Godly Student

Chapter 5065: Officially started!

Since the young master has said that their reinforcements cannot exceed 200,000 at most, then they will never have a large number of reinforcements.

And the entire Xingle City should not exceed one million, not to mention how can the strength of these defenders be compared with the elites they brought in person?

Especially under the leadership of these foreign kings, this Xingle City can safely enter.

Without the existence of the Great Defense Array, there would be no obstacles.

But by the time they entered Xingle City, most of the soldiers had already escaped from the east gate.

When the remaining soldiers who had not yet arrived and escaped from the city saw such a scene, they were immediately shocked and pale. Although some people still wanted to resist, they turned into a corpse in an instant. How could others dare to follow suit? , they all knelt down and begged for mercy.

Obviously everyone in the city was terrified by Cheng Yu.

Although the capture of Caesar City was quite smooth at the beginning, it was far from being so easy.

The two million troops rushed into Xingle City in a mighty manner, and apart from the people in the city, there were only a few deserters left.

It can be said that the moment they entered the city, they have completely occupied this very important border city, which is much easier than entering Caesar City at the beginning.

"Master, Xingle City has been won, please come into the city, Master!" Dongning Wai Wang rushed over and said excitedly.

"So fast?" Old He and the others were also a little surprised. Didn't this army just enter?

"It's like this, maybe the way the young master broke the formation was too scary. When we entered the city, their army basically fled, and there were only some who hadn't arrived yet.

Except for some looking for death, everyone else surrendered obediently, so it didn't take much trouble! " Dongning Wai Wang explained.

The biggest difficulty in Xingle City is the great defense formation.

Now that there is no defense formation, who can keep them?

The young master broke the great formation with a single palm. Those people were afraid that their legs and feet would become weak when they thought of this palm. How could they dare to guard Xingle City?

"Presumably they should not be far from the city, young master, do we want to catch up?" He asked.

"Master, Danqing Waiwang and the others have already sent some of them out of the city to find out their way. We will get news soon. If we catch up now, it may be too late!" Dongning Waiwang also said.

"Go and help, if there are few people, take it!" Cheng Yu said after thinking for a while.

Now that Xingle City has been connected, the next step is to capture more territory of the Nanping Outer Dynasty. Therefore, these soldiers of the Nanping Outer Dynasty can kill if they can, and capture if they can.

After all, one less of them is equivalent to one less resistance.

Otherwise, if these deserters join forces or reinforcements from other foreign dynasties, it will only increase the obstacles to their siege.

"Yes! Young master! However, if we relieve those people from boredom, can we..." Old He and the others just walked a few steps, and suddenly came back and asked embarrassedly.

"Then also see how much credit you can make. If you kill or arrest so many people, do you have the courage to tell me this?" Cheng Yu said.

"Uh...then let's go first!" Old He could only leave with a look of embarrassment, but fortunately they were all wearing masks, so they couldn't see the embarrassed expression.

It's just that the outside king of Dongning on the side was puzzled, and he didn't quite understand what they were talking about.

But no matter what, it is the best thing to have these honorable envoys to help.

"Master, then you..." Dongning Wai Wang asked.

"Go on, I'll go into the city by myself!" Cheng Yu said with a wave of his hand.

"That subordinate will say goodbye first!" The King of Dongning nodded and ran towards the city with a group of honorable envoys.

Cheng Yu walked slowly towards the city by himself.

The Great Defense Array is the biggest obstacle. Since this obstacle has been solved for them, the rest will naturally be left to them.

As their young master, if you have to do everything yourself, how can you do it!

Although the city has changed its owner, the people in the city have never been the target of their attacks. If a city has no people, how will it function?

Originally, seeing that King Danqing had entered the city with an army of two million, these people were frightened to death, and they tried to hide at home and did not dare to go out.

But when they saw that they didn't kill people casually, some daring people came out to watch the fun, but there weren't many such people.

However, Cheng Yu, who was wearing a black robe, slowly walked into the city. No matter how daring those people were, they were still frightened.

After all, they saw with their own eyes that the huge figure behind Cheng Yu smashed the defense formation of Xingle City with one palm, so everyone ran away without a trace.

Of course, Cheng Yu didn't care about that either.

A person was walking quietly on this empty street, someone quietly opened the window, saw him turn his head, the dark mask under his hat, they scared them and closed the window again.

At this time, they in the house bit their wrists with horror on their faces, for fear that they would make a sound and attract this terrifying demon.

At this time, Cheng Yu was a living devil in the eyes of all the people in the city.

If it weren't for the devil, why would he be dressed like this!

However, although he was regarded as a demon and a bad person by everyone, Cheng Yu obviously didn't care, and still walked slowly on this silent street, enjoying the rare desertedness.

However, this Xingle City is not the end of Cheng Yu, and it can even be said that it is just a starting point.

The huge Nanping foreign dynasty has just begun.

Given the current situation, if the Nanping foreign dynasties failed to merge with the forces of the other foreign dynasties, it was impossible for anyone to resist these two million troops.

By the time Danqing Waiwang and the others came back, it was already late.

"Master, we have found the figure of Nanping Waiwang in the deserted army!" Danqing Waiwang reported as soon as he came back.

"Oh? But looking at your appearance, did you let him escape?" Cheng Yu asked.

"My subordinates are incompetent, I really failed to catch him and let him escape!" Wang Danqing said helplessly.

Although Nanping Waiwang's strength is not as strong as her, and there are so many masters by her side, it is really embarrassing to let him escape.

"It doesn't matter whether he lives or dies, he can't take this huge land in Nanping Waichao with him, and it is this land that I want. As for his life or death, I don't care!" Cheng Yu said.

"Do you think you are qualified to speak to me now?" Cheng Yu said to Old He and the others.

"Uh...Although we didn't take down the Nanping Waiwang, we still took down hundreds of thousands of deserters. Does that count?" Hua Lao asked.

Among the deserters, the most important one was the Waiwang of Nanping, but that guy had obviously already figured out a way out, so they could only watch him slip away.

Without this big fish, they don't know if they can exchange with the young master for a 30,000-year-old blood spirit ginseng with this achievement?

"What do you think?" Cheng Yu asked back.

"Master, I think our credit is not big, but it's still okay, why don't you count half of the plants for us and record them first?

Will you give us more credit next time? "Hua Lao thought about it and said.

"Although your strength is not very good, you have cultivated this cheeky skill very well. It's just that I don't like your credit. There are only hundreds of thousands of deserters, and your strength is not very good. You are also embarrassed. Talk to me about your credit?" Cheng Yu was amused by his words.

Do they think that 30,000-year-old blood ginseng is so easy to get?

If he had to give them such a reward, even if he had more resources, it would not be enough for them.

"..." All these honorable envoys bowed their heads in shame.

Of course they know that this credit is not enough to compare with the 30,000-year-old elixir, but isn't this what they want to get this thing again?

That is to say, they tried to talk to the young master. After all, after getting along for so long, they felt that the young master was still very good at talking.

But when the young master said this, they really couldn't lift their heads.

Fortunately, they wore masks, and no one could see their ashamed faces, otherwise they would have really burrowed into the ground.

"Okay, I know you're in a hurry, but you should be more clear in your hearts. What's easy to get is not a good thing. It's a good thing, so it won't be so easy to get!" Cheng Yu didn't know what calculus they had in mind?

If he hadn't given these people a promise back then, how could they be so active in helping him clean up these deserters!

But it doesn't matter whether they are genuinely helping themselves or being active for those resources.

What matters is the result!

"I won't go around in circles with you. You know my plan. As long as this plan is successful, you can get what you want, otherwise you don't want to think about it!" Cheng Yu said directly. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Ah? The young master meant to swallow the entire Nanping Alliance!" Hua Lao said anxiously.

The Nanping Alliance is so big that it will take a few years to swallow the entire Nanping Alliance.

He has lost an arm now, just when he needs those resources to restore his strength, why does he want to wait so long?

"Don't want to? If you don't want to, I won't force it, anyway, I don't have too many good things!" Cheng Yu said indifferently.

"Don't! Young master, that's the deal. We will do our best to help Young Master complete this plan." Hearing what Young Master said, Hua Lao became even more anxious.

Isn't it just a few years?

It's better to be later than the young master who is unwilling to give them resources.

Moreover, as long as they actively take action, they should be able to complete this plan ahead of schedule.

The sooner the plan is completed, the sooner they will be able to get what they want!

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