Godly Student

Chapter 5017: This woman is mysterious!

General Liu felt that he had had enough. As several lieutenants had said before, they had known this before, and they shouldn't have retreated when they were outside Wujiang City.

If it were to fight directly with the King Danqing at that time, it would be a big deal for everyone to lose.

What's more, they still had 4.4 million troops at that time. Even if the Danqing foreign dynasty had more coalition forces than them, the advantage would certainly not be great.

But now, they have lost more than two million troops before starting the war.

More importantly, after what happened just now, even those who escaped, they have already consumed a lot.

Especially the strongest people like them, in order to clear the way for everyone, it is even more expensive.

At this moment, it is indeed a great disadvantage to go to war with the millions of foreign king Danqing's army.

But even so, he couldn't compromise with Majesty Danqing, and it was impossible for him to believe Majesty Danqing's words.

This is an army of two million people. Does King Danqing really dare to accept the surrender of so many people?

He would never believe it, this woman is not so kind, otherwise how could she betray the Inner Dynasty and develop the Danqing Outer Dynasty to this point.

So if they really surrendered to her, they would definitely not end well.

Among other things, this is more than two million people. Does the King Danqing dare to let go of so many of them?

If she doesn't let it go, she can only keep two million people in the Danqing Outer Dynasty, but is she really relieved?

Obviously it is impossible. What if these two million people suddenly rebel, can she withstand such a big loss?

So these words are destined to be just a rhetoric that she used to surrender, and they are not credible at all.

"Don't be obsessed with being a human being. Even if you don't want to live, don't your brothers want to live? I know that you all are only obedient to the orders of the chief elders.

But you have to know that when the chief elders let you come here, they themselves don't take your lives seriously.

The last time the Inner Korea sent a million troops, the final result has explained everything, and letting you come is nothing more than dying.

I have tens of millions of troops here, are you sure you still resist? "The King Danqing said loudly to everyone in the inner court.

As soon as these words came out, many people in the Inner Dynasty army did change their expressions, and their faces became more hesitant.

Indeed, none of them want to die.

If you can survive, who wants to die?

What's more, the King Danqing said that they actually brought a tens of millions of troops. They have to fight against the tens of millions of troops. Is there a chance of victory?

Although they had long vowed that they would not regret even if they died for the inner court, the remarks made by King Danqing were not unreasonable.

The chief elders clearly knew that their trip was basically to die, but they still wanted to let them come, which shows that the Nei Dynasty doesn't care about their lives or lives.

Since Nei Chao and the chief elders don't care about their lives and deaths, but now they are asked to die for Nei Chao, they seem to become unwilling.

"Don’t be fooled by this woman. They can't have tens of millions of troops. She just wants us to lose the will to fight so that we can kill all of us. It is impossible for her to let so many of us, let alone let go. We return to the inner dynasty.

Let's cheer up together. We only need to kill them before we can survive. This is our only way out. Everyone will kill them with me! "General Liu saw that his people had really begun to be bewitched by this vicious woman, and he felt anxious and immediately encouraged him loudly.

They have only half of them left, and they have no advantage in number and strength. If they are asked to confuse their own people and reduce everyone's morale to a minimum, then they will be a bigot.

"The general is right. Let's not be deceived by this woman. She will not let so many of us go. Only by surrendering is death. We can only survive if we kill together. Everyone will kill with us." Vice General Wang I also know that surrendering at this time does not mean a way of life, but may be fooled by this woman, after all, they have been fooled more than once.

Without saying anything, he immediately threw a sword out, and a fierce sword aura rushed towards the King Danqing.


However, Foreign King Danqing blocked the sword aura with a palm of his hand.

"Dying struggling, as for you, if this king really wants to kill you, it will be a breeze.

But I know that you are all elites of Nei Dynasty, and their strength and talent are very comparable. It would be too wasteful to die here.

This king wants to keep you because of pity. If you are willing to join us now, this king will surely save your lives.

I hope you can do well..."

"Shut up! Everyone, kill with us!" General Liu saw that this woman hadn't given up on the people who confuse him, and there were obviously many people's heart moved. He was furious, and finally stopped patience, and went straight to Dan Qing. Wai Wang flew over.

"Go to hell!" General Liu stabbed with a sword, and roared at Foreign King Danqing.

"Toast and not eat fine wine, since you don't know how to live or die, then I will send you a ride." Foreign King Danqing saw that many people were interested, and wanted to take this opportunity to win over again, but he was caught by Liu. The general was destroyed, and he was full of murderous intentions.

At the same time, a sword stabbed out.

Although General Liu was also a cultivator during the Tribulation Period, he was still inferior to the King Danqing, and he was knocked back with just one sword.

But General Liu didn't intend to kill this woman with this sword, he just wanted to take this opportunity to disrupt this woman's bewitching words.

"Everyone, kill with me!" I saw General Liu used the opportunity of being repelled to get a distance from the King Danqing, and at the same time, he slew towards the weakest side.

This was what he had discovered long ago by looking around. This place has the weakest force and is the easiest place to open the gap.

He couldn't kill Foreign King Danqing with a single sword, but ordinary monks, with his strength, were completely fine.

He quickly rushed over, and immediately cut a few people in a row, instantly opening a **** path.

"Everyone, kill with us!" Seeing this situation, several lieutenants also followed General Liu to kill in the same direction.

"Kill!" Seeing that the battle had started, it was obviously impossible to solve this problem peacefully. Danqing's coalition forces also came over, and even if they wanted to surrender, it was useless.

In a short time, the two conveniences have been smashed into a ball.

And General Liu and the others were quickly surrounded. In the face of so many coalition forces, it is not that simple for him to really kill out.

"It's a pity, if this guy is not so impulsive, maybe these people would have been moved by King Danqing!" King Jiangchuan said with great regret.

Although the loss of the Inner Korean army this time has been great, there are still more than two million people.

Now that the two sides are at war, the losses on both sides are visible. It was not because of the small number of opponents that they were slaughtered one-sidedly by them.

In the real battle, strength is the most important thing, because the army of the inner dynasty is truly elite.

It's just that there are a lot of people on their side, and they have a certain advantage in the whole battle.

But in the face of these elites of Inner Korea, their losses are also very huge. It can be seen from the current battle that although many people from the Nei Dynasty have fallen, not many of them have fallen.

Therefore, if the King Danqing was able to persuade them to surrender just now, they could take these people back without a single soldier, and that would be a real victory.

But now their losses are rapidly expanding.

"Don't be too greedy. If it weren't for the advance layout of the Danqing and the foreign kings, it would directly cost more than half of the army of the Inner Dynasty. We now have to face the four or five million army of the Inner Dynasty.

The current situation is very advantageous for us, even if there are some losses, it is normal.

Besides, there are no war undead in this world. "How the Qinghuo Waiwang looked at Jiangchuan Waiwang was upset, he inevitably slapped Danqing Waiwang a flattering, and at the same time, he also slapped Jiangchuan Waiwang. Who told him not to take advantage of these foreign dynasties in the first place? When it's an interest.

"It's useful for you to say, don't I know? I'm just a little sorry. If we just succeeded, then our losses can at least be minimized. Is there anything wrong with this?" How could Wang Chuan not understand Qing The meaning of the king of fire.

This guy slapped Majesty Danqing's flattery but came to belittle him. Can he not be angry?

"Maternal King Danqing, I'm very curious about what traps you designed here? How could they hurt so many people all at once?" Foreign King Changping said very puzzled.

Once they had fought with King Danqing, knowing that she could contact a group of people in black robes.

However, he also knew that the number of those black-robed people was not large, even if the total number of black-robed people in the north and south was only 20,000.

However, the army of Inner Korea was not many at that time, only a few hundred thousand. But this time it was more than four million, and he didn't believe that Madam Danqing still called the people in black robes.

So he can be sure that Majesty Danqing must have other arrangements.

Especially when the King Danqing suddenly asked them to stop and stop chasing these people. UU read www.uukanshu.com, but after waiting for a few hours, they suddenly let them catch up with the fastest speed.

When they caught up, they saw that the more than four million troops of the Inner Dynasty were already in chaos. And it is divided into two parts, one part a few miles away.

But the ground was full of corpses, even if the remaining nearly a million people were either injured, or confused people who didn't know what was scared.

As a result, they went up and killed them clean without saying a word.

On this side, you can see that the ground is full of vine branches intertwined into a net, and the rest of the inner court are trapped under these vine nets.

Then Tengwang suddenly retracted into the woods, and these talents appeared in front of them.

Such a weird thing really made him very puzzled, when did the woman, the grandfather of Danqing, set up such a round this time?

After all, they came together from the station of Danqing Waichao. How could she set up so far in advance?

This is really a mysterious woman!

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