Godly Student

Chapter 4095: Secret cannot be leaked!

Needless to say, Gao Ruyuan certainly knows that even if other people are willing to support them, they will not send too many people out. What's the use!

"Since everyone does not agree with this approach, we can only give up!" Wei Chenfei said with disappointment.

As long as their two governments are willing to support this operation, it has no meaning at all.

"Are you sure not to fight?" Gao Ruyuan watched the dragon return to the tree beast again, and his heart was really uncomfortable.

But just now they have secretly seen that the strength of this dragon is really terrifying.

In addition, there are two strange beasts in this place. They can't even attract one strange beast. If they want to leave the foreign kingdom, they can only rush out.

He felt that if there were enough people, they would be able to rush out.

But now the five elders are unwilling, they simply don't have enough people.

"We don't want people to rush out, and even the people under our hands will be lost, then we really have nothing!" Luo Keya said with a smile.

"Huh! Since everyone doesn't have the determination, then go back to your home!" Gao Ruyuan prepared to take his own back to Gao Fu after speaking, but immediately thought that his own Gao Fu was occupied by those people and could only be changed Direction, towards his temporary camp.

"Don't you really go?" Wei Chenfei asked unwillingly finally.

"The pros and cons we have already made very clear just now, it is not a wise move to make a fortune. Regardless of the result, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. We do not need to take this risk.

For now, it's in the interest of all of us to wait and see what happens! Said the elder.

Seeing the elder say this again, he knew that he couldn't change their minds anymore, stopped talking and left with his own people.

"Are we really okay like this?" Wei Qianrou said a little worried when Gao Ruyuan and Wei Chenfei left.

"It shouldn't be for the time being, but it will be hard to say later!" Rokeya shook her head and said.

They don't want to leave, just after weighing the pros and cons, not only do they lose a lot, they also have a very low success rate.

Under such circumstances, they really have no courage to break through.

"Then we all go back now?" Wei Qianrou said.

Although she always likes to sing with Rokeya, it doesn't mean that she should talk to each other anytime and anywhere.

Now is the moment of life and death of the entire Baiyang dynasty, which is related to the life and death of everyone.

Even if they were the chief elders, she knew very well. In front of these enemies, their elders are really nothing.

"Call Elder Ye back, and let's go back to our respective houses. What is the danger to report in time!" The elder nodded.

After all, the seven provinces are far apart. Once there is danger, it is impossible to meet immediately, and only through messaging.

And Elder Ye, who didn't know whether to continue to lead the strange beast, knew that he didn't need to carry on anymore, and the whole person was almost excited lying on the ground and crying.

"Finally safe!" Elder Ye Matsu relieved.

Watching the elders of various principals lead people back to their mansions, the people of the Ninth Family also relaxed.

Although they believe that the Lord has the power to block them, once everyone starts a war, everyone will inevitably be hurt.

Now they know that it is the best result to quit.

What's more, if Baiyang's foreign dynasty is destroyed and everyone is almost killed, what's the point of this Baiyang foreign dynasty?

"Master, if they don't break out this time, it will be even worse in the future!" Ji Zhengyang said.

"Well, that's okay, we don't have to worry about these people going out to report the news!" Cheng Yu nodded.

Elder Ye just saw everything they did.

Although the water dragon is very strong, and there is a tree beast guarding, but no one is sure whether an accident will occur.

This is also the reason why he came here to observe in secret. In case these people really led away the two strange beasts, everything they did these days would be in vain.

"But Master, how are we going to annex this Baiyang dynasty now? If they will yield to us then and then stab us at the back, then we can't help it!" Nangong Bohao said.

"That's why I need to think again. As long as their foreign kings can listen to us, then the later things will be easier to handle!" Cheng Yu said.

With their strength, they may be forced to yield, but this is definitely not the best.

As Nangong Bohao said, they can surrender first, then wait until they can freely enter and leave the foreign dynasty, then leave the foreign dynasty, and report to other foreign or internal dynasties. These are very possible.

Therefore, in order to successfully get this Baiyang foreign dynasty, he also had to start from that foreign king.

After all, the foreign king is the king of Bai Yang's foreign dynasty. As long as he is there, he can stabilize everyone.

Moreover, as long as this Baiyang foreign dynasty is still in control of the foreign king, there is no reason for others to overthrow the foreign king.

"But they already know that we have captured the foreign king ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Even if the foreign king has obeyed us, even if he comes to control Baiyang's foreign dynasty, they will inevitably not think that this foreign king is already ours. Hey? "Nangong Bohao continued.

"You're right, so this is just the first step. Everyone rest for a few days, then we can start the second step!" Cheng Yu smiled lightly.

"The second step? I don't know what the young master intends?" Everyone wondered.

"Let's go back first, I will arrange another formation in Gaofu these days!" Cheng Yu went back to Gaofu with his hands on his back.

"Matrix? What kind of matrix does Master want to arrange?" Everyone curious.

"The heavenly machine cannot be leaked!" Cheng Yu shook his head.

"Master, what happened to the two formations in Gaofu before that? Are you setting them up?" Speaking of formations, Dongfang Heyan asked very curiously.

However, this is also something that everyone else wants to know.

After all, such a powerful formation, if it is arranged by the Lord, it will definitely take some time.

Although they have also seen the Lord out of the courtyard several times, this should not be enough to arrange two such powerful formations.

Moreover, the Lord also said before: Let them taste the power of their formation.

However, if the formation law is high, how does the Lord know and use it?

"The secret should not be leaked!" Cheng Yu laughed again.

He certainly wouldn't tell them that these were all thanks to the magic tower. No one in this world knows the formation better than the magic tower.

It can both find and control the formation.

As for why Gao Ruyuan couldn't control the formation, it was entirely because his strength was not strong enough, so after Gao Xianyuan took control, Gao Ruyuan was unable to take it back.

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