Godly Student

Chapter 5046: There is no strongest, only stronger!

69 Net 69, the fastest update of God-level transfer students! "It's very simple, this time my goal is to capture the Nanping Alliance. At present, several foreign dynasties under my command have assembled two million troops to attack the Nanping foreign dynasties.

However, their strength is limited. Two million troops seem to be a lot, but the Nanping Alliance's troops will not be small.

So I have two tasks here now, you can choose one. "Cheng Yu was very happy when he saw that everyone's mentality changed at once.

Although everyone didn't say it clearly before, he could see that the mentality of these people was very negative.

But now that he has tempted them with the elixir of ten thousand years and Wang Pinxiu Shendan, there has been a great change, and they have become active in an instant.

Just like at this moment, you don't ask them anything, they themselves can't wait to help you do things.

And what Cheng Yu wants is this effect, although this is under the premise of the temptation of interests, but Cheng Yu doesn't care about this.

As long as these people are willing to do things for themselves and to do things well, he has achieved his goal.

Although he will lose some ten thousand years of elixir, everyone is just taking what they need.

There is no shortage of elixir on him, whether it is himself or the people around him, it is enough to use.

In this case, why not take out the excess in exchange for the benefits that you need more?

"Also ask the young master to tell me directly, which two tasks are they?" Everyone was curious.

"First, as I said just now, the strength of our two million army may not be strong, so someone needs to lead them to attack the city.

Second, now that we are attacking the Nanping foreign dynasties, other foreign dynasties in the Nanping Alliance will definitely send troops to support them. Therefore, someone needs to stop the other foreign alliance forces of the Nanping Alliance from going to support the Nanping foreign dynasty.

I think with your strength, no matter what task it is, it should not be difficult for you, right? "Cheng Yu said.

"Master, if it's just to prevent them from going to support, it's not difficult. It's just that as far as I know, this Nanping foreign dynasty has almost allied with nearly ten surrounding foreign dynasties.

And there are only a dozen of us here. If each of us goes to a foreign court to stop it, it is estimated that it will not be easy. "He said.

Although both tasks did not sound difficult, he felt that the second task might be easier.

After all, they only need to stop those reinforcements, not to fight with them.

And the first task is to attack the city and conquer the land, which is to fight to the death, and will not give up until the city is defeated.

What's more, so many foreign dynasties will send reinforcements, and the situation will be even worse.

The second task is different. With their strength, a dozen people are actually very strong.

As long as you don't encounter a strong man like Cheng Yu, there is no way that there is too much danger.

What's more, the strength of these foreign dynasties has no advantage to them except for the large number of people. There are not no people who can match their strength, but very few.

If nothing else, at least he escaped when he wanted to. Unlike before Cheng Yu, he couldn't escape even if he wanted to. That was the worst.

Since they can come and go freely, they are not very worried about these foreign troops.

But what they want to know most now is whether the young master will let the dozen of them be separated, and one of them will block a foreign court.

If a dozen of them were torn apart and each of them confronted a foreign reinforcement, it might not be that simple.

Although it is not certain how many reinforcements these foreign dynasties will send, it must not be less than tens of thousands!

Of course, their mission is not to kill these reinforcements, but to delay them or prevent them from going to Nanping for support.

But even so, if a person has to resist an army of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands, unless your strength is super strong, like Cheng Yu, even an army of hundreds of thousands is like ants in front of him, then this task becomes simple. .

Otherwise, this task is still difficult for them to complete.

"That's why I suggest that you go with me to carry out the first mission. If a dozen of you can only block a support army, it's obviously useless!" Cheng Yu said.

"Is the young master also going to perform the first mission?" As soon as they heard that the first mission could be with the young master, these people suddenly lit up.

The first task doesn't seem to be that good, but if there is a young master accompanying it, it will be different.

As long as the young master is there, which city cannot be conquered?

And even if there is a strong person there, the young master will definitely solve it. In this case, this task becomes easier.

"Yes, but you should understand that I won't go out easily unless I really need to go out." Cheng Yu said.

Everyone can understand this.

With the young master's strength, if even a small cultivator asked him to come out, it would be too talented.

What's more, the young master just said that there is an army of two million on the front line. If there is no very powerful enemy, he really does not need to go out.

"But if we don't stop those reinforcements, will there be a large number of reinforcements coming? Although I know that the young master's strength is very strong, even if there are more reinforcements, it is impossible to be right.

But the reinforcements from nearly ten foreign dynasties are not a minority. After all, it will be a big trouble for us to capture the foreign dynasties in Nanping! "The old man said worriedly.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^.

The young master's strength is not false, but if there are too many people, it will have a certain impact on their plan to capture the Nanping foreign dynasty.

"If you are going to carry out the first mission with me, I will naturally arrange other people for the mission of blocking the reinforcements!" Cheng Yu said.

"Master, is there anyone else?" Di Lao was taken aback.

I thought they were the millions of people on the front line and a dozen of them here, but now it seems that this young master is really not easy.

"Or do you think I rely on so many people to destroy the dynasty?" Cheng Yu said lightly.

"Oh, that's what I said!" Everyone reacted, and it was true.

The capture of the Nanping Alliance is just a small plan of the young master to destroy the dynasty. The real big plan is to destroy the entire dynasty.

If he really only has so many people, if he wants to destroy the inner dynasty, he is really a foolish dream.

"Master, how many people do you have?" Hua Lao asked curiously.

"You will naturally know about this in the future, but when you get to the front line, if someone asks about your identity, you will say that you are from the Holy Dynasty!" Cheng Yu reminded.

"The Holy Dynasty? The young master is talking about the Holy Dynasty that has been haunting and attacking the dynasty all these years?" Everyone was shocked on the spot when they heard these two words.

Although they are so powerful, they are not like others, hiding in the mountains as a practice, not asking about the world, just to soar.

Because it is too slow to practice in this way, they travel around in the hope that they can practice faster.

Therefore, although I don’t know everything that happens in this world, I still have some understanding of many things.

Don't say anything else, just say that this Holy Dynasty is not only for them, even the people living in the city now have heard of the name of the Holy Dynasty.

Because the Holy Dynasty has been very famous in recent years, especially after every time they captured the city of the Dynasty, they will play the flag of the Holy Dynasty openly.

So nowadays, generally speaking, as long as they are not in too remote places, or people who have not joined the WTO for a long time, they have basically heard the name of the Holy Dynasty.

However, although everyone has heard of the name of the Holy Dynasty, there are almost no people who have actually seen the people of the Holy Dynasty.

So the feeling of this pilgrimage to those who know it is, mysterious, very mysterious; powerful, very powerful.

Otherwise, how dare you attack the territory of the dynasty everywhere?

In fact, Di Lao and the others were curious about this holy dynasty. They even heard that the holy dynasty appeared nearby and captured several cities, so they went to find it in person.

But when they rushed to the occupied cities, they only saw the city lord who had surrendered to the Holy Dynasty, and they did not see the real people of the Holy Dynasty.

They had even forgotten about it for so long, but now they didn't expect that the young master they followed would actually say that he was a member of the Holy Dynasty, which really surprised them.

"It seems that you are no strangers to the Holy Dynasty!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

Obviously, after so many years of Bai Li and the others, they really made a name for the Holy Dynasty.

The people I meet today are really few people who haven't heard of the Holy Dynasty. Even if they don't know much about the Holy Dynasty, they have heard it to some extent. This is fame.

"Master, you are not the master of the Holy Dynasty, are you?" Old He asked tentatively.

"Do you think I am qualified to be the master of the Holy Dynasty?" Cheng Yu smiled.

"Young master is so powerful, I think it is difficult to find someone stronger than the young master in this world. I don't think it is surprising that the young master is the master of the Holy Dynasty!" Old He couldn't understand what the young master was. I mean, I can only praise.

"If I tell you that the master of this holy dynasty is someone else, would you believe it?" Cheng Yu continued.

"Master is really not the master of the Holy Dynasty?" Everyone was shocked.

Although Cheng Yu didn't say it clearly, it seems that he already had this meaning from his words.

But if that's the case, it's really amazing.

Think about it, even Cheng Yu's strength is already so strong, but he is not the master of the Holy Dynasty.

How powerful should the master of this holy dynasty be?

This seems to be a level they can't imagine.

At this moment, they suddenly felt that they were really too small.

I thought the Tribulation Transcendence Period was the ceiling of this world's strength, but now it seems that they are nothing at all.

"There are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the people. No matter which world it is, there is no strongest, only stronger. Immortal Dao has no end, and since there is no end, naturally there is no strongest!" Cheng Yu said.

"There is no strongest, only stronger!" Everyone was shocked, feeling that the young master's words were too appropriate.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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