrible array after everyone was safe.

Especially thinking of those who did not escape just now, that is a terrible word!

"Who are those people? Why are they so scary?" Wei Chenfei stared deeply at Gaofu, who was slowly calming down.

"Anyway not friends!"

"Isn't it nonsense? If you were a friend, you could block the exit for us with four strange beasts from the beginning? Now you have caught the foreign king. Could it be the friend's job?"

"Can't it be done by other foreign dynasties?" Gao Ruyuan said.

"Isn't this possible? Which foreign dynasty dares to do this? Which foreign dynasty has such ability and can find so many strange beasts?" Wei Qianrou said.

"You can't say the same. Although they are all foreign dynasties, the gap between strengths is also great. Our Baiyang foreign dynasty is indeed not such a powerful foreign dynasty.

Some foreign dynasties are several times or even dozens of times as large as us, and their strength is unimaginable.

They first blocked our exit with strange animals, just because they were afraid we would spread the news. If you look at it this way, this really does not deny that these people are not other people from the outside.

After all, besides our dynasty, where are there such a few powerful forces? Said the elder Luo Yi.

"But Bai Yang's foreign dynasty did not have such a life-and-death feud with other foreign dynasties. Besides, everyone is a foreign dynasty. What good are they doing?

If these foreign dynasties around Bai Yang's foreign dynasty did so, it could also be understood that they wanted to annex our territory.

But where are we all around? They simply cannot have the ability to swallow our Baiyang dynasty!

Since it is not the foreign dynasty near us, what is the point of those powerful foreign dynasties who do not know how far to annex us? Wu Li said.

"No, the foreign dynasty is part of the dynasty, but there are a lot of foreign ambitions that are absolutely ambitious. Let ’s not say whether they want to rebel from the dynasty, but the road of annexation by the major dynasties has never stopped. .

Some foreign wars have been fought for many years. This is very common. Although we are far from those powerful outwards, this does not affect their ambition to annex ours.

Moreover, our Baiyang outer dynasty is on the southern edge. If they occupy our Baiyang outer dynasty, then they need not worry about being besieged by other foreign dynasties.

With this as their second stronghold, can they start to slowly annex the surrounding majors?

Coupled with their outward homeland as the first stronghold, if the two lines are pinched, it is estimated that these foreign lands between their foreign lands and ours may be annexed by them! "The elder continued.

"No, right? If so, would the Lord allow them to occupy so much territory?" Wei Chenfei was surprised.

"That's why they dispatched so many strange beasts to block our exit. Once this exit is blocked, it is impossible for us to leave the Baiyang dynasty.

What's more, if they really have other thoughts, even if they occupy our Baiyang dynasty, will they be announced to the public?

Of course, they secretly helped their own land to annex other dynasties. "The elder continued to explain.

"That's also true. So, are these people most likely from other powerful foreigners?" Wei Chenfei said.

"Who can say this? I just said that there is such a possibility, and I can't say that they are other foreigners.

And ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Except for the dynasty, there are always some powerful forces in this world, but we just don't understand it! Said the elder, shaking his head.

"But than the latter, I believe that they come from other foreign dynasties. After all, those powerful forces in this world also know that the dynasty is powerful, who dares to take such risks?

Once offending the dynasty, this force will perish. I think no force dares to do such a mindless thing! "Wei Chenfei said.

"I don't think who they are is important, what is important is what we should do now? The foreign king is still in their hands. From the current situation, it is almost impossible for us to rescue the foreign king from them. "Zhuang Min said.


Just as everyone was speculating and worrying, a familiar roar came into their ears, and even the earth began to tremble at this moment.

"No! The alien beast is back, everyone will withdraw soon!" Several elders heard this voice, and then their faces changed again. This was really a wave of unrest.

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