Godly Student

Chapter 5031: unreasonable?

"Damn it, is it this guy's ghost again?" When everyone saw that they had attacked, they couldn't break the invisible barrier in front of them and escaped, and they were shocked and angry.

Everyone saw that they were young and had a lot of elixir in their hands, and thought they could get a vote from him.

But what they never thought was that after doing so for so long, not only did they get nothing, but now they seem to be trapped.

Really steal the chicken and lose the rice!

"I said it was unsafe for a long time, now it's okay, we are all trapped, even if we want to go, we can't go!" Hai Lao said angrily.

He had always suggested not to be greedy for this young man's panacea anymore. If everyone listened to him earlier, then everyone would have already left now.

As a result, Hualao himself also paid the price of an arm for his recklessness, and all of them are now trapped here.

"Huh! What's the use of saying these now? Didn't you leave?" Di Lao said.

"If it weren't for you, I would have left." Hai Lao said with air.

"Stop arguing, what's the point of arguing about these now? We have to find a way to get out." He said as he punched the invisible barrier.


As a result, Old He was bounced back by a strong force on the spot.

"The power of this barrier is so powerful, is this young man really made it?" Old He looked back at the young man who was still practicing alchemy, and he was really incomprehensible.

"The situation is obvious now, it must be his ghost. I don't know how long he will practice this pill. We have to escape before he finishes the pill.

Otherwise, with his strength, we are afraid it will be very dangerous. "Eilao said.

"But this thing is very strong, I'm afraid we can't break it because of our strength!" Di Lao said.

"That formation is strong enough? Didn't it also break through by us? This barrier is also the same. Although it is very strong, as long as we don't give up, we can definitely break it open.

If we do nothing now and really wait until he finishes refining the pill, then that will be our most dangerous. "Old Crane explained.

"That's right! So strong formation is broken, I don't believe that so many of us can't break this thing! Everyone insist, we must rush out before that person finishes practicing alchemy, otherwise we all are. It's really troublesome!" Elder Hai couldn't wait to say.

Knowing that, he really should have left by himself.

But now it doesn't make any sense to say this. Since he has been tied to the same boat with everyone, then at this moment, he should work with everyone to find a way to break this barrier first, and escape is the kingly way.

Bang bang bang!

Everyone joins together to attack this invisible barrier.

"Come on, everyone, I don't know if you have discovered that this barrier is not as strong as the previous formation. We will be able to break this barrier soon!"

After continuously attacking for almost half an hour, Old He suddenly discovered that although this barrier was very strong, it could not be compared with that formation, and he couldn't help but feel a little bit more happy.

That formation took almost a day and a night, but this barrier shouldn't need to spend so much time.

At this time, look at the young man again, and seeing the situation, his pill should not be completed so quickly, and he felt a little more relieved.

But even so, they still have to speed up.

After all, they don't know how long this kid's pill will continue to be practiced, and it might end soon.

So go out early and feel at ease.

boom! boom! boom!

To be able to make a group of strong men who crossed the catastrophe period used all their strength to attack for so long, I have to say that the power of this barrier is really strong enough.

But for their own safety, no matter how strong the barrier is, they must continue to fight.

Although an invisible barrier appeared between them and this young man, they didn't dare to attack anymore.

After all, the strength of this young man may be beyond their abilities. Since he really wants to attack him again, he must first break the barrier behind him. This is their way of retreat.

Otherwise, they will attack the barrier between them first, and then they will not be able to beat the young man. They will not even have a way to escape, and that is really the end.

"Quick! This barrier is about to break!" Seeing that the barrier became more and more unstable, everyone was overjoyed.

"Not good! His pill is finished!" But at this time, Di Lao happened to see the young man opening the pill furnace, and there was a spirit pill floating out of it, and his heart was even more anxious.

"That's...Wang Pin Pill?" Old He saw the blood light in the pill furnace, and a bunch of **** pill flew up and entered the pill bottle prepared by the young man, and he stared at him. With eyes widened, his eyes were full of envy and greed.

"Don't think about the pill, the person who can make the pill of Wang Pin will definitely not be weak. Even if we want to grab it, we don't have the strength to grab it.

Now that his pill has been refined, if we don't rush out, we will lose our lives. "Lao Di shouted.

Wangpin pill is naturally extremely precious, but at this moment where they still have the ability to grab this pill?

Later, they may be here for their lives.

No matter how precious the pill, would it be more precious than their lives?

Old Crane held back his inner greed. At this time, he really should break the barrier first, so he could only continue to attack the barrier.


At this moment, the barrier was finally breached.

But the young man had also completely finished alchemy, and the pills and furnace were put away.

"Run!" Seeing this situation, everyone did not dare to delay for a moment, and quickly wanted to escape from here.

It's just that they have just escaped, and they are still in the future and far away from this place, but a person suddenly appeared in front of them, it is this young man who has finished practicing alchemy.

"You...what do you want to do?" Everyone was taken aback, but they didn't expect this person to be so fast.

Seeing him standing in front of everyone with their hands behind their backs, everyone was very vigilant.

By this time, there were no doubts in their hearts.

Everything they encountered was indeed made by the young man in front of him, not by some of his elders.

That is to say, the strength of this young man is really scary. Now that this guy has slipped in front of them in the blink of an eye, how can he not make them feel a little confused?

"It's all here, why bother to leave in such a hurry!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"Although your strength is very strong, do you think you can stop so many of us? If everyone really fights you to the end, it will be no good for everyone.

Today, it is considered that we have offended you and disturbed you. We apologize to you. Even if this matter is over, how about it? "Lao Di said.

"You are smart and know how to judge the situation. But since it is an apology, if you are not sincere, what is the point of this apology?" Cheng Yu smiled faintly.

"Then, what do you think is sincerity?" When Di Lao saw that the other party was really willing to reconcile, he felt more confident.

After all, with the strength of the opponent's formation and the invisible barrier, as well as the speed at which he has just been revealed, it can be seen that the strength of this young man has far surpassed them.

So if you really want to start, they are most likely to suffer.

Therefore, what he worries most is that the other party is unwilling to reason, and it is scary to have to do it.

Now that the other party is also willing to use the other party's way to solve the problem without doing it, this can't be better.

As long as there is a heart for reconciliation, there is no problem of disagreement.

"It's very simple, except for the clothes on your body, hand over everything else and you can go!" Cheng Yu said.

"What? Everything? Are you going too far?" He Lao suddenly furious.

"Is this too much?" Cheng Yu shrugged indifferently.

"You want to take everything from us, isn't that too much?" The others also said furiously.

Although everyone has the heart to solve the problem, this guy is too greedy. Except for the clothes on his body, he actually wants to take it all away. If this is not too much, there is nothing in this world that is more excessive.

"I didn't let you be naked, you are already very kind. Birds die for food and people die for money. What did you say when I was practicing alchemy? Didn't you know it in your heart?" Cheng Yu sneered.

"We did make your calculations at the beginning, but didn't we succeed? More importantly, although we wanted to get some elixir from you, we didn't even think about taking everything from you. Go, let alone hurt your life." Old He said.

"So I don't plan to take your lives, just take your things." Cheng Yu said with a smile.

He didn't believe them very much.

Such things as killing people and surpassing goods were never just talked about. Although he had been practicing alchemy, he did not seal himself off.

So he heard everything these people say here clearly, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com is just that he was doing alchemy at the time, and he didn't have any more thoughts to pay attention to them.

When they guessed that the formation might have been arranged by him, they already had a murderous intent, but their own strength was insufficient, and even his most basic defense was not broken.

Therefore, if it wasn't because of his strength that he was strong enough, but he was randomly replaced by someone with poor strength, then that person would be slaughtered today.

It's just a pity that these people just met themselves, and that is their own bad luck.

Conversely, even if he is the one who is not strong enough today, then he can only admit that he is unlucky.

Therefore, in this world where strength is respected, everyone should be responsible for their actions. It's such a simple truth that whoever is not strong enough will admit it.

"Be forgiving and be forgiving, your Excellency is so unbelievable, it seems a bit unreasonable!" Old Crane said in a deep voice.

"Humanity? I don't have any favors with you, so you don't have to talk about favors with me. Either do what I say and leave everything behind; or never leave!" Cheng Yu is not polite. Said.

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