Godly Student

Chapter 4121: Go with the sky?

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"Foreign king, we are not afraid of death. As long as you give an order, we can work hard with those people for the sake of the dynasty! You are our foreign king, how can you be loyal to him?

And how should we explain to the inward DPRK? Gao Ruyuan said.

He was very upset with Cheng Yu, so now even the foreign king has chosen to be loyal to him. Doesn't he have no choice but to loyal to Cheng Yu?

But this was by no means his wish, and he would rather follow the foreign king to challenge Cheng Yu.

"Wang Wang, you shouldn't just give up like this. I know that the reason why you lost to Cheng Yu was entirely because we didn't come to help you in time.

But now it's different. Our seven-man army is on standby at any time. As long as we send out a signal, we can immediately go to war against Gao.

We will never fail again at that time! "Wei Chenfei also said.

He was also reluctant to be loyal to Cheng Yu, after all, betraying the dynasty was not a joke, betrayal was easy, but life was difficult.

"Impossible!" Said the foreigner, shaking his head.

Although everyone is talking about the bones and even the plans are tempting, but it doesn't make any sense to him.

If it wasn't for Cheng Yuli's **** oath, how could he leave that magic weapon!

What's more, in the magic weapon, since Cheng Yu came to see him every day, there was a period of contact between them.

He found that Cheng Yu was a very good person, which was one of the reasons he agreed to Cheng Yu.

Of course, the most important thing is that the overall situation of Bai Yang's foreign dynasty has been set.

As a foreign king, as well as his most powerful assistant Leng Yi, Cheng Yu was trapped in the magic weapon.

The seven principal elders have also been trapped in Cheng Yu. Although Bai Yang did have a lot of talented masters in foreign dynasties, even if they could control the overall situation, they did not have enough strength to compete with Cheng Yu.

Therefore, whether he admits it or not, in fact, the current Baiyang dynasty is dead, and it is impossible to stop Cheng Yu's plan.

If he repeatedly refuses Cheng Yu's good intentions, in the end, if Cheng Yu can't really conquer Bai Yang's foreign dynasty, then destroying Bai Yang's foreign dynasty becomes Cheng Yu's only option.

He did not want Bai Yangwai to die in his hands. Even after this, Baiyang Wai Dynasty no longer named Wang, but Cheng.

Maybe, following Cheng Yu can also make Bai Yang's dynasty shine in this world, and even exist longer and stronger!

Although he thinks this possibility is very small!

"Why?" Everyone asked.

"Let's say this first, I still want to hear your thoughts. Elder Luo, you have always been a very thoughtful person. Regarding loyalty to Master, I want to hear your thoughts!" The foreign king did not directly Answer their questions, but look at Rocoya.

"Wang Wang, if I guessed right, you promised to be loyal to him, so you were able to come out and meet us, right?" Rocoya did not answer the Wang's question immediately, but asked instead.

Hearing Luo Keya's words, the other six elders set their eyes on the foreigner's body, and their expressions were a little nervous.

Obviously, no one seems to want Rocoya's conjecture to be realistic.

"Yes, I have made a **** promise of Heaven, and I am willing to be loyal to him, so I will be able to come out and meet you again!" The foreign king admitted frankly.

"This ... is this true?" Although everyone may have guessed that this would be the result, everyone still feels a little unacceptable.

You know, the foreign king is the belief of the entire Baiyang foreign dynasty. If everyone in the Baiyang foreign dynasty knew that their foreign king had loyalty to others, what would it feel like!

"You should understand what this is!" Said the foreigner, and a scarlet mark appeared on his forehead.

"This is ... the mark of the blood oath!" Seeing this mark, everyone no longer needs to say it.

Nothing is more convincing than this, only those who take the blood oath of heaven will have such a scarlet mark.

"Elder Luo, now you can talk about your thoughts, right?" The foreigner didn't seem to care about the surprised expression of the crowd. Perhaps he had already fully accepted everything and looked at Luo Keya.

"Wang Wang, in fact, I have already expected such a result. During my stay in Gaofu, I also thought about it a lot. I think that with the current situation in Baiyang's foreign dynasty, maybe Wang's choice Right! "Rocoya said.

"Elder Luo, haven't you always opposed allegiance to that person? Why now say that this choice is right?" Gao Ruyuan said dissatisfied.

"I just recognize the facts. Can we change the outcome even if we don't want to be loyal to him? Moreover, I don't think that person is as cruel as we think.

In fact, if he really wants to control Bai Yang's foreign dynasty, he can completely kill us and then cultivate some obedient people as their agents to control Bai Yang's foreign dynasty. UC Reading www.uukanshu.com

But he didn't do that, he chose to stay with us. What's more, he also saved our lives. Although we were indeed forced by him in the original situation, this cannot be taken as all this has not happened.

At least without him, Qianrou had already died, and we may have died in the formation.

What's more, now that the foreign king has vowed blood in heaven, it is even more impossible for us to bring the seven army to fight against him. "Rocoya uttered her thoughts completely.

In fact, her injuries have already recovered a lot, and she has been thinking about it since then.

Where will Bai Yang go from here? What should they do next?

Although it was not known how the foreign king chose at that time, she believed that choosing to cooperate with Cheng Yu was the only conclusion.

In addition, Cheng Yu will never let them live.

Even if they are not killed, they will be imprisoned for a lifetime.

"I think Sister Keya is right, anyway, my life was saved by him, and I am willing to be loyal to him." Wei Qianrou said.

While in the formation, she heard Rocoya calling her.

But at that time she was also playing against the ancient soul in the formation method. As a result, she was seriously injured before she could ask for help.

She thought she was dead, but when she woke up, she learned from Luo Keya's mouth that Cheng Yu had saved her.

At that time, she felt that Cheng Yu didn't talk about credit so much, at least his recognition before the formation attack was confirmed.

Moreover, she felt that even if the seven elders were united, they had no ability to compete with Cheng Yu.

Thinking about it, they have no choice but to be loyal to Cheng Yu!

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