Godly Student

Chapter 4694: Great idea to calm the soul!

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Facing such a huge illusion, Cheng Yu did not dare to use Long Yan. Although his speculation may not be correct, he dared not be sloppy.

If a burst of eyes is really hidden in this illusion, then this fire is small, if the burst of eyes is burned out, it will be a major event.

Although Long Yan could not be used, Cheng Yu still had enough confidence in his own strength.

Isn't it just a powerful illusion? Even if he can't expose too many hole cards, he still believes that he has enough ability to kill this guy and find an eye.

Just like now, Cheng Yu's body shape may seem a little small in front of this huge illusion.

But I saw Cheng Yu blast out with a punch, and a huge shadow of the fist flew out.

Although this huge boxing shadow still can't be compared with the size of this phantom, the size of this phantom punch is only about the size of Cheng Yu's boxing shadow.


The two fist shadows collided, and huge power suddenly burst out.

Fortunately, Cheng Yu, at least when the explosive force surged out, he was not repelled by this impulse force.

However, although the giant shadow opposite him was huge, he was obviously not as strong as Cheng Yu, and was instantly repelled by this force.

As far as an illusion is concerned, it has no life and no substance.

Therefore, if Cheng Yu used ordinary weapons to attack it or harm it, it is unlikely.

In fact, no matter how it deals with the soul body or such a phantom, the fairy tower is a very good magic weapon for restraint. It's just that he is now worried that the old guy can see his situation outside the formation, and that will expose his identity of Cheng Yu.

Therefore, Cheng Yu has been restrained, not daring to show the fairy tower.

Sora has the best magic weapon and cannot be used. For Cheng Yu, it is naturally very uncomfortable, but he has always insisted and can only think of other ways.

Seeing that the phantom was repulsed at this time, Cheng Yu suddenly turned Long Yan into a fire sword, and cut off the phantom's right arm with a sharp sword.

Then he quickly put Long Yan away, fearing that Long Yan could not control it, and all of a sudden the entire illusion was incinerated and there was no scum.

If it were the awakening of the gods, Cheng Yu knew that this sword would have no effect at all, just like a slash on flowing water.

But this Long Yan is different, cut out with one sword, the effect is immediately visible. I saw the phantom's right arm fluttered down, and it was quickly dispersed by the wind blowing in.

However, Cheng Yu hadn't come and rejoiced before seeing the illusion grow a right arm.

"Damn, this guy is really difficult!" Cheng Yu was shocked and angry.

Originally, he thought he could not directly incinerate it with Long Yan, but he could use Long Yan as a sword to divide it.

As a result, he did successfully separate the Hand of Illusion first. But he never expected that this guy had the ability to regenerate.

"I have a suggestion. Many of the magic weapons you get from the remains of the holy city can be restrained from such things.

Moreover, those magic weapons are unowned. You can easily sign a blood contract with these magic weapons and control them completely. It must be very practical to deal with this illusion. "Shenzhen said.

"Good idea! Let me look for it!" Cheng Yu's eyes lit up, and he even forgot about it.

Those magic weapons that he used before are really not suitable to be taken out, it is easy to expose himself.

But he got so many magic weapons from the ruins of the holy city, and more importantly, he had never used these magic weapons, and even if he saw the light, he would not reveal his identity as Cheng Yu.

There are always countless magic weapons that have the same functions as the magic weapons that Cheng Yu currently uses.

Thinking of this, he did not take the initiative to attack the illusion, but chose to retreat.

But this illusion is obviously not without wisdom. Seeing Cheng Yu retreat, he actually chose to take the initiative to attack.

It was just that Cheng Yu had no desire to fight at this time. He had to find a suitable magic weapon to deal with him first, so he focused on two purposes, avoiding the active attack of the illusion, and quickly searching for the magic weapon in his treasure house.

"Ancient gluttonous flags, fairy artifacts, yes, that's it!" Countless magic weapons flashed in Cheng Yu's sea of ​​consciousness, and finally a magic weapon that was more suitable for his current situation appeared in his consciousness, and it was immediately Take it out.


Without saying anything, Cheng Yu immediately squeezed a drop of blood into his hand and blended it into the magic weapon, forming a blood contract directly.

"Very good, let you try my new magic weapon!" When Cheng Yu was ready, he immediately sacrificed his new magic weapon.


I saw the gluttonous flag flying head-on towards the huge phantom that was charging.

But to Cheng Yu's surprise, the phantom saw the flag flying, and it opened his mouth and swallowed it.

But Chengyu's connection with this banner is still there, and it's still under his control, it doesn't make him so worried.

Just after the illusion swallowed the gluttonous flag, he wanted to shoot Cheng Yu again, but Cheng Yu clearly saw that this huge phantom body was rapidly collapsing.

"This gluttonous banner is really useful!" Cheng Yu was immediately overjoyed when he saw this situation. This gluttonous banner was not so bad, it was still very powerful.

Seeing the gluttonous flags played a role, Cheng Yu would not even fight with him anymore, so he just stepped away.

At the same time, Cheng Yu clearly saw that this huge phantom was constantly shrinking, and a large number of phantoms were sucked into his body.

Cheng Yu only delayed a few breaths, and this illusion had basically been absorbed by half, and there was almost no aggression.

And at this time, Cheng Yu could even vaguely see the gluttonous banner inside, and then witnessed the remaining phantom being sucked into the gluttonous banner.

"The Array Eye!" At the moment when the illusion was completely sucked into the gluttonous flag, a white crystal was hanging beside the gluttonous flag, and Cheng Yu was overjoyed. That was exactly the fantasy array he had worked so hard to find. eye.


But this eye is obviously spiritual, and it rushes out of the storm the moment it appears.

"Where to run!" Cheng Yu was waiting for this moment. Now that the front eye has really appeared, how could he let such an important thing escape?


At the moment when the formation eye moved, Cheng Yu also moved, and saw his sword fall, and the sword shadow hit the crystal formation eye.


The eyes shattered in response, and suddenly the picture in front of Cheng Yu's eyes changed dramatically.

"Finally out!" When Cheng Yu saw that the picture in front of him was Nei Chao Hou Shan, he breathed a sigh of relief and finally broke the illusion.

The illusion that smashed the illusion naturally disappeared, but Cheng Yu was not sure whether the illusion could also be broken if the illusion was incinerated by Long Yan.

Because everything that was incinerated by Long Yan didn't have any scum, he wasn't sure whether it was a destruction of the formation.

It is precisely because of this that Cheng Yu has not dared to use Long Yan to directly destroy the illusion, for fear that there will be accidents.

Although this is indeed a lot of trouble, but fortunately the result was smooth, at least he finally managed to escape from the illusion.

No Cheng Yu knew, enough that he had gone out of the illusion, but he was still trapped in a big formation.

At this moment, the phantom array in the formation had been broken open, and the ancient souls in the formation could no longer hide themselves, and they were all exposed in front of Cheng Yu.

And after seeing Cheng Yu coming out of the illusion, they rushed forward again, preparing to kill Cheng Yu before he could react.

However, Cheng Yu was not worried at all at this time. Without the existence of the illusion, he wanted to kill these ancient souls very easily.

At least Long Yan can easily incinerate them, but Cheng Yu is not ready to do that now, because now he has a new magic weapon.

Magic weapons need to be moisturized, and the way of moistening and raising gluttonous flags is exactly what needs to be swallowed.

Just like in the illusion, the huge illusion was swallowed abruptly by it.

For gluttonous banners, this is its big tonic. And compared to that illusion, the energy of these ancient souls is more refined.

Therefore, if these ancient souls are directly incinerated with dragon flames, it is better to leave them to the gluttonous banners to enjoy this meal.


The gluttonous banner unfolded in front of Cheng Yu and started its devouring feast again.


As soon as the gluttonous banner came out, the ancient souls were immediately terrified, especially those who were at the forefront of the original rush, who wanted to kill Cheng Yu with a single blow. At this time, they were the first to be hit. www.ltnovel.com. Inhaled in the black whirlpool.

The black vortex is getting bigger and bigger, and the swallowing range is getting wider and wider. Although this formation is large, but there is no illusion, the inside of this formation is mostly limited.

These ancient souls couldn't escape, and they were all sucked into this gluttonous flag in panic.


Cheng Yu took the gluttonous banner back, and he was overjoyed. Fortunately, I was reminded by Zhen Hun, and I almost forgot that I still had a treasure trove on his body. He could pick so many magic weapons at random, so why be so passive?

This gluttonous banner is a fairy weapon level. Although it can't swallow all things, it is really strong to swallow this soul body.

From this point of view, its function is really similar to the fairy magic tower. However, the fairy magic tower is not limited to the soul body, even entities, formations, etc., are its strengths.

However, the gluttonous banners can only devour souls and imaginary objects, and the range is smaller.

But it is very good to be used for emergency at critical moments, especially its power to devour souls is even faster than the fairy demon tower, which may be because the fairy demon tower is not a fairy weapon now.

After all, the Immortal Demon Tower was injured, and it was not complete, but the human world did not have the materials to repair it. After returning to the fairy world, it is fully capable of restoring the fairy magic tower to its strongest appearance.

Now that the ancient soul in the big formation is settled, then this big formation doesn't exist in the formation, it is just a big formation that hinders him.

The strong point of the formation in the formation is that the two formations inside and outside bless each other, and the strength is greatly increased. Especially before the formation inside is broken, the big formation outside is difficult to break open.

But now, this big formation is not so powerful.


Cheng Yu gave a low cry, and patted his hands directly in any direction! ?

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