Godly Student

Chapter 4992: Tragic!

"These damned guys are really hard to deal with. The spies we let out are probably killed by them. I don't know if the coalition forces of Wuling Foreign Affairs have caught up!" General Deng looked at the black-robed men and killed them again. , I was angry and anxious.

It was these people who attacked the South Route Army, so the South Route Army immediately appealed to their Central Army for help.

But at first they thought it was tens of thousands, and their army of 500,000 middle roads could easily wipe out these 10,000 black-robed men.

It was only when they arrived at the South Road Army that they knew that these guys didn't plan to fight with them at all, but were harassing them all the time.

And in terms of strength, these people in black robes are obviously not like people from Wuling Outer Dynasty. If the Wulin Outer Dynasty had such a powerful master, then the Wulin Outer Dynasty was afraid that it would not be what it is now, but would have already annexed the weak and even equivalent Outer Dynasty around it.

Judging from the situation they currently understand, they can basically conclude that these people came from that dynasty that opposed the dynasty everywhere and was very mysterious.

After all, in today's world, those who dare to oppose the dynasty are either these independent foreign dynasties or the holy dynasties, and no one else dares to be so arrogant.

But in terms of strength, those foreign dynasties obviously do not have this ability, so there is basically no doubt that these people come from the holy dynasty.

And they had already heard that in this chaos of the world, there was the shadow of the sacred dynasty, and several other chief elders of the inner dynasty had also been reminding him to be careful of the masters of the sacred dynasty in secret. Get involved.

Now it seems that several principal elders have said it, and these guys have also appeared after all.

From another point of view, this also confirms from the side that these independence factions should indeed be in collusion with the holy dynasty. Otherwise, how could these foreign dynasties suddenly become so bold and dare to betray the internal dynasties?

But since these are the masters of the holy dynasty, of course they still hope to have the opportunity to destroy them, and even grab a few and ask where their lair is.

It's a pity that the strength of these people is really too strong, much stronger than these cultivators during the Tribulation Period.

In addition, these guys are here to interfere with them, so it is impossible for them to kill these guys.

As a result, after these guys didn't show up for a few days, they thought they were gone, but what they didn't expect at all was that a few North Road guards brought them something more unbelievable and extremely angry.

Their army on the North Road was also attacked by nearly 10,000 men in black robes, and when they returned to the middle road camp, they were also ambushed by the coalition forces of the Wuling Foreign Dynasty. As a result, their 300,000 troops on the North Road were ambushing. The whole army in the middle road was wiped out.

And now they have set up an ambush not far from their camp, but when they heard that they had an army of 1.5 million, everyone was even more frightened.

They now have 800,000 troops left, and they don't dare to fight against this 1.5 million troops. Even if they win, it is obviously not worthwhile.

So they planned to evacuate overnight and quickly retreated to the borders of Nanping Outer Dynasty.

At least there are the Nanping coalition forces stationed there. They can station there temporarily and make other plans after contacting the Inner Korea.

But who knows, not long after they escaped, the black-robed men who thought they had left appeared again, and they continued to attack and interfere with their army.

If they ignore these black-robed men, many of them will be killed. If they want to deal with these black-robed men, their speed will have to slow down.

But they knew that if they couldn't immediately withdraw to the Nanping Outlying site, they could be overtaken by the 1.5 million coalition forces from the Wulin Outlying Outland at any time.

If that were the case, that tragic battle would be unavoidable.

However, the existence of these people in black robes made them irrational, nor ignorant, and they were very popular.

Let's make sense, they have not been able to do anything to them, but the speed has slowed down. Just leave it alone, some of their people will be killed by them at a later time, and then at a later time, who can bear it.

As a result, they couldn't bear it anymore, and wanted to teach these black-robed people a lesson in this place, so they stopped and started fighting with them.

However, these black-robed men were obviously only to help the coalition forces of Wuling Foreign Dynasty to delay time. They were as slippery as a loach, and there was no way to effectively counterattack them.

"General Deng, these people in black robes have delayed us a lot of time. I think we should leave them alone. Even if they kill some people, it doesn’t matter, it’s better than really letting the coalition forces of Wuling Foreign Dynasty catch up. It's better, otherwise, we will only lose even more." Vice-General He proposed.

"That's how it is said, but these guys give us insidious tricks from time to time, and the loss to us is not small!" General Deng said angrily.

"It's true, but isn't there no way for us? No matter what, we also have an army of 800,000. They kill so slowly, they can't kill our army of 800,000, right?

But if we let the coalition forces of the Wulin Outer Dynasty catch up, then our 800,000 army may all be soaked here! "Vice-General He persuaded again.

"It's hateful, this Wulin Outer Dynasty has colluded with this Holy Dynasty. When we safely withdraw to Nanping Outer Dynasty, we must notify the Inner Dynasty of this matter.

Let the principals and elders send a few million more troops to do not completely eradicate this Wuling foreign dynasty, and never give up! "General Deng can no longer cover up his inner anger completely.

"In that case, let's not waste so much time. Let's get out of here!" Vice-General He also agreed with General Deng's words, but it is important to leave now.

"General, what is that?" But at this moment, a guard yelled, pointing into the distance.

"That's..." Everyone looked at the dense sky in front of them, and a black patch rushed towards this side, their expressions suddenly changed.

"That is the coalition of Wulin Foreign Dynasties. Everyone is ready to fight and fight immediately!" General Deng shouted with a grim expression on his face.

Sure enough, the time was delayed by these guys in the holy dynasty, and the coalition forces of the Wulin Outer Dynasty still caught up.

Although this is not the result they hoped for, but the matter is here, even if there will be a fierce battle next, they must choose to fight against it.

"Kill!" Wulin's coalition forces from the foreign dynasties were getting closer, and the shouting of killing was also deafening.

In the blink of an eye, the coalition forces of Wulin Outer dynasty were already in front of them, and the 800,000 Inner dynasty's army was not shy at all, and everyone's faces were full of fighting spirit.

Perhaps they were also irritated by those black-robed people, but the strength of those black-robed people was too strong. Even if they wanted to kill, they couldn't kill them. On the contrary, they might be killed by others.

But the coalition forces of this Wulin Foreign Dynasty are different. Their strength is not that strong, and they may not even be as high as theirs. Facing such a group of enemies, then they are not polite.

And compared to those black-robed men, although the number is small, they would rather face this larger number of Ulin Foreign-Dynasty Allied Forces. At least these people have been killed before, but those black-robed men are simply impossible to kill. Drop them.

"Kill!" General Deng also roared. Today, whether it is life or death, he can't make the coalition forces of Wulin Foreign War better.

Soon, the two armies fought fiercely, and the **** aura instantly enveloped the entire battlefield.

Regardless of the side of a war of this magnitude, it is impossible to retreat completely.

But both sides have the reason and determination to destroy the other side, because only by destroying the other side can they be safe.

Although the coalition forces of the Wulin Outer Dynasty have more than 1.5 million, the Inner Dynasty's army is only 800,000 or so. The Wulin Outer Dynasty's army is almost twice as large as the Inner Dynasty's army.

In theory, Wuling Waichao should have a great advantage in this battle.

The reality is that although Wulin’s foreign dynasty has a large number of troops, it is a coalition of several foreign dynasties. Whether it is in personal strength or in the cooperation of the army, it is not as good as the domestic army.

Although the army of the Inner Korea is small, each of them is an elite of the Inner Korea, and their army is a whole, not a coalition composed of pieces together.

In addition, these foreign troops who came to support the Wulin Dynasty may not necessarily be sincerely helping each other. After all, this battle is still to help the Wulin Dynasty. Therefore, some foreign forces definitely don't want to die for the Wulin Dynasty. here.

Therefore, in such a comparison, the coalition forces of Uukanshu.com Uukanshu.com are not as high as imagined. Even if they have an advantage against Inner Korea, the advantage is naturally not so great.

Therefore, this battle is destined to not be a good result for both sides participating in the war. A lot of people in the army of the Inner Korea died, and the coalition forces of the Wulin Outer Korea died equally many, or even more.

But even if the battle was so dark and dark, neither side wanted to stop.

Especially for the coalition forces of Wulin Foreign Korea, it has already caused such a big loss, but if the enemy can't be wiped out, then these losses are not worth it.

As for the army of the inner dynasty, if they cannot destroy the army of the Wulin and the outer dynasty, it is impossible for them to leave safely.

So the more the two sides killed, the more ruthless they were, and the two sides held the mentality that since they couldn't leave alive, then killing one more would be one, completely killing them mad.

"Maternal King Danqing, please come out and help out the masters you arranged, otherwise our losses would be really too great." Seeing that the troops on his side were getting less and less, King Wuling was also very anxious.

Even if there are about 700,000 more of them, the elite army of the Inner Dynasty is really powerful. They are not less dead than the other party, maybe more than others.

Therefore, Foreign King Wuling really couldn't afford it, so he quickly pleaded with Foreign King Danqing.

"I'll try it, you may not be able to get in touch at this time!" The foreign king Danqing's 300,000 army has also suffered a lot of losses, and she is also a little distressed. I don't know if Cheng Yu will be willing to transfer those masters over again. .

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