Godly Student

Chapter 5003: Can't be reckless!

Considering that they have gone through so many foreign dynasties, but the result is no difference, all are just empty shells, they simply changed the plan and stopped moving forward.

Instead, many people were sent immediately to the nearby loyalists.

However, with so many empty outer dynasties, there is definitely no way to occupy all the outer dynasties around them.

But it is definitely impossible to spread the news to all the loyalists at once.

So they let the loyal foreign dynasties around them occupy a part first. When more and more loyal foreign dynasties come to take over these foreign dynasties, then they will continue to occupy them with these people.

If the independence party receives the news, it will definitely be anxious.

Therefore, the five million troops of the Inner Dynasty stayed in Qinghong and the Outer Dynasty temporarily to rest, waiting for those Outer Dynasty to take over these Outer Dynasty, and they were not eager to march forward.

And those loyalists who have seen such a good thing, they will naturally not miss it.

You can occupy such a wide territory without spending a single soldier. This is simply a pie falling from the sky.

Although they had hesitated and doubted at the beginning, but now that they have occupied so many cities so easily, they no longer have any doubts in their hearts.

Of course, after seeing the fact that these loyal foreign dynasties had really occupied these territories, many loyal foreign dynasties who had not yet received news from the army of the internal dynasties actually sent people to contact them on their own initiative.

I hope they can also get some places to occupy.

For General Liu, such a situation is naturally very happy.

He couldn't occupy these cities anyway. If they could occupy all these foreign dynasties, it would make their plan more smooth.

If the independent foreign dynasties who withdrew these territories knew that all their foreign dynasties were occupied by the loyal foreign dynasties, they would probably be furious, and would not believe that they could still live on other people's turf.

In this way, half a year passed very quickly.

There are more and more cities occupied by the loyalists, and the Inner Dynasty army is also leading them to take over the empty Outer Dynasty to take over more territories.

With the protection of five million Inner dynasties army, these outer dynasties naturally don't need to be afraid, and they happily followed the inner dynasty army to the front of the city to take over.

However, in the past six months, the army of Inner Korea has not only been accompanying them to take over these sites, but also sending people around to inquire about news.

Sure enough, they didn't know the other independent foreign dynasties that were farther away, but taking this large area as an example, these guys gave up their own territory and indeed all fled to Danqing Foreign dynasty.

The news was confirmed, and the generals of the internal dynasty army finally got a simple understanding of the general situation of these foreign dynasties.

No matter how they learned so much in advance of the news of their dispatch, but now they at least no longer smeared their eyes, and finally knew that the enemy was outside Danqing.

"General, since the enemy is in the Danqing Outer Dynasty, then we don't have to wait any longer, and go directly to the Danqing Outer Dynasty?" Vice-General Wang said very excitedly after receiving the news.

I've been dormant for so long, just for today.

After all, they came with the task of the chief elders. It has been almost a year since they set off from the Nei Dynasty. They have not fought a serious battle with the independence faction, and even they are alone. Never killed.

After all, this is not a solution. They have to find a way to annihilate Independence, so that they can truly occupy these sites forever, instead of temporarily occupying these sites, and then return to the hands of the traitors.

"Although we now know that all the troops of these foreign dynasties have fled to the Danqing foreign dynasty, we don't know how many troops they actually have now.

If such a blind attack on Danqing Foreign Dynasty is not necessarily a wise move. "General Liu shook his head and said.

Although it is indeed a good thing to get this news, it is a bit unsuitable and too reckless to send troops to war now.

"What we can confirm at present is that at least the six foreign dynasties nearby are empty shells, which means that they have at least six foreign dynasties.

But what is certain is that King Danqing and her five allies must be among them. In this case, it would be the strength of twelve foreign dynasties. "Vice-General Wang said.

"This is definitely more than that. The six foreign dynasties we have learned are all on the east side of Danqing foreign dynasties, but there are so many foreign dynasties to the north, south and west.

So even if they can gather to thirty foreign dynasties, it might be very possible.

More importantly, they can know the time of our dispatch so long in advance, maybe they have already gathered five million or even more troops than us, just waiting for us to take the initiative to rush over. "Vice-General Xu said.

"If that's the case, wouldn't we all be able to go to war with them?" Lieutenant Wang said.

"If they really have more troops than us, do you think we have a chance to win even if we go to war with them?" Vice-general Xu asked rhetorically.

"But it's impossible for us to stay here all the time. There must be a way to break the current situation.

Otherwise, the chief elders are afraid that they can't wait any longer. "Vice-General Wang also knows that Vice-General Xu's words are reasonable, but they are different from those independent factions. They have a mission and cannot drag on like them.

"That's something that can't be helped. Since we have come out with the five million army, then we naturally have to be responsible to everyone.

Moreover, we also promised the chief elders that we must take down these rebellions.

If we now know that the Danqing foreign dynasty has gathered at least five million troops and we want to force the war, we may not have the advantage! "Vice-General Xu said very worried.

"Even so, then we have to think of a way to come out? Otherwise, we can't afford it if we drag on like this!" Vice-General Wang said.

"Didn't we have planned it? Let these foreign dynasties occupy their foreign dynasties first, and delay for a while.

If they can't help it first, we will be more proactive.

After all, we only occupied some of them, not all of them.

Those foreign dynasties that are occupied will definitely be the first to be anxious, they want to send troops, other foreign dynasties may not be willing to support together.

If they had dispatched their own troops, then we would not have a chance to defeat them all. "Vice-General Xu thought for a while and said.

"That said, they knew that we had five million troops, so they would withdraw their troops early. Now that they see us occupying their territory, even if they are really anxious, they would not dare to send troops easily.

Moreover, what if the foreign king Danqing is really willing to support them in sending troops and kill a few million troops? "Vice-General Wang said after thinking about it in accordance with the current situation.

"If they really kill them, we will have a big deal to fight with them again. Don't forget, we have brought all these loyal foreign troops now.

If they really want to grab territory, we can also ask these foreign nations to give us support.

With so much support from foreign countries, we should not suffer a lot. "Vice-General Xu said.

"General, do you think this is feasible?" Lieutenant General Wang pondered for a while, but couldn't make up his mind. He didn't know if it would work or not.

"Vice-General Xu's worries are not unreasonable. These guys have withdrawn their troops early. Obviously they have a better understanding of our situation.

Now that Danqing Foreign Dynasty is their base camp, if we want to attack Danqing Foreign Dynasty, we will definitely be very passive and very dangerous.

We must now find a way to get them to leave this base camp. If we can figure out a way to draw these foreign nations out one by one, that would be a good way!

We absolutely cannot, like the one million army last time, not only failed to complete the tasks assigned by the chief elders, but instead took all of ourselves in. "General Liu listened to their conversation and quickly considered gains and losses.

"What the general said is, if this is the case, let's wait a little longer and see if they will send troops alone!" Lieutenant General Wang nodded, as if that could only be the case.

"Now we have to quickly spread the news here to the Danqing foreign dynasties, and let them know that their territory has been occupied by these foreign dynasties.

If they don't come out again, then these sites will really become the sites of loyalists. "Vice-General Xu proposed.

"Let's leave this matter to Vice-General Xu in the future!" General Liu still agrees with Vice-General Xu's ideas, and believes that he will handle this matter well.

"General, in addition, we are afraid that we will have to send more people to watch Danqing's foreign affairs, so that we can know their situation in the first place.

Otherwise, they sent troops to **** the site back, UU reading www.uukanshu.com we may not have received the news yet! "Vice-General Xu thought for a while, then proposed again.

"Yes, but you must choose some reliable people, but don't miss the news, first expose yourself and even us!" General Liu reminded.

"Don't worry, these people are very experienced spies, and they will never get into trouble with this kind of problem." Vice-General Xu said confidently.

"Since you are so sure, I believe you." General Liu said.

If you can win more with less and complete the tasks assigned by the chief elders, then it is naturally impossible to fight the enemy recklessly and choose the worst.

Although I don't know if this method is useful, they at least have to try it first.

So their main task next is to keep spreading the news that these territories have been occupied by the pro-independence faction, so that the foreign dynasties will know this news.

This is naturally a very simple thing for them. In just one month, the news has spread to Danqing and other dynasties.

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