Godly Student

Chapter 4990: Who is going to the frontline?

"Since there is no other better way, we can only send troops to fight a hard battle with the 800,000 troops of the Inner Dynasty." Wailing Wuling said.

"Nevertheless, it is impossible for us to kill directly like this. This hard charge will only increase our casualties. If we can wait for them to come, it will be much better. At least we are more active and they are more passive. "Pingyuan Wai Wang said.

Before, they had lie in ambush first, and waited for the more than two hundred thousand remnants of the North Road in the Nei Dynasty to pass by before taking action.

Although everyone is still shopping in the end, but at least they are ready to seize the opportunity first.

However, the remnants of the North Road did not make any preparations, so they hurriedly challenged and were very passive.

Although they are facing an army of 800,000, if they can use the same method to let the army of 800,000 enter their ambush, they will definitely have a much greater advantage.

"You are simply saying that this kind of opportunity is something you can meet but cannot ask for. Their North Road army thought they could escape to the middle road to save their lives, but they didn't know that their middle road army had long been transferred by the King Danqing by using the south road. gone.

Now that their South Road and Middle Road armies have joined together, how can we move them apart? "Qinghuo Wai Wang thinks this is simply impossible.

"The South Road and the Middle Road do merge, but don't we also have prisoners of the North Road Army? If we use these prisoners, can we move them apart?" Wai Wang Pingyuan said.

"They probably don't know the news that the North Road army has been wiped out by us. If they can take advantage of this opportunity, they may indeed be called out!" Foreign King Changping thought for a while and said.

"How do you do this? Do you want these prisoners of war to report false letters to them, telling the two armies of the Nei Dynasty that Bei Lu was attacked and they also need their support?" Qing Huo Wai Wang said.

"Isn't this a good idea?" Wai Wang Ping Yuan said excitedly.

"What a shit! These prisoners of war are all people from the imperial court. Although they have surrendered to us now, can you guarantee that he will speak for us?

What if he tells us the truth? Then isn't our ambush completely known by their 800,000 army? "Qing Huo Wai Wang said unceremoniously.

"This..." Wai Wang Pingyuan was taken aback, and he was not dissatisfied with the words of Wai Wang Qinghuo, but was instead questioned.

Because this is indeed something he didn't think about clearly. Although people are prisoners of war, if they were returned to their camp, would he still lie for them?

This is obviously unrealistic, and he will definitely tell the truth about them here.

Then their ambush not only has no meaning, it may also become their own restraint, making them become passive.

"External King Qinghuo is right. It is obviously unrealistic to let these prisoners of war lie about the military situation for us." Wailing Wuling agreed.

"But if you don't send prisoners of war, and send our people, it will be easier to get dressed!" Wai Wang Pingyuan didn't seem to have any better ideas.

"So this method won't work." Wailing Wuling said.

"That's not necessarily. Since we know that these prisoners of war will not help us to lie about the military situation with the Inner Dynasty, can we take advantage of their point and come up with a trick?" Foreign King Changping proposed.

"Do you want to do it? How do you do it?" Qinghuo Wai Wang asked.

"They know that we have an ambush here, so we can set up a fake ambush here, and then set up another real ambush in front.

So when they are halfway there, we will surprise them, how about? "The Changping Foreign King said.

"Is this okay? Will they really be fooled? What if the prisoners of war tell them that their Northern Army has actually been annihilated, and they don't plan to come over to fight us?

After all, they now only have an army of 800,000, and we have an army of 1.5 million. These prisoners of war will definitely tell them our situation here.

It is estimated that if they knew about these things, they might not be able to run in time, would they still come to attack us? "Qing Huo Wai Wang retorted.

"There is indeed such a possibility!" Foreign King Changping nodded, which was indeed overlooked by him.

They are dominant in number. Knowing this situation, the Inner Korean army may not come over to fight with them, and they are not stupid.

"Since this battle is unavoidable, why not try it first? If they don't come, then we will make another plan.

If they come, then we will act according to plan, and that's all! Foreign King Danqing listened and denied one plan after another, and finally couldn't help but speak.

"Is this okay?" Everyone was taken aback.

"How do you know if you don't try? Besides, there are so many of us, and we do ambush with such a big fanfare, it may not be useful!

Moreover, if your plan is not successful, I will let the people I arrange to help contain them, and perhaps we will beat them more easily. "The King Danqing said.

"This might be okay!" Everyone thought for a while, other than this, it seemed that there was no better way.

"Since everyone agrees, let's start implementing it!" Foreign King Danqing no longer wanted to waste too much time.

"Okay!" Wailing Wuling nodded, and found a few prisoners of war, and asked them to report the letter with false information.

"Although this is a fake ambush, should we also behave? In case they will send spies to investigate, if they find that there is no ambush, wouldn't it be exposed?" The king of Changping saw the prisoners leave. After that, he spoke.

"I think this is a good idea. We should leave a group of people here to set up ambushes, while some of us set up ambushes ahead.

Once we fight in the front, people here can also catch up in time to support! "Wu Ling Wai Wang said.

So they first arranged half of the people in this place, and the remaining half continued to rush forward.

However, Madam Danqing chose to stay at this time, which immediately made everyone unhappy.

After all, in their opinion, among the entire army, the foreign king Danqing is the strongest.

If they are not on the front line, everyone will inevitably feel a little emboldened.

"Foreign King Danqing, is it inappropriate for you to stay here? If you are not there, when something happens on our side, how can you contact the people you arranged in time for them to take action?" Wu Ling The foreign king said with some worry.

"You can rest assured that the distance between us will not be too far. If you really fight in the front, as long as you give out the signal the first time, I will naturally contact the people over there and follow suit.

We will also go to your side for support as soon as possible! "External King Danqing explained.

"But..." Wailing Wuling still felt that this didn't seem to be very reliable, and was always worried about something wrong.

After all, this is not a trivial matter. If it is not done well, they may suffer heavy losses.

"Wu Ling Wai Wang, you have to figure it out. Now the Inner Dynasty is invading your territory, and this is also the realm of your Wu Ling Wai Dynasty.

And we are all here to help you, do you want our reinforcements to fight for you, but you yourself hide behind?

If you think so, then I can take someone to leave now, even if the Wulin Outer Chao is snatched away by the Inner Chao, what is it to do with me? "The King Danqing saw that King Wuling was still procrastinating, and wanted her to take someone to the front line, so he said unceremoniously.

This statement is indeed very realistic, but it is the fact.

She brought 300,000 people to support his Wuling Outcome all the way, and there is no reason for her to run to the front line to die. This is absolutely impossible.

However, as soon as King Danqing said this, the other Kings also felt that they should not rush to the front line, and suddenly everyone refused to go to the front line.

"Everyone, I know that this time I owe you all the favor, but if you don't go, there will be no way to implement this plan!" Seeing that everyone started to buckle, King Wuling's heart suddenly became cold.

They were not wrong, they were only here to help, but now they were asked to run to the front line, no one wanted to die, and there was no reason to put themselves behind bars for others.

"It's very simple to solve this problem. If someone volunteers, then you should come forward voluntarily." Seeing that everyone was reluctant to be on the front line, King Danqing said again.

However, the King Danqing didn't say it clearly before, and everyone didn't think so much. Even if some people thought about it, they were embarrassed to say it.

But now that it’s so clear, who would volunteer?

As a result, no one stood up.

"Since everyone is unwilling to stand up, let's follow the distance. If the outer dynasty of Wuling is swallowed by the inner dynasty, which ones will suffer next?

I don't think I need to say, you should all know what it means, right? Now you are not only helping the Wulin Outer Kingdom, but also helping you yourself.

If you are also unwilling to go forward, then we will be separated in one shot, and everyone will go back to their homes. Anyway, when the Inner Troops hit me, I can destroy them.

But your site may not be yours anymore! "The King Danqing said indifferently.

Everyone changed their expressions as soon as these words were spoken.

Obviously, they are more concerned about winning or losing in this battle than Dan Qing.

Once they lose, then they will be very dangerous next. But if they win, then all of them are safe.

"I am willing to go to the front with Wai Wang Wuling!" Wai Wang Changping was the first to stand up and say.

Because his Changping Waichao was behind Wuling Waichao, when Wuling Waichao fell, he Changping Waichao was the first to bear the brunt, and he could not refuse.

"I'm willing to go together too!" Qinghuo Waiwang also said, his situation is the same as that of Changping Waichao.

"My site has been swallowed, I hope we can win this battle, and I am willing to go together!" Wai Wang Pingyuan also stood up and said.

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