Godly Student

Chapter 4100: Make progress together!

"So what do we do now? Are we really going to fight them?" Wu Li said.

"But if we enter Gaofu, it may be more dangerous." Wei Qianrou said.

"What to do? If it really starts, we don't seem to be able to treat them. Isn't the last action the best proof?" Gao Ruyuan said.

"Then let's go back home!" Wei Chenfei said.

"But if you go back to your home, the invitation says you will be at your own risk. No one will know what will happen then!" Wei Qianrou said.

"What should we do? We can't enter, we can't retreat, have we been consuming here?" Wei Chenfei said uneasily.

He felt like he was going crazy by people like Gaofu.

If he continues like this, he may really go crazy.

"Elder, what do you say we should do now? In the end, do you agree to their conditions and go to Gaofu to meet with them, or return to the house first and wait for their next action and take the means of retreat? Rocoya said.

"Elder Zhuang, what do you think?" The elder asked, looking at the second elder.

"This matter is really difficult to choose, but I don't think we can drag it like this. For so many days, we have no way to take the initiative.

What's more, this time they have clearly stated on the invitation that if it is not as promised, there will be serious consequences.

If they strike our houses after we return home, we are even more passive.

Although it is indeed dangerous to enter Gaofu now, we can first understand their intentions, which will also help us choose countermeasures.

In addition, even if they really want to do something to us in Gaofu, at least we now have the 7th Army in standby outside Gaofu.

As long as they dare to do it, then we will be a big fish and die. What do you think? "The second elder Zhuang Min said.

"I think the second elder is right, we are really too passive now. Even if this high house is a Longtan tiger cave, we must make a break before we say!" Wei Chenfei said loudly.

He's had enough, even if he's really going crazy, look at what these people are doing.

"Does everyone agree?" The elder asked, looking at the other elders.

"I agree!" Wei Qianrou said.

"I have no opinion!" Rocoya said.

"I agree!" Wu Li said.

"Since everyone agrees, let's take a look at Gaofu together. Our troops are here, and I don't believe they can treat us!" The elder nodded and said.

"Go!" Everyone's confidence increased at this moment.

No matter what the conspiracy and tricks of those people in Gaofu, there seems to be nothing to worry about.

"Everyone is waiting here. Once Gaofu sends a signal, you will break into Gaofu!" The elder said to the Qifu army behind him.

"Yes!" Everyone waited sternly, roaring loudly.

"Let's go!" Said the elder to the six elders.

"It seems that they have compromised with us after all!" Seeing the seven principal elders approaching Gaofu, the people of the Ninth Family were also relieved, and even a little happy.

Because they knew that the young master put the formation in Gaofu just to wait for them.

If they do not want to enter Gaofu, everything that the young master has done before is meaningless.

"So the young master was right, they really came!" Chen Ruiyang laughed.

"Now that they are here, then open the door to welcome guests!" Nangong Bohao said with a smile.

"I'll wait for the appointment, and invite you to lead the way!" When he came to the gate of Gaofu, the elder looked at the nine family members and said.

After all, there are more than a hundred people here, and they are still very alert!

"Please!" Everyone did not give the seven people a look, and they were still very polite.

The people of the Nine Great Family came first, and seven principal elders followed.

Perhaps the most complicated and unwilling experience in Gaofu is Gao Ruyuan.

This was his own mansion, but it is too sad to enter with the permission of others now.

The more he thought about it, the more he wanted to take it back.

"Everyone be alert!" The elder whispered to several people as he entered Gaofu.

Entering the front yard, the seven saw a young man already sitting on the main seat.

This person is no stranger to them. At first, they saw the foreign king taken away by him with Fabao.

"Please sit down, distinguished guests, treat this place like your own home, especially that friend!" Cheng Yu said to several people, especially when looking at Gao Ruyuan.

"Huh! I'm not going to talk about it here. This is originally my house. Although you live here now, I lent it to you temporarily, but I didn't say it to you.

To say guests, that's you, not us.

Moreover, we are not any of your friends. Just call us today and say something. Don't play tricks and tricks. UU 看书 www. uukanshu.com We are not interested! "Gao Ruyuan immediately confronted Cheng Yu.

After all, this is his mansion, and Cheng Yu's words are undoubtedly even more ironic to him, which hurt his heart.

Gao Ruyuan's words immediately made the people of the Nine Great Family feel dissatisfied and were about to reprimand, but saw Cheng Yu shook his head and stopped them.

"It seems that everyone is not doing well these days, and the mood is still a bit unstable!" Cheng Yu was not angry, but was calm.

"Huh! There is something to say, there is fart to let go, we did not accompany you here to chat!" Gao Ruyuan continued chanting.

No way, these days he is really bad.

Not only did he lose the mansion, but he was also tortured every day. He didn't know what he was going to do, and he was always scared.

Now that I saw him, I felt less afraid.

However, the other six people did not think so, they felt that Gao Ruyuan was too polite to speak.

Although this person is really not a friend to them, it is an enemy. But after all, the foreign king is still in his hands, plus the strength of this person is unfathomable, if this offends him.

Perhaps he was originally called for peace talks and was so stimulated by him that he turned his face. Isn't that wrong?

So their hearts were tight all the time, for fear that Cheng Yu suddenly turned over with them, always ready to fight back.

"Actually, I brought everyone together today to open up and talk to you." Cheng Yu laughed.

"What to talk about?" Everyone was curious, they just wanted to know what Cheng Yu was looking for.

"It's very simple. The reason why I appear in your Baiyang foreign dynasty is that I hope to make progress with Baiyang foreign dynasty!" Cheng Yu laughed.

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