Godly Student

Chapter 5011: Surrender?

Half a month later, the five million troops of the Inner Dynasty finally came to Wenzhu City, which was the border town of Tianfeng Outer Dynasty, and a few tens of miles north of Wenzhu City was Xiangzhou City, one of the targets of the Inner Dynasty army.

In order to catch Danqing Foreign Court by surprise, they did not stay too much in Wenzhu City, but after a short supply, they directly led the army northward and headed towards Xiangzhou City.

People in Wenzhu City thought that the mighty five million army of the Inner Dynasty would launch an absolute attack on Xiangzhou City.

But in fact, on the way to Xiangzhou City, the army suddenly changed its direction and headed towards Wujiang City, leaving only 200,000 advance troops to continue to advance towards Xiangzhou City.

"General, is there really no problem with 200,000 people?" Lieutenant General Wang looked at the 200,000 advance army heading towards Xiangzhou City, with some worry in his heart.

After all, it is now equivalent to a formal war with Danqing Foreign dynasty, and they have not had any direct conflict with Danqing Foreign dynasty for so long before.

Normally, there must be a lot of monks with an infant age of more than 200,000 yuan.

But now they are facing the Danqing foreign dynasty, which is not too much, and it can even be said to be very dangerous.

"If your investigation was correct at the beginning, and these cities had only 10,000 defenders, then these 200,000 advance troops could easily take Xiangzhou City without any danger at all." General Liu Said.

"That's what I said, but isn't this still worrying about accidents?" Deputy General Wang said with a smile.

The investigation is an investigation, but sometimes the information they inquire may not be really accurate, so there is still a certain risk.

It’s just that Danqing’s foreign dynasty will not be that simple. The ten thousand defenders were deliberately let everyone see, but in fact there are more than ten thousand at all. This is also possible.

"Sometimes, some sacrifices are necessary. These two hundred thousand advance troops are just to divert the enemy's attention.

It doesn't matter whether they can successfully break Xiangzhou City and enter Danqing Foreign Dynasty, it doesn't really matter.

The important thing is to let King Danqing know that we have attacked the city here, and let their reinforcements rush to Xiangzhou City, then their mission is complete! "General Liu said.

Although this may seem unfair to the 200,000 advance army, this is the reality.

Five million of them came here for the purpose of suppressing these rebellions, so some things always require sacrifices by some people.

"Indeed, I only hope that they can successfully enter the Danqing Foreign Dynasty, and there will be a chance to join us in the future!" Lieutenant General Wang nodded, knowing that reality is so cruel.

Not to mention their 200,000 people, in fact, even if they are people like them, they will have what fate will happen after they enter the Danqing foreign dynasty, no one can say for sure.

No matter what means they have to suppress these rebellions, in the end, the losses of their five million army will inevitably be very great.

So when they can last, they don't know themselves.

I just hope that everything goes smoothly, and if the consumption is less, they may still be able to complete the tasks assigned by the chief elders, and eventually return to the inner court smoothly.

Otherwise, they may stay on this land forever like the one million army last time.

"How do they end up? Everything is left to fate, and it's time for us to complete our goals." General Liu said.

Next, the first thing they had to reach was Wu'an City. Wu'an City was the border city of Tianfeng Waichao, and to the north was Wujiang City, the border city of Danqing Waichao.

Although they have been rushing forward, the 200,000 advance army in Xiangzhou City did not completely ignore it. At least they still have spies staying there to understand the situation.

Only the second day after they left Xiangzhou City, they had spies catching up to report the news.

"General, it succeeded. The 200,000 advance army has successfully taken down Xiangzhou City and entered the territory of Danqing Foreign Dynasty." The spy reported with excitement.

"So fast? How about the loss of our army? Is there really only 10,000 defenders in Xiangzhou City?" General Liu was overjoyed and asked quickly.

"The specific number of defenders in Xiangzhou City is not certain, but it is certain that their defenders are not many, and the loss of the advance army is very small." The spy replied.

"Great, so it seems that the original intelligence was indeed correct." While General Liu was delighted, he immediately felt relieved.

Although the ten thousand defenders may not be completely accurate, judging from the current situation, the discrepancies are not large, and basically have no influence on their plans.

"General, now we can rest assured. Even if the information we found out at the beginning is somewhat discrepancy, but the discrepancy is not very big, it can basically be judged that the defenders of Wujiang City are also at this level, and they have attacked Wujiang City. , But it's just a matter of time." Vice-General Wang also said very excitedly.

Although he had only left Xiangzhou City for one day, his heart was always thinking about these two hundred thousand advance troops, hoping that they could make a good start.

Now that I have received the definitive news, my hanging heart is let go.

Moreover, the situation in Xiangzhou City is also conducive for them to measure the situation in Wujiang City. Since Xiangzhou City is like this, there must be some discrepancies in Wujiang City, but the discrepancies will also not be very large.

They have an army of 4.8 million here. As long as they are not facing a comparable enemy, then they will basically be destined to have no difficulty in taking Wujiang City.

"Very well, this result is what we hope most, and it is also the best for us. It seems that God is helping us." General Liu is now confident and more confident about the next plan.

"General, this is all right. After they enter the Danqing Foreign Dynasty, they will leave Wujiang City far away and capture their city everywhere. When the time comes, the Danqing Foreign King will definitely bring a large number of reinforcements to chase them, and we will It will be safer." Vice-General Xu also said with a smile.

Although they already have a seemingly good plan, the success of the plan has always been unknown.

So these days, their hearts have always been very worried.

Now that the 200,000 advance troops have opened up to victory, they have indeed given them great confidence.

They had already planned it at the beginning. After the advance army entered the Danqing foreign dynasty, the main task was to help them transfer the army of the Danqing foreign king.

Therefore, the direction of the advance army is completely different from the direction of the army on their side, and they are igniting war everywhere.

In this way, when the army of the King Danqing reacted, the army on their side was getting farther and farther away.

Once the flames of smoke in the territory of the Danqing Foreign Dynasty are everywhere, then the Danqing Foreign King will also divide the soldiers.

And after King Danqing's army was divided, they no longer need to hide in Tibet, let alone worry about meeting Danqing's army head-on.

In half a month, after a simple supply of 4.8 million troops in Wu'an City, they rushed towards Wujiang City non-stop.

This is their most important goal this time. As long as they win Wujiang City, they will have time to replenish them.

At first, everyone was still very worried, but with the good news of the advance army, everyone was more relaxed and no longer worried.

Especially when Wu Jiangcheng came into their eyes, not only did they have no worries, but their eyes were full of excitement.

As if in their eyes, Wujiang City was already in their pocket.

"General, Wujiang City is right in front of you. Are we going to directly enter the city or send some people in?" Lieutenant Wang asked.

"Does this still need to be asked? Does the mere 10,000 or so defenders use our more than four million troops to fight in together? Naturally, it is enough to send tens of thousands of people in. Let's just enter the city with great fanfare!" Deputy Xu said with a smile.

"You can't say that. Although Xiangzhou City is a good start, we can't be careless." General Liu said.

"What does the general mean is that we are really dispatching the whole army and going in together?" Deputy General Xu said.

"That wouldn't be the case, I just said that we still have to be more cautious. Not to mention that more than four million troops are going in, but hundreds of thousands are still needed to prevent accidents."

"So the general thinks it is appropriate that we should send hundreds of thousands in?" Lieutenant General Xia asked.

"Be more insured, 400,000 yuan. Even if there is a real discrepancy, it must not be possible to add hundreds of thousands more at once." General Liu thought for a while and said.

"Four hundred thousand is not much, but is it too much to use four hundred thousand to attack the city?" Lieutenant Xia said in a daze.

Even Xiangzhou City only spent 200,000 yuan, and easily won the city.

But now General Liu has to use 400,000 people to attack the city, which seems to be overkill and too cautious.

"Be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years! It's not wrong to be cautious. If there are really no defenders in it, we have nothing to lose." General Liu said.

"Listen to the general, as the general said, there is no loss anyway. Even if 400,000 people have bought an insurance, if something goes wrong, there is no problem at least 400,000 people insure themselves!" Vice General Wang Said.

"Okay! I'll make arrangements!" General Xia was right after thinking about it, and no longer questioned, he went down to arrange a manned siege.

The 400,000 troops were quickly arranged, and under the command of General Xia, they directly attacked the south gate of Wujiang City.

But what was surprising was that a white flag suddenly hung over the city gate, and the originally closed city gate opened directly.

"They... have voluntarily surrendered?" everyone in the Nei Dynasty army stunned.

Even the four hundred thousand chiefs were puzzled. He looked back at a few generals, wondering what to do now?

"General, advance or not?" Lieutenant General Wang questioned.

"Enter!" General Liu gestured directly to the leader.

So 400,000 people slowly walked in through the city gate!

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