Godly Student

Chapter 5044: Sad reminder or lucky?

"Master, I heard that there was a war in the Nanping Dynasty in the city just now, do we still have to go there?" Hai Lao asked.

From his point of view, what does it have to do with others when they go to war?

Although in terms of their strength, they are not afraid of causing trouble, but he feels that this kind of thing has nothing to do with them, and there is no need to find such unnecessary trouble for himself.

If the young master's goal is not there, why not avoid these troublesome things? Wouldn't it be better to just bypass it?

"No, that's where we're going!" Cheng Yu said.

"Master, don't you really want to get involved in other people's wars?" He asked.

"This battle was carried out under my instruction, why should I intervene?" Cheng Yu said lightly.

"Young master instructed? I heard from the people in the city, isn't this an attack from a few independent factions outside the loyal faction? Could it be that the young master is an independent faction?" Di Lao asked in confusion.

"Yes or no, it can only be said that some of the independent faction are my people!" Cheng Yu said truthfully.

Although the appearance of the independent faction has a great relationship with him, but not all the independent faction joined the Holy Dynasty, and not all the independent faction will obey his words.

It's just because these separatists also have their own selfishness and don't want to be bound by the Inner Dynasty anymore, so when he split the dynasty, these people volunteered to stand up and declare their separation from the Inner Dynasty.

Even now, the independent factions controlled by Cheng Yu are still a minority, and the control of most of the independent factions still lies with them.

But even so, these independent factions are not completely independent.

Just like the independent factions of the Jiangyang Foreign Dynasty, although they are independent factions, but because there are other powerful foreign states around them, such as the Danqing Foreign Dynasty Alliance.

If there is no war or when they are not threatened, it will be fine. The Danqing Foreign Dynasty Alliance has no plans to annex them for the time being. After all, everyone is an independent faction, and they are barely in the same camp.

But when something really happened, like the army of the inner dynasty attacked, or now they attack other outer dynasties together, then they actually don't have any freedom.

At least they don't have the right to control the war, all the control is in the hands of powerful foreign kings like Danqing Waiwang, and they only have the right to advise at most.

So now in the independent faction camp, even though Cheng Yu controls a very limited number of independent factions, most of the independent factions he controls are very influential.

And these powerful independent factions have a certain degree of control over other independent factions around them. If these independent factions are disobedient, they may be at risk of being wiped out by powerful independent factions at any time.

Therefore, if you think about it this way, there are still a lot of independent factions that Cheng Yu can control.

Even if many independent foreigners are not convinced, but in front of powerful foreigners, if they say one, they will never dare to say two.

Just like the Jiangchuan Waiwang, although he often expressed dissatisfaction with the power of the Danqing Waiwang, he had to face the reality.

In the face of absolute strength, even if he refuses to accept it, he can only suffer.

"Young master, then you are going to the Nanping Outer Dynasty now, don't you really plan to destroy the Nanping Outer Dynasty?" Di Lao said in surprise.

Along the way, Cheng Yu rarely spoke.

So they don't know much about Cheng Yu, especially his identity, Cheng Yu is worthless.

All they know about the situation of the Nanping Outer Dynasty are from the cities they pass by.

From what Cheng Yu said just now, they could basically know that these independent factions who attacked the Nanping foreign dynasty were his people.

How else could he instruct this war!

Of course, from these words, they obviously began to gradually understand Cheng Yu's identity.

"Master, as far as I know, those loyalists are all members of the dynasty, and the most powerful among the dynasty is the inner dynasty.

For so many years, although this world has always been controlled by the dynasty, those who really understand the relationship know that this world has always been controlled by the inner dynasty.

These outer dynasties are actually just pawns of the inner dynasties.

If you want to attack these independent factions, then you are undoubtedly provoking the inner court, which is not suitable, right? "Old He thought that Cheng Yu didn't know the Tao, so he explained to him.

"Don't worry, I know what you're saying better than you. Do you think I'm doing this on a whim?

You will know later, this is just a small step for me to destroy the inner court! Cheng Yu's face was indifferent, and he didn't take his words seriously at all.

It is not a day or two to be an enemy of the dynasty, so what about the inner dynasty?

If he hadn't worried about their relationship with the fairy world and the demon world, he would have gone directly to the inner court.

Now he doesn't want to startle the snake, so he can only destroy his living power first. At least doing so will reduce the pressure on the Cheng family.

"Destroy the inner court? Young master, you're not kidding, are you?" Everyone was shocked when they heard Cheng Yu's words.

The dynasty occupies a lot of resources in the world, and in many cases, high-quality resources are found and even robbed by the dynasty.

Therefore, there is no monk in the world who does not hate the dynasty. Even at their current level, although they are not afraid of the dynasty, they do not want to offend the dynasty.

As for destroying the dynasty, they didn't even think about such an idea.

They didn't even think that the young master they newly recognized had such a crazy idea.

Suddenly, they had a very bad feeling in their hearts.

They are all subordinates of Cheng Yu now. If Cheng Yu wants to destroy the Inner Dynasty, wouldn't they also participate in the action of destroying the Inner Dynasty?

"Do you think I look like I'm joking with you?" Cheng Yu said calmly.

To him, it seemed like a very trivial matter.

"Master, but this inner court is far from being comparable to these outer court. It is very easy for you to destroy these outer court. But if you want to destroy the inner court, it is almost impossible.

In particular, I heard that there are many masters in the inner court who are comparable to immortals. Although I know that the young master also has the strength comparable to the immortal, but after all, he is outnumbered.

If the young master really insisted on doing this, it would be tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg. "Old He saw that Cheng Yu didn't take it seriously, and he was even more anxious.

"Yeah, young master, and how many years has this dynasty ruled the world, why should we fight with them for this false name?

With your strength, Master, it is estimated that you will ascend to the Immortal Realm soon.

In my opinion, if the young master wants to show his strength, your battlefield should be in the immortal world. Why do you have to do these fearless struggles with the inner court at this time, wasting the time of cultivation, and thus delaying your ascension to the immortal world? "Di Lao also said very puzzled.

"Because I have a reason to destroy the Inner Dynasty!" How could Cheng Yu not understand what they were thinking?

If it weren't for his special status, he also felt that it was unnecessary.

But there are things he has to do, which is probably why he came to this world.

And these talents have just become his subordinates, and they simply don't want to take this risk and become enemies with the Inner Dynasty.

But this is their life.

If it wasn't for their own greed, they wouldn't be his subordinates.

Now that they have become his subordinates, it is up to them to do what they want to do next, and everything has to obey his young master's words.

"What reason?" Everyone was stunned?

They did not expect that the young master would say such a thing, the reason why they had to destroy the inner court?

"Now you don't need to know, but as my subordinates, since you know my goal, you can't escape.

So in the future, you only need to think about how to destroy the inner court. As for persuading me to give up, don't think too much! "Cheng Yu smiled lightly.

Sure enough, as soon as Cheng Yu said this, the faces of these people became uglier than each other.

They had nothing to do with the dynasty, but now because of Cheng Yu's relationship, they have to participate in the action to destroy the dynasty, which is really sad and helpless.

At this moment, they really regret it.

Knowing this, why did they covet such an elixir in the first place?

Now it's good, they don't have anything to catch, and they have found a big trouble for themselves.

They think that their strength is not bad, but it also depends on who they are compared with. If they are facing the dynasty, especially the inner dynasty, then their strength really has no advantage at all.

More importantly, they have no grievances or hatred with the Nei Dynasty, but because of Cheng Yu's reasons, they have to make them work hard, no matter how they think about it, they can't figure it out.

"I know you are reluctant, but who made you inferior to others? But you don't have to worry so much, the inner court is not as scary as you think.

As long as you don't go deep into the inner court, no one can do anything to you! Cheng Yu looked at their bitter faces, but said with a smile~www.readwn.com~ But even if Cheng Yu said so, the faces of everyone didn't get any better, just a wry smile on their faces.

They don't believe that the Inner Dynasty is really not terrible. In their opinion, it should be one of the most terrible places in the world.

Because ordinary people enter there, especially the enemies of the inner dynasty, it is absolutely impossible for them to survive. Cheng Yu is clearly trying to comfort them on purpose.

"Whether you believe it or not, some things will only be understood after you have experienced it yourself. But what I can tell you is that as long as you behave well, you can get the elixir you wanted in the first place.

Let's just say that the 30,000-year-old blood spirit ginseng has a very good effect on your current level of practice. Cheng Yu suddenly took out dozens of 30,000-year-old blood ginseng and said with a smile.

"This... is all 30,000-year-old blood spirit ginseng?" Seeing the elixir in Cheng Yu's hand, everyone was so excited that they were speechless.

"Of course, if you need them, I can even use them to refine them into a king-grade cultivation pill. How much benefit do you think you can get?" Cheng Yu continued to seduce.

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