Godly Student

Chapter 4997: The troops must be withdrawn!

Although the chief elders of the Nei Dynasty did not think of how to find the lair of the sacred dynasty and get rid of the sacred dynasty, they must take some actions at this time in order not to affect the prestige and reputation of the sacred dynasty.

Otherwise, those foreign dynasties that have been supporting the inner dynasty may be disappointed in the inner dynasty, which is definitely not what the inner dynasty wants to see.

They must re-establish their own prestige, so that more Nei Chao can understand, and don't think that with the support of the holy dynasty, they can be an enemy of Nei Chao.

The reason why these independent foreign dynasties are so active now, and even continue to annex those loyal foreign dynasties, is entirely because their internal dynasties did not take too much action and participation.

But now they no longer allow these independent factions to do so recklessly, and five million elite troops from the inner courts come out. Can these independent factions still be able to stop it?

The five million army also showed the determination of the inner dynasty to suppress these independent foreign dynasties.

However, the emergence of these five hundred troops is impossible to live in hiding, especially those who are still in the loyal camp but have already taken refuge in Cheng Yu. After receiving these news, they immediately passed the news to Cheng Yu.

It has to be said that dispatching five million elites is indeed a big deal, at least the current Cheng family absolutely does not have this ability.

It can also be seen that there is still a huge gap between the Cheng family and Inner Korea.

Bu Cheng Yu just wanted to use this opportunity to continuously narrow the gap between the Cheng family and Nei Korea, so that the strength of the two sides tended to be more balanced.

Of course, those foreign kings didn't just pass the news to Cheng Yu alone, and other foreign kings who had taken refuge in the Cheng family had already received the news in the first time.

But compared with Cheng Yu, these foreign kings are not so calm. They also sent a message to Cheng Yu as soon as they learned the news, hoping that Cheng Yu could give a good strategy to face the next crisis.

After all, this is five million elites of the inner dynasty, which is an extremely terrifying number for any independent foreign dynasty.

But Cheng Yu's holy dynasty is just an empty shell, how could he send a force equivalent to it?

Moreover, in Cheng Yu’s plan, he was constantly consuming the forces of the dynasty. Whether it was the forces of the Inner Dynasty, the loyal forces that supported the Inner Dynasty, or even the independent forces he supported, he had to let them stay here. Try to consume as much as possible in a melee.

Even though he seems to be in the same group with the Independence faction now, but in fact, as long as there is sufficient interest to guide these independence factions, it is possible for these independence factions to return to the camp of the Inner Korea at any time.

Therefore, Cheng Yu never really regarded these people as his own.

As he said to a few women, since these people would betray the Nei Dynasty and take refuge in him, then one day they might betray him again and take refuge in others.

Cheng Yu wouldn't really believe that these people will always be loyal to them just because these people have made the blood oath of heaven.

After all, the Heavenly Blood Oath is not absolutely safe, as long as they have the ability or the opportunity, they can also find out to lift the Heavenly Blood Oath.

No Cheng Yu believes that for the time being, they should still be unable to find a way to release the Heavenly Dao Blood Oath.

Because every heavenly blood oath made by these foreign kings and even the elders is connected to him, once the heavenly blood oath between them is lifted, he will naturally know it for the first time.

Before that, those foreign kings were the chess pieces he used.

With these foreign kings as the center, restraining all independent foreign dynasties, making them incompatible with the internal dynasties, and constantly consuming the forces of both sides, this is the result that Cheng Yu wants.

Therefore, Cheng Yu directly gave them a response. Naturally, Shengchao would not watch them being swallowed or destroyed by the inner court, but would still support them in secret.

On the other hand, since they already knew that the Inner Korea had once again dispatched five million troops, they should make arrangements in advance.

After all, in order to fight against these five million troops, they must at least have a considerable amount of troops. Otherwise, if the troops are too small, it will be totally free.

However, the strength of a foreign dynasty is hundreds of thousands, and if you really want to achieve the strength to compete with the elite of the inner dynasty, you must at least reach the Yuan Ying stage.

Therefore, even if many foreign dynasties help each other with all their strength and without any selfishness, they can only dispatch 200,000 troops.

But in fact, no foreign dynasty is willing to selflessly send all its elite troops to the front.

Because the internal dynasty struck, that was a major issue for all the independence factions, not a matter for the foreign dynasty.

Unless those front-line foreign dynasties that can't escape the army of the internal dynasty, like Pingyuan Waichao, Jiangyang Waichao, and Wuling Waichao, these front-line foreign dynasties.

If they don't want the whole army to be dispatched, then their outer dynasty can only hand over others and be swallowed by the inner dynasty.

But even so, they still left some elites more or less, after all, they are not fools.

If their elites are all dead on the front line in order to resist the army of the Inner Dynasty, will they still be able to defend their own Outer Dynasty after the army of the Inner Dynasty is driven away?

So they may send more troops than the safer foreign dynasties, but they will always leave a way out for themselves.

However, this time the Inner dynasty dispatched five million troops. If they wanted to resist so many troops, they would have to gather at least twenty or thirty Outer dynasties or even more.

But with so many troops gathered, it is definitely not something that can be done in a short while.

Just like the last time the Inner Dynasty attacked Jiangyang and the Outer Dynasty, they finally gathered four or five foreign forces before the Inner Dynasty army arrived, and they collected one million troops for free.

But this time it was to gather the troops of 20 or 30 foreign dynasties. If they want all the troops of these foreign dynasties to rush to the front line, it is obviously impossible to compare the Pingyuan foreign dynasty or Jiangyang foreign dynasty.

What's more, they are now not sure whether the internal forces will choose to attack from Pingyuan Foreign Dynasty or Jiangyang Foreign Dynasty. Maybe they will go to other foreign countries to attack.

So this time they want to send nearly five million troops from 20 to 30 foreign dynasties to the border before the army of the inner dynasty rushes to the border. That is absolutely impossible.

Their only way is to select a central foreign dynasty, and all the surrounding foreign aid forces will move closer to this foreign dynasty. This is the fastest method.

But if you do this, it's okay for the foreign courts behind them. They only need two or three months to get to this central foreign court, instead of spending half a year or more to get to the front line.

And even if there is a war with Nei Dynasty, their Outer Dynasty is behind Central Outer Dynasty, so there is no need to worry that this battle will affect his territory.

However, the foreign dynasties before the Central Wai Chao must send their troops to the Central Wai Chao, which means that they must abandon their own foreign dynasties and withdraw their elite troops to the Central Wai Chao.

Obviously such a result is unacceptable to many foreign kings, like Pingyuan Waiwang, Jiangyang Waichao, and Wuling Waichao, which are on the border of the two camps, they are not very happy.

After all, they managed to annihilate the previous millions of Nei Chao army and defended their own territory, but now the Nei Chao has launched an army again. This has been added up, which is just over a year.

Like Pingyuan Waichao, there are still many cities in his territory that have not been recovered. Now they are asked to withdraw their troops to the center Waichao, which obviously makes him very unwilling.

Once the elite troops were withdrawn, it would be equivalent to his foreign affairs becoming no man's land.

Then, didn't the coalition forces of Nanping Foreign Affairs take the opportunity to take these sites away easily?

You know, these sites are all bought by him with the blood of soldiers, so now he can just leave?

But if you don't leave, I'm afraid there will be no reinforcements to help them.

After all, he pingyuan Waichao, who was the first to attack the Inner Dynasty last time, knew that the forces in this place were now very weak. Although they are not sure whether the Inner Korean army will send troops from here again, the possibility is very high.

Five million troops, what a horror is that.

Believe that no foreign dynasty dared to send troops alone to help him face the five million army, then he can only face the five million army alone.

Isn't this the egg hit the stone?

"It's really irritating. I finally took back 80% of Pingyuan's foreign dynasty's territory. Now that the Inner dynasty is sending out a large army again, we have to give up like this. I really don't want to!" These foreign dynasties on the front line After Wang received the news, he was the first to get together.

After all, they always need time to discuss such a big matter, and it is impossible to withdraw their troops as soon as they receive the news.

"Who made our position in the Outer Dynasty poor, just on the border with the loyalists? The Inner Dynasty army came over, then we were naturally the first to bear the brunt. UU Reading www.uukánshu.com" Changping Outer King was also very helpless. Said.

Although his foreign dynasty is not ahead of theirs, he is also one of the foreign dynasties that plans to withdraw after all this time.

"It's really irritating. If it wasn't for the great loss caused by the Inner Korea army last time, we might have defeated them in Nanping and Outer Dynasty. Then we wouldn't be a border land anymore. It won't be so passive anymore," Wai Wang Pingyuan said.

"That's not necessarily true. This time, the Nei Dynasty has dispatched five million troops. With so many troops, if those reinforcements rushed to us, the Nei Dynasty army would have already wiped us out.

So no matter whether we swallow the Nanping Outlying Dynasty or not, the result will not change anything. Unless we fight another dozen or twenty outlying nations, we still have a chance to turn this place into the centered Outer Dynasty. All the forces are in ours. Meet here! "The Changping Foreign King said.

"As long as the five million troops of the Inner Dynasty can be swallowed, it is worthwhile to withdraw troops. As far as I know, let alone us this time, even the Danqing and foreign dynasties behind us have to withdraw their troops, and we have What to worry about?

As long as the war is won, we will bring the troops back to fight back. "Wu Ling Wai Wang said.

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