Godly Student

Chapter 4119: Long-lost love!

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If you want to control Baiyang's foreign dynasty, the most important thing is to be able to control some of the most important people of Baiyang's foreign dynasty.

These people are the foreign king and the seven principal elders, and the decisive principal elder.

As long as these people are controlled, it will not be far from controlling the entire Baiyang dynasty.

At the moment when the foreign king made a blood oath in heaven, Cheng Yu no longer imprisoned him, but released him from the magic tower.

However, Cheng Yu did not allow him to return to the Foreign Prince's House now, because there are still many unresolved issues, and he does not want the Foreign Minister to be exposed to others so early.

Therefore, Cheng Yu specially arranged him in Qingfengyuan, which was the courtyard Gao Ruyuan particularly wanted before.

Although this seems to be a day of imprisonment, it is at least much better than the boring magic weapon. There are blue sky and white wind here, as well as beautiful scenery. When you need it, you can get someone to prepare for him.

The only drawback is that someone is a bit lonely and boring!

"How nice it would be to see several ladies at this time!" The foreigner sighed with some emotion while standing at the window.

He used to spend too much time in practice so that she spent little time with several ladies.

Sometimes they can't see each other for a year, even though they are in a mansion.

In retrospect, I feel that I am too misconducted as a husband.

This is the case for people. He is always chasing his ideal. Only when he is forced to stop, will he quietly think about his life. At this time, he will find that he missed the most important things around him people.

"Fu Jun!" But when the foreigner looked out of the window and was in a daze, a familiar and missed voice sounded in his ear.

The foreign king hurried over to open the room, and he saw four women in the yard.

"What are you doing here?" It surprised and delighted him to see all his four ladies coming.

He was still thinking about these women just now, but he did not expect that these women really appeared in front of his eyes.

Such a thing is simply amazing!

"Master brought us!" Said Madam Liu Yuying.

"Master?" Yi Wang Yiyi!

"Yeah, that's the young man who fought against you. He told us so!" Said the second wife Zhu Lingyun.

"It was him!" The foreigner felt warm in his heart, knowing that Cheng Yu had specially taken them over.

He didn't think it was Cheng Yu who threatened him with several women on purpose.

Because Bai Yang's foreign dynasty today is actually not safe. As long as Cheng Yu thinks, he can use these women to threaten him when he has not promised to be loyal to Cheng Yu.

But Cheng Yu did not do this, but after he promised him now, he took over some of his women.

He felt that this was precisely Cheng Yu's respect for him, and he was very considerate of him.

"When he appeared in the Palace of the Foreigners, we all thought he was in trouble, and almost fought with him.

But then he said that we were here to see you, and we didn't know if it was true or not. "Mrs. Xiao Mengshu said.

"You won't really fight him, right?" The foreigner frowned.

He knows Cheng Yu's horror, and even he is not Cheng Yu's opponent. If a few women and those in the foreign palace fight against him, it will definitely be a loss.

But looking at these women, they were unscathed and did not look injured.

Or did the people in the Foreign Prince's House be injured to protect several wives?

"Our people in the foreign palace really wanted to go to war with him, but we stopped it. We feel that since you are no longer there is no meaning even if we live. The thought was true! "The fourth wife, Qin Xianxuan, looked at the foreigner and said with red eyes.

"It is really hard for you, I am sorry for you, I failed you, and did not give you a stable day!" Hearing these words, the foreign king felt guilty and moved.

It was he who failed these good women. At this moment, he felt that his choice might be right.

If you really choose not to betray the dynasty, you choose to be permanently trapped in Cheng Yu's magic weapon, or choose to die, then what should these women do?

Although his position is different now, he no longer belongs to the dynasty, but at least he is still the foreign king of the Baiyang dynasty.

In the future, these women can still bring a good life without letting them suffer with them.

Therefore, he was even more unable to let the dynasty, especially the inner dynasty, know that their Baiyang and outer dynasties had changed.

Only in this way, he and his beloved can last for a long time!

"As long as I can stay with my husband, how much hardship is worth it!" Said several women.

"No, I won't let you suffer anymore." The foreigner shook his head and said.

"Fu Jun, did the person claiming to be a master embarrass you?" The old lady Shen Fenghua asked.

"Difficulties are there, but this has passed ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ There will only be good days later!" Said the foreign king.

"But are we stuck here all our lives?" Said Xiao Mengshu, the third wife.

"It's only temporary. After a while, we will return to the foreign palace, just like before!" Said the foreign king.

However, he would not reveal the secret between himself and Cheng Yu to several women.

Although these women are his lover, he knows that more is worse than less.

They don't know these things, so they won't worry about these things, and will not involve more and more complicated things.

In the future, he will continue to be his foreign king, and several women will continue to be their foreign wives.

"What about that young master? Will he let us go?" Several women wondered.

"Here is our place all the time, and he will leave after all! You do n’t have to take care of these, just for so many years, I have not been with you for a long time.

Take this opportunity to accompany you! "The foreign king shifted the subject.

"Really? That's great!" The women rejoiced.

I didn't expect everyone to be blessed by misfortune. They once asked the foreign kings to be with them, but the foreign kings always shirk from retreat.

But now, it is really surprising that the foreign king has offered to accompany them well.

However, they really like this accident!

Knowing this, the young master should have appeared long ago.

"Fu Jun, there are a lot of peach blossoms blooming in this yard, you can accompany us to see it!" The fourth wife, Qin Xianyu, took the foreign king and said, Jiao.

"Okay, I'll accompany you to enjoy the flowers!" The foreign king let the four ladies pull it and smiled. It seemed that he hadn't experienced this state for a long time.

Long-lost love!

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