Godly Student

Chapter 5076: There is indeed a fraud!

Remember [New] for a second,! Although they stopped to rest, they still sent a lot of people to patrol around. After all, it was getting closer and closer to the site of the Danqing Alliance. No one dared to say whether their coalition forces would suddenly rush out.

So everything should be extra careful, not afraid of 10,000 just in case.

Most of the time passed, and the spies finally returned.

"How is it? Did you find anything?" Everyone couldn't wait.

"Returning to my lords, I have already inquired about it clearly. There are no defenders in Xingle City, so you can pass through with confidence!" The lead scout said panting.

"Are you sure there is no ambush in Xingle City?" The King of Nanping asked in confusion.

This Xingle City is the last city of his Nanping Outer Dynasty. After passing Xingle City, he can directly enter the boundary of Pingyuan Outer Dynasty.

Although the Pingyuan Outer Dynasty also has a border city, Xinliao City, but after all, it is already the boundary of the Pingyuan Outer Dynasty.

They have no reason not to start wars in Nanping and foreign dynasties, but to keep the war within their own boundaries, which is not a good thing.

"We have already inquired with many people in the city. The army of the Danqing Alliance returned a few months ago, and has left Xingle City and headed west!

Moreover, we searched around the city and found no ambush in the city.

So I think this Xingle City should be safe! "The lead scout explained again.

"It's a little surprising, do these guys really want to start a war on their own territory?" Nanping Waiwang said.

"Didn't you say that the great formation in Xingle City has been broken by them? Since there is no great formation in Xingle City, this city is of no use to them, even if they want to ambush us here, They won't last long either.

Since they can't keep it, they must have to take another step back.

Although in this case, the battlefield has moved to their own territory, but at least there is a large defense formation there, relatively speaking, it is still safer. " said the third elder Meng Taining.

"There is also a possibility. Now that Xingle City has no great defense formation, it is indeed no longer a good place to be stationed. It's a pity." Nanping Wai Wang nodded, this is a fact.

Looking at the huge Xingle City in the distance, I felt a little sad in my heart.

I thought how strong Xingle City's defense formation was at the beginning, but in the end it was smashed by the palm of the Holy Dynasty expert.

If the Xingle City Great Array is still there, this Xingle City is still an incomparably strong border city.

Even if the Danqing Alliance is destroyed in the future, it is impossible for this Xingle City to serve as a border city to protect the Nanping Dynasty.

"What a pity, if the grand formation of Xingle City is as strong as you said, and if it is still there, wouldn't it be difficult for us to break the city now?" said the second elder.

"That's true. Sure enough, everything has advantages and disadvantages." Nanping Wai Wang nodded, not only laughed dumbly.

If this Xingle City is in their hands, then it is naturally better to have a large defense formation.

But now that Xinglecheng is in the hands of the Danqing Alliance, if this great formation is still there, then they should have a headache.

If it wasn't for the Lord to personally take action, I'm afraid no one would be able to break through that great defense formation.

"Since Xingle City is safe now, let's go directly to the city!" said the second elder.

"Enter the city!" The Great Elder agreed.

Since there is no danger, they naturally have no need to stay here to waste time.

The mighty army set off again, heading towards Xingle City.

"Stop!" But when the army was still several hundred meters away from the east gate of Xingle City, a deep voice came from the rear of the team and entered the ears of everyone in the team.

"Everyone stop!" Hearing this voice, the elder immediately shouted loudly.

Since the inner court came out, the Lord has never made a sound on his own initiative, and now he suddenly made a sound, there must be a reason for this.

But in fact, everyone in the voice of the Lord could hear clearly, and even if the elder did not speak, no one dared to take a step forward.

"What's going on? Why did the Lord stop us at this time?" The elders and the outer kings were also very puzzled.

"Maybe the Lord found something, I'll ask!" The elder hurried towards the Lord's Luan Jia.

Soon, the Great Elder came back with a heavy expression on his face.

"Elder, what did the lord say? Why did you stop?" Everyone asked impatiently.

"The Lord said that there is a formation outside Xingle City," said the first elder.

"Didn't the outer king of Nanping say that the great defense formation of Xingle City has been broken by the masters of the Holy Dynasty? Why is there still a formation?"

"I'm also very surprised, but since the Lord himself said so, it means that there must be a formation here." The elder said.

"Did the Lord say what kind of formation it is? How powerful is it?" Everyone asked curiously.

"The formation is within ten feet in front of us. As for the power of this formation, the Lord did not explicitly say, but he said that this formation is not simple." The elder explained.

"Even the lord thinks that this formation is not simple, so it seems that this formation is not a common danger!" The expressions of these elders and outer kings changed greatly.

With the strength of the Lord, I can't know the situation of this formation, can this formation be simple?

"Then what should I do? Is there any other way to go?" asked the third elder.

"This Xingle City is the only passage leading to the Pingyuan Outer Dynasty. If you can't pass from here, it will be a waste of several months!" Nanping Outer King said.

"It's absolutely impossible to go in other directions, and the Lord is not willing to waste so much time. And the Lord is here, but we have to avoid it, not only us, if this is to let the people of the Danqing Alliance If it spreads out, where will the Lord's face go?

The Lord's intention is to let us solve this formation on our own! " said the elder.

"Let's figure it out on our own, is this dangerous?"

"Since the Lord has stopped us, it means that there must be danger. But with our strength, it should be solvable.

After all, they are not immortals, how can we not break the formation they arranged?

What's more, in terms of time, they occupied Xingle City for less than two years.

Even if they started the formation from the day they occupied Xingle City, they probably wouldn't be able to arrange any terrifying formations. " said the elder.

"Before our spies went in and out all right, and just now we haven't seen this formation open. Is there really a formation here?" Some people still doubted this.

"If there is any formation, let's go up and try it before we know!" After the fifth elder said, he directly stepped forward at a distance of ten feet, and then slapped the front with his palm.


I saw a flash of golden light, and a golden hemispherical barrier formation appeared above Xingle City, with golden streamers constantly flashing on it.

"I don't need to say it!" said the fifth elder.

"Nanping Waiwang, are you sure that the great defense formation of Xingle City has really been broken open?"

"Of course, at the time I saw the big formation being broken open by that person with my own eyes, so it can be fake. Moreover, the streamer on the former defense formation was blue, but now it is golden, which is obvious It was rearranged by someone!" When King Nanping saw the golden formation, his heart was full of shock.

"I thought that in such a short time, they shouldn't be able to arrange any decent formation. But now, it seems that this formation is not bad, but I don't know how powerful it is!" The elder was also very shocked.

"Since they have set up a formation here, it means that there are Danqing Alliance troops stationed in this city. If the Lord reminds us, we are afraid that we will be fooled!" said the Aurora Outer King.

Obviously this is dissatisfaction with those spies.

They also swore that the city was safe and that there were no defenders.

As a result, such a large formation appeared in front of them. If the Lord did not accompany him this time, he might have been fooled.

"I've said it a long time ago, those people in the Holy Dynasty are very strong. If they deliberately hide it, these spies will not be able to find out no matter how much they investigate!" The King of Nanping Wai didn't mean to blame those spies.

Because he has long experienced the horror of the Holy Dynasty masters, what he sees now is taken for granted.

"How about we try this formation together?" The fifth elder was very much looking forward to it.

"It won't work if you don't try it. This formation is in front of us. If we don't break it, we won't be able to get past it." The second elder said helplessly.

"Aren't we making too much fuss, we haven't officially faced those enemies yet, just a formation frightened us!" said the fourth elder.

"If the fourth elder tries to break through this great formation alone, can't we all follow along?" The third elder said with a smile.

"We have so many troops, why should we rush to take action on our own? If we have to do everything, what's the point of us bringing so many troops?" The fourth elder was serious. said.

"It makes sense, then let them break the formation!" As soon as these words came out, they were unanimously approved by these elders, and the outer kings on the side were also stunned.

They can see that these elders speak very openly, but when they really want to take risks, they are faster than anyone else.

Fortunately, the Lord also came together this time, otherwise, if it really depends on these elders, I am afraid it is not very reliable.

But it doesn't matter to them, as long as they don't let them go.

"Go up and try this formation!" I saw the Fourth Elder swipe with his right hand, and a thousand people were dispatched from the army.

"This..." Those people also stared at them with big eyes and small eyes. This formation is not easy at first glance, why let them go?

"What are you stunned for! Hurry up and break the formation!" The fourth elder would not be accustomed to them, and immediately shouted.

"Yes!" These people had no choice but to bite the bullet and rush up!

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