Godly Student

Chapter 5068: Brilliant idea!

"Having said that, this person's strength is above me after all. Even if there are many of us, we may not be able to gain the upper hand. Maybe we are the ones killed." The elder said with some worry.

At present, they only learned about this man's situation from the mouth of the Nanping Waiwang, but even if they only knew little about him, it was enough to have a very big impact on everyone.

After all, being able to break through a large formation arranged by a quasi-immortal with one palm is truly astonishing.

How difficult it is to kill such a peerless master.

So even if the five elders of them shot together, there is a high possibility that they will not be able to kill the other party, and they may even be counter-killed by the other party.

In the face of such a situation, if there is no worry in the heart, this is obviously an unlikely thing.

"With the strength of the other party, this situation is indeed possible, and it may be very likely. And I am a little worried that once we leave the inner court, let's not say whether the inner court is in chaos or not.

Even if there is no chaos in the inner court, could this be a plot of the Holy Dynasty? ' the fourth elder asked.

"Do you suspect that the King of Nanping and the others are also colluding with the Holy Dynasty, and they are deliberately trying to lead us to leave the Inner Dynasty?" The elder was stunned, but he did not consider this possibility.

"Now that the world is in chaos, even those who used to be loyal to our Inner Dynasty may not be able to betray the Inner Dynasty.

Think about it, over the years, how many foreign dynasties loyal to us have joined the villain camp? "The Fourth Elder continued.

"What the four elders said is not unreasonable, and even if the King of Nanping did not betray us, the Holy Dynasty can still design us.

Imagine that the King of Nanping and the others really came to ask for help, and we also accepted their request and led the troops to leave the Inner Dynasty.

Although Nanping Waiwang and the others have only seen that one real peerless master. But this may also be an illusion that they deliberately made to show us.

If after we go out, there is not just one such peerless master, but a group of them, what kind of result will we face? "The fifth elder thought about it and felt that they still couldn't easily lead the troops to leave the inner court.

Proving your worth to the Lord is very important, but if something happens to them outside, it will be even worse.

"What you said is also very reasonable, both of these situations are possible. But we are all facing a very serious problem now.

If we don't take action, the Holy Dynasty will continue to exert its strength and continue to devour our territory.

Judging from the current rate of devouring, I am afraid that within five years, if not all of the foreign dynasties in the world are in collusion with the Holy Dynasty, at least most of them are related to the Holy Dynasty.

And the remaining part of the independent faction, to be honest, the Holy Dynasty may not allow them to survive.

So in the end, this world will eventually become a holy dynasty! "The elder said calmly.

Judging from what everyone has analyzed now, if they go out on their own, they are likely to take themselves in.

But if they don't take action, then the speed of the Holy Dynasty's grabbing territory will become faster and faster, and their dynasty's territory will become less and less.

In this way, they seem to be caught in a dilemma.

"So we absolutely can't let the Holy Dynasty continue to expand its territory like this, we must find a way to stop them!" said the third elder.

"But how to stop it?" Everyone wondered.

This is the biggest difficulty they are currently facing.

If it is just to stop those rebels, it is actually not that difficult, but because of the participation of the Holy Dynasty, every time they pacify the chaos, they have not succeeded, but they have put themselves in.

So if they want to send troops to pacify the chaos now, they must consider how to solve the Holy Dynasty's forces together.

Once these foreign dynasties did not have the support of the Holy Dynasty, would they dare to annex it so recklessly and indefinitely?

"Otherwise, let's still report this matter to the Lord? If the Lord can accompany us on the expedition, even if he doesn't take action, at least we don't have to worry about the Holy Dynasty setting a trap for us?

If something really happens then, with the Lord sitting behind us, at least he can help us at the critical moment! "The second elder suggested.

"Do you think the Lord will agree to our request?" The elder asked rhetorically.

Obviously, he thinks that the second elder's proposal is meaningless, because he thinks it is impossible for the Lord to agree to it.

"How do you know if you don't try? This Holy Dynasty is now the great enemy of our dynasty. As long as the Lord is willing to show up, that is the greatest suppression of the Holy Dynasty.

If there is such a powerful peerless master, it will definitely die. "The second elder also felt that this possibility was relatively small, but he believed that if this matter was to suppress the Holy Dynasty, the only way to do it was the Lord himself.

"If it was the guy who broke into the inner court back then, the Lord might show up, or even take action in person.

But if it's just a master of the Holy Dynasty and the Lord himself is required to take action, wouldn't the Lord have no face at all? " said the fifth elder.

"That's the reason, even if that person didn't show up, at least the master of the Holy Dynasty had to show up, and then the lord would be able to deal with it himself.

Otherwise, a master of the Holy Dynasty will be dispatched by our lord, so what is the face of the lord? "The elder nodded.

"Alas! After all, our strength is too weak. As the chief elder of the Inner Dynasty, our strength is not as good as a master of the Holy Dynasty." The fifth elder sighed.

"Under normal circumstances, our strength is already very strong, and there are probably not many people in the world who want to surpass our strength.

Who would have thought that apart from their masters, the Holy Dynasty would have such a powerful figure? " said the three elders.

"You said, could this person be the master of the Holy Dynasty? Otherwise, I really can't believe that the Holy Dynasty has so many terrifying masters.

After all, we all know very well in our hearts that our own strength must not be considered low! "The Fourth Elder guessed.

"This shouldn't be possible. Since he is the master of the Holy Dynasty, how can he easily show his face. And it's to annex our site." The elder shook his head, thinking that this possibility does not seem to be very big.

"You can't say that, the more impossible things are, the more likely they are to be true. Maybe this is the illusion that their pilgrimage gave us?

Otherwise, the Holy Dynasty suddenly appeared out of thin air, and then there are so many masters, I always feel that it is too strange.

If this person is really the master of their pilgrimage, isn't he doing this now to keep encroaching on our territory?

Anyway, with his strength, no one can beat him. After they have swallowed all our territory, we will react, and the world may be theirs! " said the fourth elder.

"This... Do you think that the fourth elder thinks this possibility is very big?" After being repeatedly said by the fourth elder, he seemed to feel that this possibility also existed in his heart.

"It's really hard to say, how many years have we cultivated? With so many experts from the Inner Dynasty, how many of them can surpass us?

However, this was an obscure holy dynasty, but it was born out of nowhere. In just a few years, its name spread all over the world, and it became the great enemy of our dynasty.

What is even more suspicious is that there are so many masters in our dynasty that they can't even catch any one of their holy dynasty.

Are they really that powerful? Even just anyone is so powerful?

But if it is as the fourth elders guessed, the master of their holy dynasty has always been involved in all these things. With his strength, our dynasty wants to catch them, which is really unlikely.

In this way, this Holy Dynasty can be so mysterious, and every time it appears, it is understandable that the dragon sees its head and sees its tail. " said the second elder.

"Could it be that the master of the Holy Dynasty is really so boring? Even the small things like conquering the city have to be personally involved?" The elder was puzzled.

In his heart, the strength of the Holy Dynasty was no less than that of the Inner Dynasty, and because they did not understand the overall strength of the Holy Dynasty, they even felt that the power of the Holy Dynasty might surpass that of the Inner Dynasty.

Therefore, a powerful power master like the Holy Dynasty should be like their master. If it does not really affect the survival of the entire power, it is logically impossible to come forward easily.

But if, as the Fourth Elder said, the master of the Holy Dynasty had to go out in person even to capture a city, which is obviously against common sense.

But what if the power lord of this holy dynasty is really such an outlier?

This really made him a little uncertain.

"Elder, otherwise, let's tell the Lord like this. According to our investigation, the master who appeared in the Holy Dynasty this time is likely to be the guy who broke into the Inner Dynasty last time.

The Lord has always wanted us to find that person, but that guy is so strong, since he has escaped from the inner court, how can he easily expose himself again?

Anyway, didn't this person also break through the great formation of quasi-immortals with one palm? What's more, it is entirely possible that its strength is higher than ours.

More importantly, the man was wearing a black robe and a mask anyway, so he couldn't see his appearance.

Even if we say that, the Lord may not doubt it, right? "The five elders suddenly lit up and said excitedly.

"Good idea! First Elder, Fifth Elder's idea is a good idea. Since we can't tell the truth directly to the Lord, let him sit for us, but if we say so, he will definitely agree." Third Elder also Immediately overjoyed, obviously satisfied with the idea.

"Elder, we also think this method is feasible. Let's try it, maybe the Lord will really agree?" The other two elders also agreed.

"This idea is good or not, but the Lord is not so easy to fool. If he discovers our intention, will it..." The elder also appreciates this idea very much, but when he thinks of Deceiving the Lord makes me a little scared!

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