Godly Student

Chapter 5091: Of course not!

"Lord, but we really have no way to change, and we can't restore the current situation!

What's more, the masters of this holy dynasty are so powerful that even you have seen it with your own eyes. Even if we do find their pilgrimage's lair, we'll have no choice but to die. "The third elder said with a bitter face.

They managed to escape from Cheng Yu's tiger's mouth, but they didn't expect him to leave again to find that terrifying person. Isn't this self-defeating?

Of course, it's okay to die, and most importantly, it doesn't seem to make any sense to do so.

"This dynasty was left to you to take care of, and it turned out to be like this. You have no other ability, but your ability to fear death has been cultivated to a great extent."

Although the three of them felt that their faces were hot and ashamed, they didn't dare to raise their heads at all, they just hated that they couldn't find a hole to burrow into.

They had never seen such a terrifying person before, and they didn't think death was so terrifying. Because they feel that their strength is so strong, there are not many people in this world who can kill them.

And it is definitely a very difficult thing to really kill them.

But they really looked down on others too much, especially when they saw with their own eyes that the second and fourth elders died so simply, they were really scared.

At this moment, they also realized that they were not as powerful as they thought.

In front of Cheng Yu and the masters of this level, they are nothing at all.

People really don't have too much fear of death until they meet someone or something that they absolutely fear.

After all, it's not that they haven't seen life and death. The reason why they can have today's strength is that they have experienced countless lives and deaths when they were young.

Perhaps it was because he had been in the position for too long, and he had not lingered on the brink of death for too long.

Or maybe they felt that they were too insignificant in front of Cheng Yu, or it was possible that the second and fourth elders died too abruptly, and before they could understand what was going on, people died so miserably.

So the fear of death was awakened in their hearts again.

And at this time, their fear of death has expanded countless times even more than when they were young.

After all, they were still young at that time, and their hearts were full of passion and desire for strength. Coupled with the fact that they often lingered in death, the fear of death did not seem to be so strong.

Therefore, the days they have enjoyed for so many years now make them not dare to approach death easily.

They are really scared!

"You can send someone to continue the investigation of the old nest of the Holy Dynasty, but there is one more thing you need to do..." The old man said lightly.


Yungui is a small town of cultivation.

Cheng Yu and the others all changed their faces.

After all, if they were dressed like that again, they would have been guarded by the entire Cheng family.

In today's world, everyone knows the existence of the Holy Dynasty, and the dress of the Holy Dynasty is also unique: a black robe and a mask, no one knows what kind of face the person under the black robe looks like.

And if Cheng Yu did this, he would undoubtedly be making trouble for the Cheng family.

When the Inner Dynasty knows that the people of the Holy Dynasty are coming to Cheng's house, and if they don't leave, it is very likely that the Cheng family will be regarded as the old nest of the Holy Dynasty. Isn't this revealing?

So everyone has changed their faces, and even in the entire Yungui City, no one can recognize him.

"I have long heard that the Cheng family is the largest cultivation force in the eastern part of the cultivation world, and the small cultivation towns under the Cheng family are extremely prosperous. I thought it was just a publicity stunt by the Cheng family to attract more cultivators.

Now it looks like it's all true! "Sitting in the largest restaurant in Yungui City, on the second floor of Fuyuan Building, on the side, you can see the bustling and prosperous scene of the whole street," Hai Lao said with emotion.

In today's world, as the news of the defeat of the lord of the dynasty continues to spread, the foreign dynasties in the world are even more chaotic. Each foreign dynasties want to take this opportunity to expand their own territory, so they are fighting everywhere.

Although the purpose of the war is not to kill the people, the war between the cities always involves some people.

Compared with the chaos of the outside world, this small town of Yungui has obviously not been involved in any way.

Outside the small town of Yungui is the Baiyang Outer Dynasty. Even in the border areas of the Baiyang Outer Dynasty, there are many places where the shadow of war has appeared.

It's just that after they entered Baiyang Waichao, as they continued to deepen, they only felt more and more secure.

The people here are obviously not affected by the war at all, as if this is another world.

"Compared to the people outside, the people here are really happy, but I don't know how long they can live in such a peaceful life?

Now that the war outside has spread to the edge of Baiyang Outer Chaos, I am afraid that it will not be long before Baiyang Outer Chaos will not be spared! "Di Lao said helplessly.

"Actually, what I'm even more curious about is that there is such a powerful force within the Baiyang Outer Dynasty. Why is this Baiyang Outer King not afraid at all?" Old He doesn't care whether there is a war here, but is concerned about such a The environmental situation is puzzled.

Although the small town of Yungui is very prosperous, it is more like a transitional battle, because the other side of the small town of Yungui is secular.

Although the world of self-cultivation generally does not go to the world to make trouble, most of the small town in Yungui is still in the world of self-cultivation.

On the side of the Cultivation Realm, logically speaking, this is the territory of the Baiyang Waichao.

In this way, it is equivalent to the small town of Yunnan and Guizhou being surrounded by Baiyang's outer court.

The Baiyang Outer Dynasty is the territory of the dynasty, and the Cheng family obviously does not belong to the dynasty. The strange thing is that the Baiyang Outer Dynasty actually allows them to continue to grow and develop like this. Isn't this raising tigers?

"Perhaps the Baiyang Waichao and the Cheng family have reached some kind of agreement? Moreover, the Cheng family's residence is secular. Strictly speaking, the Cheng family cannot even be regarded as a force in the cultivation world.

In addition, this Yungui City occupies the passage between the cultivation world and the secular world. Even if the Baiyang Outer Dynasty wants to deal with the Cheng family, Yungui City can retreat to the secular side at any time, so the Baiyang Outer Dynasty may not spend that much money. The effort to fight against the Cheng family. " said Hua Lao.

"There is such a possibility, and everyone said that the strength of the Cheng family's patriarch is very strong, especially since the major sects in the cultivation world are now in the Cheng family, even if the Baiyang Waichao really wants to squeeze or swallow it. The Cheng family's small towns of self-cultivation may not have this strength," Di Lao said.

"That's true, but this is not something we should consider. In today's troubled world, it is a rare good thing to have such a peaceful place.

Master, how long are you going to stay here? " Hua Lao asked.

After defeating the army of the Inner Dynasty last time, Cheng Yu spent three days refining the Wang Pin Xiu Shendan, fulfilling his promise to give them every Wang Pin Xiu Shendan.

Although it was just a king-grade cultivation pill, it took him a month to absorb all the medicinal power of the entire pill.

It takes so long for a cultivator in the robbery period to absorb a pill, which is enough to see that this king-level cultivation pill is really extraordinary.

Of course, what really made Hua Lao feel that this medicine pill was incredible was that it really helped him a lot.

He clearly felt that his Primordial Spirit Power had been greatly improved, especially after the entire Wang-Rank Xiu Shendan was completely absorbed, he felt that his Primordial Spiritual Strength had increased by at least 10% compared to before.

Don't underestimate only 10%, you must know that it took him thousands of years to have the power of Yuanshen today. Especially after reaching this level, although the power of the primordial spirit will improve every year.

But he can obviously feel that his improvement is better than nothing.

But after taking Wang Pin Xiu Shen Pill for only one month, the power of the primordial spirit has increased by 10%, which was completely unimaginable before.

Although he knew that as more and more medicinal pills were taken, the effect would become worse and worse, but nine pills were not too many.

If he can completely absorb the nine king-grade repairing pills, the improvement of his primordial spirit power is absolutely huge, and he can fully meet the requirements of him wanting to perform advanced spells without forming a seal.

Therefore, he is particularly looking forward to it now, and is also very anxious. He only hopes that there will be more tasks for him, so that he can get the remaining eight king-grade cultivation pills as soon as possible.

"I'm afraid I won't be leaving again for a while!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

Although Yunguicheng was still some distance away from Cheng's house, every time he returned to these small cultivation towns, he felt as if he had returned home.

After all, these small towns of self-cultivation were built by himself. Speaking of which, these small towns are indeed his home, but he is not showing his face now.

Otherwise, he would walk on this street, not knowing how many people would greet him.

Even if he went to these restaurants for snacks, no one would take his money at all. Although he still gave the money every time, he had to say that he was definitely the king of popularity in these small towns of self-cultivation.

As for the outside world, this time the Inner Dynasty was defeated, and even the Lord was defeated. Even if the Lord was a fake, I believe that the Inner Dynasty would not dare to send troops for the time being.

Because the real lord already knows that there are masters like him protecting these foreigners.

If they continue to send troops, no matter how many more troops they are, they will only add food to them. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

So of course he didn't need to stay any longer, and the rest was left to the foreign court to deal with.

What's more, there are so many foreign dynasties outside that belong to his holy dynasties, and he also notified all these foreign kings to let them unite themselves, so they don't have to worry about being alone and helpless.

I believe that it will not be long before the whole world is basically under his control.

And he only needs to wait for the arrival of all this at Cheng's house, so he does not plan to leave Cheng's house for the time being.

"Master, you don't plan to live here for a long time, do you?" When everyone heard this, they were a little anxious.

"Can't you?"

"Of course not!" Everyone immediately retorted.

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