Godly Student

Chapter 4994: Be in control!

Although the King Danqing and the black-robed men left like this, everyone felt a little regretful, but now the army of the Inner Dynasty was finally destroyed, and everyone was still very happy with this result.

Since the army of the Inner Dynasty has been destroyed, it is time to retake control of the cities occupied by the army of the Inner Dynasty.

In fact, the army of the Inner Dynasty is no longer there, and it is just a very simple matter to regain control of these cities.

After all, these places were their turf in the past. It was just that they had changed their control over the past few months, so even if they went back to the past, they didn't think it had anything to do with them.

More importantly, these outer kings have already come out with a large army. Now that there are so many territories still controlled by the inner dynasty, it is naturally impossible for the outer king of Wuling to go back like this.

So I asked all the foreign kings to continue to help him regain control of those cities.

For Wuling Waichao, it was not difficult to get back control. After all, in these places, no coalition forces from the Nanping foreign dynasty came to occupy the city.

But for Pingyuan Waichao and Jiangyang Waichao, it is more difficult, because allied forces from Nanping Waichao have already come to garrison the city in these areas.

Therefore, if King Pingyuan wanted to regain his own turf, it would still be somewhat difficult.

After all, he himself had such a hundred thousand guards, and after this battle, he only had four to fifty thousand troops.

Although it is estimated that these coalition forces from Nanping Foreign Wars will not be garrisoned with too many troops, these 450,000 troops will definitely not be able to take back the entire Pingyuan Foreign Wars for a while.

However, Pingyuan Waiwang must have many old ministries in the Pingyuan Outer Dynasty, and when he saw that he would return to the Pingyuan Outer Dynasty, how many old ministries were willing to follow him.

In the eyes of these foreign kings, Jiangyang Waichao was the most troublesome.

Because King Jiangyang was missing at the beginning, he didn't know if he had been killed or escaped.

If you escaped, did you escape from Jiangyang Waichao, or where did you hide in Jiangyang Waichao?

In fact, at this time, if these foreign kings want to invade Jiangyang Foreign Dynasty, it is definitely a very rare opportunity.

Anyway, Foreign King Jiangyang didn't have any news. Even if they occupied Jiangyang Foreign Dynasty, it didn't matter.

It's just that their battle caused them great losses. These foreign dynasties also have coalition forces from the Nanping foreign dynasties.

Of course, if they really want to occupy these territories, they can still take down Jiangyang Foreign Dynasty. But in this case, it is estimated that there will be a certain loss.

But the problem is that they don't have much strength now, so it's not bad for such a small amount of troops to be able to hold their own territory steadily.

So now even if Jiangyang Waichao is brought back, they actually don't have enough troops to garrison these sites.

Therefore, after careful discussion, everyone decided not to go to Jiangyang Foreign Affairs.

Even if Jiangyang Foreign Affairs is finally completely annexed by the coalition forces of Nanping Foreign Affairs, there is no way for them. The most important thing for them now is to garrison their own territory, recuperate, and hope to gather more troops. Strengthen your own strength.

If they can return to the pre-war level as soon as possible, it will not be too late even if they are coveting the territory of Jiangyang Outer Dynasty.

However, these foreign kings considered that the stability of several foreign dynasties on the front line was also very important to their foreign dynasty stability, so after helping the Wulin King regain the various cities, they also helped Pingyuan Foreign King to take back a part of the city.

But Pingyuan Waichao is also so big, they can't help him to recover the entire Waichao all the time, so the manpower paid is also a huge price.

But that's it, King Pingyuan was already very grateful, because after taking back these cities, his strength gradually increased.

The most important thing is that Pingyuan Wai Wang also promised to give these foreign kings a certain amount of return after he regained the entire foreign dynasty.

As for the remaining cities that are still in the hands of the coalition forces in Nanping, that is what he has to deal with, and it is impossible for everyone to help him get them all back.

Moreover, these foreign kings also have their own careful thinking, so that Pingyuan foreign kings continue to consume the coalition forces of the Nanping foreign dynasty, which is good for them.

War has been maintained in this place, so other foreign dynasties will be relatively safer.

On the other hand, after Foreign King Danqing left these foreign kings, he immediately passed the news here to Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu was also very satisfied after receiving the news that all the one million troops of the Inner Dynasty had been wiped out.

For Cheng Yu, Cheng Yu didn't care how much loss the Wuling Waichao, Pingyuan Waichao, Jiangyang Waichao had, and whether it was peaceful.

Because his goal is Nei Dynasty, and destroying the one million army of Nei Dynasty is his small goal. Now that this one million army has been destroyed, his small goal will naturally be completed. unimportant.

Originally, everyone had searched for so long in the secret to find the method of awakening, and Cheng Yu was in a bad mood.

But after receiving this news from the Danqing Foreign King, it can be regarded as bringing some comfort to Cheng Yu.

"What's the matter? The plan succeeded?" After seeing Cheng Yu receiving the signal with Yujian, with a smile on his face, several women knew that the plan that Cheng Yu had told them was successful.

"Yes, the one million army of Inner Dynasty is completely scrapped!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"However, if the Nei Dynasty learns this news, it is estimated that more and more powerful troops will be dispatched. What will you do then?" Xin Yao said.

"What else can I do? Anyway, they are all from their own dynasty." Cheng Yu said indifferently.

Regardless of whether it is an independent faction or a loyal faction, Cheng Yu doesn't really care.

Anyway, they were fighting back and forth, and they were still their own people, and they didn't hurt his Cheng family alone. What could he care about?

"But didn't you say that there are still many foreign dynasties who have taken refuge in you? You don't care about other foreign dynasties. Don't you even have to take care of those who take refuge in you?

At that time, I am afraid that these people will find it difficult to truly trust you, and they will eventually betray you. "Xin Yao reminded again.

"Since we have belonged to our Cheng family, I naturally want to take care of it. However, from the current situation, even if the Inner dynasty really sends an army again, it is impossible to directly fight the foreign dynasties that belong to us. .

After all, their inner dynasties do not know which foreign dynasties have already belonged to our Cheng family. "The Cheng family said affirmatively.

"That being said, the millions of troops sent by the Inner Korea this time have been destroyed. Obviously they also know that the strength of these independent factions is not weak. If they are sent out again, they will definitely be more and stronger than this million troops.

At that time, there will naturally be a large number of foreign dynasties that will be suppressed by them. With so many foreign dynasties, there will always be some foreign dynasties that have already belonged to our Cheng family.

What should you do? Just relying on your army of 20,000 bones to deal with the millions of others? "Xin Yao asked back.

"It's definitely not enough to rely on my millions of army, but you also think of them too simple. You may not know that I have helped these foreign dynasties continue to grow themselves over the years, and they have already swallowed them. Few foreign courts.

In addition, they themselves now form alliances with the neighboring foreign dynasties. Even if the inner dynasty sends millions of troops to their territory, do you think they have no resistance at all?

Our 20,000 bones are not going to fight them head-on, but just secretly create some trouble for the internal army, so that those external dynasties can destroy them more easily.

Wasn't this one million army destroyed like this? "Cheng Yu said.

"But if they bring too much loss to these foreign nations, they will also lose trust in you, right?

After all, if they follow you, they definitely hope that their own strength will become stronger. Now that they are opposed to the Inner Dynasty, they have lost so much. I am afraid that it will be difficult for them to be truly loyal to you. "Xin Yao felt that such a big matter was not as simple as Cheng Yu's understatement.

"Actually, I have never cared very much about loyalty. For so many years, I believe you have seen it too.

The so-called loyalty of these people is just that the benefits are not enough.

When I asked them to return to the Fucheng family, they were naturally unwilling. However, under the pressure of death, they could only choose to compromise in the end.

Today they will betray the Inner Dynasty to save their lives, so one day they may also betray me to save their lives. "Cheng Yu said.

Cheng Yu's understanding of these things couldn't be more profound.

Had it not been for betrayal, how could he have come here?

Is it true that he still can't see through this after resurrecting his life?

Therefore, he does not completely trust those foreign kings, even if they have already made the oath of heaven.

It's just that, he doesn't care whether these people are sincerely loyal to him, because he just wants to use these foreign kings now.

As it is now, UU reading www.uukanshu.com itself, these foreign kings are all people from the inner dynasty.

But because of such a betrayal, not only did the inner dynasty have fewer outer kings, but it also gave them a bunch of enemies.

Ten enemies kill five, and he still has to face five enemies.

And if he can rebel against five of ten enemies, then he doesn't need to face one enemy, he only needs to let these five people deal with the five enemies.

But these foreign kings are still useful to him, so now they still have to ensure their interests, and they can't really let these people die with the army of the inner dynasty, otherwise the game will not be played.

"Then what if they really betrayed us?" Xin Yao asked.

For Cheng Yu's remarks, she also agrees, the reality is like this.

If monks seek longevity, they are naturally unwilling to die easily. Especially these powerful figures, even more unwilling to die like this.

"Don't worry, at least they won't!" Cheng Yu said confidently.

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