Godly Student

Chapter 4102: Shameless for a long time!

"How can it be okay? And I just said that you just surrendered the military power temporarily. After this time, I will of course return the soldiers to you!" Cheng Yu said.

"That's what it said, but once we surrendered our military power, we haven't returned it yet, isn't it your decision?" Rocoya said.

They now felt that what Cheng Yu had said was indeed unable to believe even a punctuation mark.

"Huh! People don't care if we believe it or not, anyway, he never thought we would believe it!" Gao Ruyuan said with a scornful look.

"Looks like you have started to understand me!" Cheng Yu looked at Gao Ruyuan and smiled.

"Well! Who wants to understand you! I just think someone is shameless!" Gao Ruyuan continued to taunt.

"Then let's talk about the third point now. In the period of handing over the military power, in order to prevent you from secretly leaving Baiyang, you must stay in Gaofu! Of course, you can also choose to leave Gaofu now. The next blood oath will be loyal to me. "Cheng Yu said.

"What? Want us to pledge allegiance to you? This is impossible!" Wei Chenfei finally couldn't help, and stood up angrily and yelled.

Although taking a blood oath would not have much effect on them, it is about dignity.

The current Baiyang foreign dynasty may have suffered a catastrophe, but they are always the elders of the Baiyang foreign dynasty. They have an extremely distinguished status, with hundreds of thousands of monks under their hands, and they have a lot of resources.

If they take a blood oath, they will really become Cheng Yu's descendants, or even a dog.

Even if they can still get back their military power in the future, do they still have to listen to Cheng Yu?

When they were in the Baiyang dynasty before, although they also had a foreign king, and the status of the foreign king was more honorable than them, to a certain extent, their status was relatively equal.

They have certain decision-making powers even on many major events in the DPRK.

However, judging from the dialogue between them and each other, Cheng Yu will definitely not give them any decision-making power, so will not they have only one reputation left as the foreign king?

The faces of the remaining elders are also extremely ugly. These conditions of Cheng Yu are really more than one. Such conditions make them simply unacceptable.

"Isn't this appropriate? Your Excellency has just said that the foreign king will still be our foreign king at that time. But now you want us to be loyal to you, then who will we listen to then? The foreign king or you? "The elder said as much as possible to suppress his anger.

"I also said before, as long as you agree with my idea, then we are all one family. Naturally, I and the foreign king are also my own, whether you listen to the foreign king, or listen to me, it is the same.

As for the three conditions I have just mentioned, it seems a bit harsh. But if you think about it carefully, if I really cooperate with you boldly without any defense, do you think it is unreasonable?

What's more, what happened to Baiyang's outer dynasty? What should I do if you report to other outer and inner dynasties?

In fact, as long as you will not be unfaithful to me, you will still be the former elders of the principal, and no one will affect your status and identity in the foreign dynasty. Cheng Yu explained.

"It sounds good. In my opinion, the credibility of these words you said is almost zero. To you, this may only be a means of prevention, but for us, once we take the blood of heaven, , Then I can only listen to you! "Wei Chenfei said.

"Wrong, taking the **** oath of heaven only means that you are loyal to me. As long as you are not unfaithful, my existence will not have any impact on you.

As for everything you say, you must listen to me. As long as you do n’t violate my intentions, I do n’t think I have time to restrict your power all the time. You will still have your own decision-making power! "Cheng Yu said.

The crowd was silent, not because Cheng Yu's words touched them. After all, it was not a good thing to be a subordinate of others, and no one felt very happy.

But they knew that after coming here today, Cheng Yu didn't plan to let them go back.

Because the third article is very clear, they are either in Gaofu, or they just made a vow of allegiance to him.

Therefore, if they want to leave Gaofu today, they must make an oath of heaven.

"Suddenly your request made these points. Should we also go back to discuss or consider the time?" Rokeya said.

"Actually, Gaofu is very big. If you want to discuss or consider, I can provide you with enough space to discuss and consider!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

The meaning is obvious, he is not in a hurry to let everyone make a decision. But it is absolutely impossible for them to leave Gaofu.

"Don't you just say you don't like to force others? Don't you just force us to make a decision now?" Rocoya said dissatisfied.

This is not a simple decision, even if Cheng Yu's strength is very strong, UU reading books www.uukanshu.com They are not even Cheng Yu's opponents, they still do not want to be his subordinates or subordinates.

"Yes, when everyone is obedient, I will never force others. But when others are not obedient, it may not be necessary!" Cheng Yu said lightly.

"You ... really shameless!" Roco's elegant face was red and red, and this guy was really shameless.

"How about? Do you guys need me to provide you with a place for you to think about how to answer me?" Cheng Yu smiled, apparently he didn't care about the evaluation everyone gave him.

The word shame was once the motto of his life.

However, in retrospect, it seems that he has not been so shameful for a long time. For a moment, there is still a bit of aftertaste.

"If you do this, it may not be too close. If this is the case, it seems that we cannot talk peacefully today, we leave first!" The elder stood up, left a sentence, turned and went outside the hall. Go on.

"Unaccompanied, you can play it alone!" Wei Chenfei watched Cheng Yuxuan smile and followed the elder away.

The remaining elders will follow suit and go out!

"Master, they ..." People in the Ninth Family Family suddenly felt anxious when they saw these guys want to leave.

Without a wave of Yu, Yu didn't seem to worry about them leaving Gaofu.

"This is ..." But as soon as they stepped out of the hall, they discovered that a matrix barrier appeared in this place.

"You want to trap us in a matrix?" The elder said angrily.

"No, no, I just want everyone to sit down and have a good talk, so that no one will bother?" Cheng Yu shrugged and said innocently!

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