Godly Student

Chapter 5086: The most terrifying of the dynasty!

Remember [] for a second,!

Cheng Yu didn't hesitate, and suddenly disappeared in front of the Lord.

The Lord was on guard, the next moment, when Cheng Yu appeared again, it was already in front of him.

When I saw Cheng Yu stabbed with a sword, the Lord's first reaction was to block with the long sword across his chest.


But what he didn't expect was that the power of Cheng Yu's sword was much stronger than any moment when the two of them fought before. He couldn't catch the sword at all, and he flew out in an instant, blood spraying came out.

"I told you a long time ago that you are dead today!" Cheng Yu sneered, and was about to rush over to kill him with a sword.


But at this moment, there was a roar in the dark night sky, and a white seam appeared.

Then the gap opened, and white light shone on the Lord's body.

"Want to save people?" Seeing this situation, Cheng Yu rushed up immediately, wanting to cut off the white light.

Although this Lord is a fake, it is better to kill him than to let him escape.

"Presumptuous!" However, a hand stretched out from the gap and hit Cheng Yu with a slap.

"Broken!" Cheng Yu didn't plan to dodge the palm at all, so he rushed up and broke the hand with a sword.

But when Cheng Yu passed through the palm, the white light had entered the gap, and then the gap narrowed and disappeared.

"Clone!" Cheng Yu stopped when he knew that he could no longer pursue.

You don't need to guess who this palm belonged to just now, this is the real master.

But this is just a clone.

"I didn't expect that old guy to have this skill. It's interesting to use space shuttle to save people!" Cheng Yu smiled lightly.

Although the fake master was rescued by him, Cheng Yu was not angry, and there was nothing to be disappointed about.

In his eyes, this false lord is nothing more than a puppet of God.

Although it is best to kill, it doesn't matter if you can't kill it, after all, this God is his biggest threat.

Judging from the hand just now, the strength of this old guy has improved again.

But what is even more interesting is that when he escaped from the Inner Dynasty, he also used the space shuttle to escape.

And now, he also used this hand to save people.

"If I wasn't worried about the involvement of the immortal world and the demon world, I would really like to go to the inner court and fight him again!" Cheng Yu's heart was obviously ignited by the palm of the real master just now.

Nowadays, it is too difficult to find a real opponent in this world.

Although the strength of this fake master is good, it is still far worse than him.

If you really want to kill people, it's just a matter of one or two tricks. After fighting him so far, it's just too boring, and have some fun for yourself.

Therefore, the person who can really become his opponent now is probably the only one who is the real master.

"Young master, it's such a pity just now, I was almost able to kill the king of the dynasty!" Several followers rushed over immediately and said with great regret.

"There's nothing to regret, the damned person can't escape after all, and it doesn't matter if the damned person lets him live for a few more days!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

Although he didn't kill the fake master, Cheng Yu was actually quite happy.


If nothing else, at least now this army of five million has become a leaderless person again. Isn't it clear that it will be swallowed up by them?

So even if today's task is not very successful, the God who is in the inner court must be very angry at this time.

"Inform Danqing Wai Wang and the others, before all the troops in Xingle City escape, now is the best time!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"No need, young master, our army has already left the city!" At this moment, another group of people rushed over, it was Wang Danqing and the other Wang Wang.

In fact, the fight between the young master and the others has already attracted them, but they have been hiding in the dark to watch this battle.

To be honest, this battle really opened their eyes, and it really let them see how powerful Cheng Yu is.

When they first saw the young master trapped in the Nine Palaces Formation, they thought it was over.

But I didn't expect the reversal to come so quickly, the young master made it clear that he was hiding his strength and was playing with them!

Especially when they saw that the young master killed the two chief elders in an instant, they were even more shocked.

Their strength is not as good as these chief elders, but they did not expect that these chief elders are like children in front of the young master, and they are not at the same level.

So they thought about themselves again, and they couldn't help feeling a little cold on their necks.

If the young master pinches this, it will be gone.

The next battle between the young master and the master was not long, but it was completely different from the previous battle between the two.

At first they thought that the strength of the two was between equals. But this time, it can be seen that even the master's strength is not the same level in front of the young master.

They thought that the young master could kill the Lord just like that, so that they would no longer have to be so afraid of the inner court in the future.

But it's a pity. In the end, someone rescued the Lord. I don't know who this person is, which made everyone even more worried.

After all, the Lord is not dead, and there are even more powerful experts behind him, which is not a good thing.

However, seeing that the elder in charge was killed and the master was rescued, they naturally understood that this was an excellent opportunity, and if they wanted to miss it, they immediately ordered the army in the city to leave the city.

At this time, they looked at Cheng Yu and were really excited.

The young master's strength is indeed much stronger than they imagined. It seems that following the Holy Dynasty is not a bad thing.

It's just that not all of these foreign kings joined the Holy Dynasty. Seeing the name of the Danqing Waiwang and the others, they couldn't help but be very puzzled, but they didn't dare to say anything at this time, they could only stand by and listen. , ask later if you have any doubts.

"Master, who was that person in the void just now?" King Pingyuan couldn't help but asked curiously.

The strength of that person does not seem weak, I am afraid that compared with the young master, it will not be worse.

"If I'm right, that's the real lord of the dynasty!" Cheng Yu didn't hide what they meant. After all, everyone had already appeared, and even if he didn't say it, everyone knew that the lord was still there. There is a strong one.

"The real lord? That person who was hurt by the young master before..." Everyone was immediately puzzled.

How come there are still two masters in the dynasty?

"Yes, that's just a puppet, not the lord of the dynasty! But now it seems that this puppet itself was arranged by the real lord, or else he wouldn't come to save people." Cheng Yu explained.

"It turned out to be like this?" Everyone suddenly realized that they had never thought that even the Lord had fake goods!

"But young master, how do you know that he is not the Lord?" Jiangchuan Wai Wang asked in confusion.

"How could this kind of thing be hidden from the eyes of the Holy Dynasty? Don't you see it now? If the one who was injured by me was the Lord of the Dynasty, who is the person behind the Lord?

Even if he is really the lord of the dynasty, but someone can surpass the lord, doesn't this also mean that the lord is a puppet? "Cheng Yu naturally wouldn't tell them that he had been to the Inner Dynasty and had a fight with this old guy.

After all, it's better not to expose some things easily. Who knew there would be no moles here?

"That's right, when we went to the Inner Dynasty to visit the Lord, we felt strange why the Lord always wore a mask, it turned out to be just a puppet!" Now everyone finally understood the doubts in their hearts.

If it weren't for the battle between the young master and this fake master today, they would not know how long they would be kept secret, or they would never know the secret.

But this also made them more curious about the ability of the Holy Dynasty.

This pilgrimage seems to have been hidden all the time, making everyone think they always like to hide all the time. But who knows, although they have been hiding in the dark, they probably know more than any of them.

Thinking of this, they are even more afraid, and they are afraid that they can only be loyal to the Holy Dynasty in the future.

If there is really any bad idea, it may be grasped by the Holy Dynasty at any time, then it is really a dead end.

"Master, if the one who came this time is the real Lord, do you have the confidence to defeat him?" Jiangchuan Waiwang asked again.

"If you can find him, I can promise to kill him!" Cheng Yu said without humility.

"This... I'm afraid I can't do anything, but since the young master has the confidence to kill the Lord, why don't we go straight to Huanglong and kill the inner court?

Anyway, two of the chief elders have died now. Even if they see the young master again, they will be too scared to show up.

Moreover, the false master was injured by the young master, and there must be no way to recover in the short term.

If we wipe out their army of five million tonight, I am afraid that there will not be many troops left in the entire inner court.

And now the entire Inner Dynasty is afraid that only the real master can fight against the young master. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Jiang Chuan Wai Wang said cautiously.

In his opinion, the young master has this strength, and entering the Inner Dynasty is naturally not as scary as he thought before.

Especially now that the inner court is afraid that it will be a mess. This is a great opportunity.

As soon as Jiangchuan Waiwang said this, everyone else looked at the young master with great anticipation. This is indeed a good idea, but I wonder if the young master will agree?

"What you think is too simple, if it's really that easy, do I still need you to annex the territory of the Inner Dynasty?

What do you think is the most terrifying thing in the entire dynasty? "Cheng Yu asked.

"Naturally it's the Lord!" said Pingyuan Wai Wang.

"Wrong, I have said it just now, if the Lord is standing in front of me now, and I am fully capable of killing him, how could he be scary?" Cheng Yu said.

"Then what does the young master think is the most terrifying?" Everyone wondered.

"Inner Dynasty!" Cheng Yu spat out two words.

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