Godly Student

Chapter 4092: Scary individual!

"Elder Ye, what should I do? These strange beasts ate precious grass but still refused to come out at the exit!" At the east gate, a guardian just dropped a few precious grasses and was taken by two strange beasts. Leaving, their mission failed completely.

"Put two rare grasses at regular intervals. If they want these rare grasses, they will naturally come out!" Elder Ye said.

"I see!" So, the guardian hurriedly placed the rare grass from the outside in the direction of the exit where the strange beast was.

When the last grass placed near the strange beast, I saw that the dragon on the tree really flew up again.

"Come out! Come out!" People not far away couldn't help getting excited about this scene, but didn't expect this task to be so simple.


The dragon yelled at the dragon, and when he saw it soar for a few laps at the exit, then a dragon's beak surprised everyone.

"No, it sucked away the precious grass!" Seeing that the precious grass they had placed on the ground was directly sucked into the mouth by the dragon, everyone was calm.

"These guys are so abominable!" Elder Ye looked so blue. How could they think that this strange beast is not only terrible in strength, but also so intelligent, and more importantly, very cunning, even with this hand.


The dragon sucked all the precious grass into its mouth, chewed deliciously and returned to the giant tree.

"Elder Ye, let's lose a lot of precious grass this time, what should we do now?" Said the guardian helplessly.

So much precious grass was swallowed up by this strange beast. He felt his heart was broken.

If these precious grasses had given him such a good result, it would have been so wasteful, and the animal was cheap.

"It's useless to put it on the ground. You bring some people to hold the precious grass in your hands, and after they arouse their interest, you run away, and you should draw them out anyway!" Elder Ye thought for a while.

"I'll take them?" Hu Fa's legs were weak, and she collapsed to the ground in fright, her face pale.

Even just listening to the dragon's groan had already frightened him.

As a result, Elder Ye now asked him to bring people to use the precious grass but seduce them. If he saw the dragon's means just now, if he took the precious grass in his hands, he would not even be swallowed by anyone.

"Don't be afraid, I just want you to use the rare grass to arouse its interest, but not to let you be their food. As long as they focus on the precious grass in your hand, you will take people to run to the southeast. People over there will support you.

And we will take this opportunity to intercept these two beasts and prevent them from returning to the exit. Elder Ye said.

"But their strength is so horrible and so fast. Once they are targeted, we are afraid that there will be no chance to escape." Hu Fa said with a sad face.

It is not that he has not seen the strength of this dragon. He feels that if he took this task, he would not have a chance to survive.

"So you need to be smart, you can't run early!" Said Elder Ye.

"Elder Ye, I have followed you for so long, please let me go, I don't want to die!" Hu Fa begged sadly.

"If you don't go, I'll kill you now. Choose one yourself!" Elder Ye said nothing.

Because he also pleaded with the elder of the principal at the same time, but the ending was the same.

Since no one else lives or died, why should he care about others' lives and deaths!

Anyway, here he is alone!

"Elder Ye, you can't be so ruthless!" This method of protection is really terrified.

He had always been loyal to Elder Ye. He did not expect that Elder Ye would be so kind to him at this time, which simply did not give him a way to live.

"Tang Yan, you are my confidant, so I have always valued you. If others go, I am still not assured. But I know you well, and you have the power to escape in the presence of this strange beast.

What's more, didn't I ask you to bring a group of people? Really want to be caught by strange beasts, don't you let them stand in front?

I believe you, only you can complete this task! "Elder Ye's expression eased a lot, and he spoke to him with great care.

This is called both hard and soft. If it is just tough, it will arouse the opponent's resistance.

"Can I really escape?" Hearing Elder Ye said, the mood of Tang Yan was actually stabilized.

"You should believe in yourself, and I didn't ask you to work hard with that strange beast. With so many people under your hands, wouldn't you be smart?" Elder Ye continued.

"I see. I will surely drive away those two strange beasts!" Tang Yan suddenly became more confident, and turned around to re-arrange the manpower.

With a smile in Elder Ye's heart, the task was finally hopeful.

Although he is suspected of encouraging this law-protection, Tang Yan, as a law-protection, has his strength.

He didn't dare to do this task himself, so at least he had to find a law enforcement to do it.

Soon, Tang Yan assembled a thousand people to approach the two strange beasts.

Although Elder Ye gave him some encouragement at that time, but after taking the command, he seemed to have some regrets. It was really a moment of **** mistake for life.

Although he was carrying a thousand people now, when he approached the strange beast, he began to get nervous again.

After all, to seduce such a horrible guy, it is impossible for anyone to calm down. The strange beast shook.

But this did not seem to attract the attention of the two strange beasts. The two strange beasts did not react at all, and they only looked back at Elder Ye.

"Come closer!" Elder Ye whispered.

Tang Yan frightened and moved forward two steps, but he did not dare to move forward.

"Get closer!" But there was Elder Ye's voice behind him.

Tang Yan couldn't help it, gritted his teeth and went forward two more steps, shaking the precious grass in his hands, but the two strange animals still did not react!

"Shout out and draw their attention!" Elder Ye said again.

After hearing this, Tang Yan almost ran back and yelled at Elder Ye: "Specially, why don't you come?"

However, he would only dare to think about it in this case.

Looking at the two strange beasts at the exit, Tang Yan could not open the mouth if he came to his mouth.

"Shout!" Elder Ye was anxious and anxious when he saw Tang Yan's desire to stop talking.

If he didn't dare to go, he really wanted to go up and give Tang Yan a slap, so hard!

Tang Yan opened his mouth, but never shouted, and even the few people behind him looked anxious.

However, at such a critical juncture, no one dared to make a noise, everyone was nervous as if they could hear their own heartbeat!


But when Tang Yan opened his mouth several times without shouting, suddenly the dragon came out with a yin.

"Another beast has come out! Everyone, run!" Among the crowd, I didn't know who called out first, and everyone who was scared ran away, even Tang Yan ran back the first time!

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