Godly Student

Chapter 5088: This person is that person!

Remember [] for a second,!

Although the elite strength of the Inner Dynasty is good, in the absence of a leader, a protracted war is not very beneficial to them.

Especially after He Lao and the others shot, it played a very important role.

Originally, based on their level, in the face of this level of war, their masters also have the pride of masters, how could they join in at will?

But it's different now, they're not just Cheng Yu's entourage. More importantly, the Wang Pinxiu Shendan given by Cheng Yu was used as a bait.

With such bait, where did they manage so much?

Anyway, the Inner Dynasty is now their enemy, no matter how strong or weak these enemies are, as long as they kill the enemy and reduce the losses of the Danqing coalition, this is a contribution.

Since it was a contribution, it was a bargaining chip they used in exchange for Wang Pinxiu Shendan.

What's more, in addition to He Lao and the others, Dan Qing and Wang Wang also participated in the battle together.

So this night, the Inner Dynasty army really suffered heavy losses.

"Don't kill! We surrender! We surrender!" After all, some people couldn't hold it any longer. Watching one after another of their companions fall like this, this sense of fear completely broke them down.

Of the five million Inner Dynasty army, some of them escaped successfully, especially the group of people who first started to escape from Xingle City.

But most of them were held back by the Danqing Allied Forces, and they didn't have time to escape.

This part of the people was killed, wounded and wounded. There were fewer and fewer comrades in arms, and the enemy army was getting stronger and stronger. They didn't feel that there was still a way to survive if they persisted.

Even the lord, the chief elders, and the foreign kings have fled, so why bother to persevere with their own lives?

If you surrender, you surrender, or at least save your own life.

But Danqing Wai Wang and the others saw that these people finally understood the reality, and they were unwilling to kill them any more.

One is to reduce the casualties of your own army.

The second is that these people are all elites cultivated by the Inner Dynasty. Most of the truly loyal people have died in the war, and the remaining people are even loyal to the Inner Dynasty.

But the Lord and the presiding elders abandoned them and fled, how much of their loyalty is left?

What's more, if such elites can be used for their own use, they will not only be able to lose what was lost in this battle, but also gain some better warriors.

Why not do it!

"Don't kill those who come down!" Wang Danqing shouted loudly.

In fact, this is not the first time she has said this. From the moment she started rushing into Xingle City, this sentence almost ran through the entire battle.

It's just that at that time, some of them were die-hard loyalists of the Inner Dynasty. In addition, the situation was chaotic, and many of those who had surrendered were even killed by mistake.

So there has never been a large-scale drop of troops.

But at this point in the war, the loyalists were almost dead and wounded, and there were not many people who could persevere.

So as soon as Danqing Waiwang said these words, a large number of soldiers from the Inner Dynasty dropped their weapons and knelt down and surrendered.

Seeing that these people finally recognized the reality, the Danqing Allied Army was also relieved.

No one is really not afraid of death. Sometimes there is just no way. Since the enemy has surrendered, they naturally don't have to fight anymore.

He Lao and the others stopped interfering in cleaning the battlefield. At this time, they were already excited to find Cheng Yu.

"Master, the army of the Inner Dynasty has basically been settled, this cultivation pill...hehe!" Hua Lao came to Cheng Yu excitedly.

Although he was a little old, he was excited like a child in front of Cheng Yu.

No way, who let good things in Cheng Yu's hands!

"Now I can't take it out!" But Cheng Yu spread his hands and said.

"This... young master, don't you want to regret it again?" Hua Lao suddenly said excitedly.

"What does it mean to regret it again, when did I regret it with us!"

"Didn't you say before that you would give us the Divine Pill? In the end, you haven't given it to us all the time!"

"That's because your performance is average, but you want to take away nine king-grade cultivation pills, how is this possible." Cheng Yu said as a matter of course.

"What about this time? You promised it clearly last night."

"I didn't say I wouldn't give it to you, but I really don't have it now. You always have to give me time to refine it, right?"

"Then the young master means that you will give it to us after you have finished refining it?" Hua Lao asked again looking forward to it.

"That's natural!"

"Then how long will it take for the young master to refine this king-grade cultivation pill?" Hua Lao tried to ask.

"At least a month, as many as a few years!" Cheng Yu said.

"What? It's been so long, young master, why did this medicinal pill take so long?" Not only Hua Lao, but several others also suddenly widened their eyes.

This young master is not really planning to go back, right? It takes so long to make alchemy?

The last time they met, didn't Cheng Yu happen to be refining the Wang Pin medicine? At that time, it seemed that it only took about a day to refine it. This time it took so long. Isn't it obvious that you want to cheat?

"Do you think Wang Pin's medicinal herbs are so easy to refine? Or I'll give you the blood spirit ginseng, and you can refine it yourself?" Cheng Yu said indifferently.

"No, no, no! It's better for you to practice, young master. This thing is not something I can practice if I want!" Everyone immediately shook their heads.

If they could really refine this medicine pill, how could the previous blood spirit ginseng be returned, and they would have already refined it themselves.

"Master, can't you be a little faster?" Hua Lao asked cautiously and tentatively.

"Okay, you've been doing pretty well during this period of time, so I won't embarrass you anymore. In three days, I'll give you the pills after three days!" Cheng Yu stopped talking to them, truthfully. said.

Although it is true that the Wang Pin medicine pill is not easy to refine, it does not last that long, but it is just a joke with them.

"Let me just say, the young master must be playing tricks on us, why does it take so long to make alchemy!" Hearing the young master's words, everyone was overjoyed.

Three days is more normal, and there is no need to suffer so much.

Inner Dynasty!

In the thatched cottage in the back mountain of Tian Qiong Peak!

"Thank you Lord for saving your life! But the subordinates are incompetent, unable to complete the task assigned by the Lord, and the five million army may have already..." The fake Lord wearing a mask knelt in front of the old man, said very weakly.

He really didn't expect that guy to have such a strong strength.

In a real fight, he couldn't even pick up the opponent's sword. This holy dynasty is really not easy.

If it wasn't for the Lord Broken Void to save him, he would surely die.

It's just that the task that the Lord handed over to him is also a complete failure, especially with the five million army, it is estimated that no one will be able to come back alive.

"Get up, it's not your fault, it's me who underestimated that guy!" The old man stood by the window and said with his hands behind his back.

"Master knows that person?" The fake master was stunned for a moment.

From the Lord's words, it is obvious that he knew that person.

"Remember the man who broke into the back mountain back then?" the old man said lightly.

"The Lord means that this person is the one who broke into the back mountain back then? He turned out to be a member of the Holy Dynasty!" The false Lord suddenly exclaimed in shock.

At the beginning, the man broke into the back mountain to fight with the Lord. Later, when he escaped down the mountain, he met once.

But the guy escaped very fast, and his men couldn't stop him, so he escaped all the way down the mountain.

"This is not surprising, the purpose of the Holy Dynasty is our dynasty, not to mention that the identity of that person is extraordinary!" said the old man.

"Isn't he a master of the Holy Dynasty?" The false master asked puzzled.

"A master of the Holy Dynasty? Could it be that you really think there are other masters in this Holy Dynasty?" The old man laughed.

"The Lord means that he is the only master of the Holy Dynasty? Isn't he the Lord of the Holy Dynasty?" The false Lord was shocked again.

"If he is not the Lord of the Holy Dynasty, who else can stand on his head in this Holy Dynasty?" The old man shook his head and said.

Cheng Yu's nine primordial spirits couldn't have been clearer.

How many people in this world can have nine primordial spirits?

Even the Lord of the Holy City only possesses six primordial spirits.

If none of the nine primordial spirits can become the lord of the pilgrimage, then it is truly abnormal.

So if this person is not the lord of the pilgrimage, who can?

And in this world, except for that person, he couldn't find another person who could fight him.

Therefore, even if he is not completely sure that this person is after the holy city that broke into the back mountain, he does not think that there are many descendants in the holy city now.

It's just that with the palm of his hand, he found that Cheng Yu's strength seemed to be more than a star and a half stronger than that of the year.

But when you think about it, he already has nine primordial spirits. It seems normal for him to have such a breakthrough after so many years.

Therefore, after thinking about it, he did not think that the Holy Dynasty had a stronger master besides this person.

Especially after standing at their level, UU reading www.uukanshu.com understands how difficult it is to improve their strength, and it is not simply that they have a lot of resources at hand to improve.

At this time, resources have no effect anymore, at least the resources of this world really don't have much use for them, and at most it means that their strength will not be regressed.

Therefore, if the Holy Dynasty said that there are many or several such people, he would not believe it.

Not to mention anything else, it is said that the master agent in front of him does not know how much resources he has expended to have the current strength, but he has stopped there, and wants to improve more strength, It is no longer possible.

But even so, in front of Cheng Yu, he was still vulnerable. It can be seen that such a character is not something you can have.

After such an analysis, who would this person be if it wasn't the person who broke into the back mountain at the beginning, and who else could this person be if he wasn't the master of the Holy Dynasty?

"Holy Master, this person's strength is shocking to the world. If we don't get rid of it, my dynasty will be destroyed!" The false master said to the old man.

What he said was undoubtedly that he wanted the Lord to personally go out and kill this person, and now there is only the Lord alone.

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