Godly Student

Chapter 4133: Countermeasure!

"When did that young master leave? Why don't we know?" Wei Chenfei asked.

"It's been almost a month!" Said the foreigner.

"A month?"

"Elder Gao, why don't you tell us?" Wei Chenfei said to Gao Ruyuan.

"I don't know about it!" Gao Ruyuan said innocently.

Cheng Yu has already left Gaofu for a long time, and he is still a fake. But when he left, he really didn't know anything.

"Don't blame Elder Gao. Only two of me and Leng Yi knew this. We personally sent the young master away. The young master let us not talk about it for the time being, but we didn't expect that someone would come so soon. I have to tell you the truth! "Explained the foreign king.

"But why didn't the master let you tell us?" Several elders were very puzzled.

"At the time, he was afraid that you would come to see him. At that time, it would attract the attention of others. As for not letting me tell you for the time being, it is estimated that one person knows less than one person knows it!" Said the foreign king.

"What should we do now? The people from the Inner Dynasty are here, and the young master is not in the Outer Dynasty. Doesn't he even take away those strange beasts?" Gao Ruyuan said.

"This is nature. The strange beasts are originally in his magic weapon. Of course, these strange beasts will be taken away as soon as he leaves! Moreover, if we let the inward people know that we have strange beasts here, if we don't kill them, Then shall we be more troublesome? "Said the foreigner.

"I don't know why these people suddenly came to the foreign dynasty? Do they already know that we have trusted in the young master and trusted in the Holy Dynasty?" Gao Ruyuan said worriedly.

"How is this possible? This matter is so concealed, and the news spread from the outer dynasty to the inner dynasty. It is almost half a year since they came to the outer dynasty again. Where are they so fast?" The foreign king shook his head and denied Road.

"If not for us, what is it for?" Gao Ruyuan wondered.

"I guess it's for the worldly man!" Rocoya said.

"The worldly man? You mean the one called ... what is it?" Gao Ruyuan said.

"Cheng Yu! Didn't the foreign king send some people to the world to arrest them before? Why is there no news for so long?" Luo Keya looked at the foreign king and asked.

"Those people really haven't heard back yet, maybe something happened, so Nei Chao can't wait!" The foreign king was shocked and explained.

Obviously, everyone really does not know the identity relationship between the young master and Cheng Yu. However, he was clear.

Moreover, these people from the Inner Dynasty are likely to have come for Cheng Yu, but several elders did not know that this Cheng Yu was their young master!

However, he couldn't say it anyway, at least for the time being he couldn't say it.

"If these people came to Cheng Yu for the inward dynasty, then we don't have to worry so much, just send them casually at that time!" When several elders thought that there was another Cheng Yu, they felt at ease!

Now they are no longer dynasty people, although they are still on the bright side, but in their hearts, they are already holy people.

However, this matter must not be known to inward people.

As long as they don't come for this matter, then just leave them alone, and they won't reveal their identity anyway.

"But I'm afraid that these people are not so easy to pass. What if these people ask us to send troops to deal with that Cheng Yu?

Moreover, although the young master is no longer in the foreign dynasty, if these people from the internal dynasty come to the foreign dynasty, they may always wear out.

By that time, once we let them know what happened in the Baiyang dynasty, we may all be exposed! "Leng Yi said.

"Elder Leng is right. This is indeed a problem that cannot be ignored. Once these people from the inner dynasty appear outside, they may always hear something. In case they hear about the young master, we may really die. There is no place for burial, just now Master is not there, even if we die, Master does not know! "Rokeya agreed.

"Then let's go back and let everyone shut up, we can't reveal half a word about that thing!" Wei Chenfei said darkly.

This is another moment that affects the life and death of the outer dynasty. Once someone inadvertently reveals this matter, those people in the inner dynasty will definitely investigate.

After such a check, the filling is exposed.

Therefore, if anyone dares to mention this matter, he will kill all of them without leaving any future troubles!

"I don't think it's necessarily reliable. Don't disclose that matter. We have reminded the people below not once or twice.

But I think that even if this is the case, it is very likely that there will be flaws!

So, if you want us to be safe, I think it's best not to let these people from the inside to the outside! Let them go to the world to find what Cheng Yu is! Wu Li said.

"Do not allow them to enter the foreign dynasty? This is not appropriate, and, in case they did not come for this Cheng Yu? Then you do not allow them to enter the foreign dynasty, does this not reveal that we have problems?" Rocoya said.

"So we'd better prepare two plans now. If they can be kept out of the country, that's the best. But if they enter the country, what should we do?" Said the foreign king.

"If they do n’t enter the foreign dynasty, there is nothing to say. If they enter the foreign dynasty ~ www.ltnovel.com ~, then it means that they may not have come for that Cheng Yu, we must be careful, otherwise Just kill a hundred directly. "Gao Ruyuan said.

"Kill? Didn't you just say? The people who come here may be very powerful. In case we can't kill them, or if we can kill some of them and get away with them, shouldn't we be dead?" Luo Keya again Retorted.

"Isn't the master said before? If we can't deal with it, we can ask the master to cooperate. Grandma, although the master left the foreign dynasty, you can always contact him?" Wei Qianrou said.

"Certainly, he specifically explained my method when he left! If necessary, we can contact him!" The foreigner nodded.

"That being the case, isn't it easy to do? Let's just find the young master, as long as he is willing to help us, even if these people are strong, we can easily get it done!" Wei Qianrou laughed.

She now believes in Cheng Yu's strength very much. Even such a powerful person may not have such strength.

Therefore, as long as Cheng Yu promises to come forward, these people will definitely not make any waves!

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